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Everything posted by FailedScience

  1. I mean logically speaking there are better ways to go about this change. I mean yes to resident auctions (should have been done ages ago), boo to prepay unless they plan on doing full refunds for cash that is not needed.
  2. Yep, highway robbery and they don't care. Thus the tagging of lindens read at the top of the post. In reality its a terrible business model because less will be likely to play auctions. This will do the reverse of what they wanted.
  3. Actually I don't flip, I have holdings for my groups and various stores. Im a land purchaser and I do quite alot of purchasing. New residents are effected because now these numbers can get even more out of control. Also Im not buying a thousand dollars in L$ to get stuck with it, if they are willing to refund me if I loose sure this is acceptable. Otherwise its unreasonable. Tier charges are absolutely minimal compared to being trapped with 1,000US in L$ for no reason now that you've lost the auction.
  4. OK, SO a 512SQM plot will sell for anywhere between 55,000 and 255,000L$ in a city sim, I would like you to go to the sell page and see how much that is in L$ oh I lied its more 300 - 1000 range my bad. Purchasing L$ 255,000 Estimated Cost US$ 1,015.94 Transaction Fee US$ 1.49 Estimated Total US$ 1,017.43 Purchasing L$ 55,000 Estimated Cost US$ 219.13 Transaction Fee US$ 1.49 Estimated Total US$ 220.62 Your right my numbers were off its 220$ - 1020$ for a city plot. Sorry I dont buy 255,000L$ every day didn't realize it was over a thousand dollars worth. Maybe you can recalculate your argument so you dont look like a complete idiot next time. (OR PLAY AUCTIONS AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS)
  5. It does, doesn't it. Rather then forcing people to buy raised price L$ for no reason. Give them a 2hr grace period to get the money or something then go to the next bidder or relist, and that could even be chosen by the lister if wanted. It would be far more reasonable.
  6. Thats why you give to the second highest bidder. Rather then land barons being the only bidders... thats whats going to happen.... 100%
  7. its not entitlement I just think of the greater majority of secondlife and understand the economics behind land selling and buying. I'm also not a fool. Tell me how this new arrangment isn't lopsided please... Tell me how me buying 500US in L$ and getting stuck with it is right. Tell me how that is an acceptable change, not everyone has 500US to toss around constantly and only purchase L$ when they are able to buy a certain plot, or have been waiting for that certain plot to go on sale for a while. Its rediculous to not think that this new arrangment is lopsided. Your clearly not thinking the whole thing through.
  8. How do you guys fail to see this argument, there also needs to be a price limit on land sales if they are going to do this. They are skipping all sorts of steps and letting the land lead to those who already dominate the market not allowing for new users, or sellers to purchase, retail or be rid of land.
  9. LAND BARONS WITH DISPOSABLE INCOME WILL NOW BE THE ONLYONES CAPABLE OF WINNING IN AUCTIONS. IS THE POINT OF THE ARGUMENT YOU PUTZES. Like seriously how do you not understand what the argument is here. Its going to be biased and lopsided towards dominators of the market, literally making them the only ones able to control the market raising prices for everyone, and making land unaffordable for new users.
  10. So make a relisting system, or make it go to the second highest bidder, not forcing people to buy L$ for no reason if they loose. I personally shop for land only on the Sharp continent and bid often. I don't need thousands of lindens sitting around being unused for no reason for years.
  11. A city plot a (512sqm) Baycity, Horizon, any of those places go for upwards of 100kL$ if a new player was really into this game and wanted to get one they would be dettered.
  12. This leads to a one sided buying market that consists of people who are already dominating the market and leaves no room for new people to get into the market, leaves no room for people starting to win a simple small plot. Too much risk, not enough reward. Unless they are going to refund the money if I loose. Thats the only way that would make sense with this new system.
  13. If im not winning the auction on a plot of land why do I need 98,000L$ to bid on it. Now im stuck with 98k and out the plot i was waiting for for a year. I hope they plan to refund that money in full if Im being forced to buy it for no reason.
  14. Someone clearly doesn't play auctions some plots go for that much. In order to get in the ring just to even try and get it you have to purchase a wasteful amount of money.... Clearly your missing the argument entirely.
  15. and a refund in full with processing fees included since they also decided to jack that up at the same time they decided to force u to buy L$ prior to entering the auction... just because funds arent in my wallet in SL doesnt mean they arent in my wallet in RL.
  16. You should be able to play and not buy 500US of money to play more then one auction i think your missing the point. If i buy 500US in L$ and get stuck with it im going to expect a refund because I no longer need that money for the sought after plot of land.
  17. A new player will be deterred from buying any land now, if they have to fight people with endless amounts of L$ at their disposal for a 512sqm. Its an absurd way to go about this change. I thought the point was to attract more people not create more deterrents.
  18. Of course. of course. You could always do that, I always bought what I needed afterwards, that way you can bid on more then one plot without having your money tied up for no reason.
  19. list agent_keys; list agent_names; list groups; integer x; scan(){ agent_keys = []; agent_names = []; agent_keys = llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_PARCEL,[]); integer i = 0; integer s = llGetListLength(agent_keys); for(;i<s;++i){ agent_names += llKey2Name(llList2Key(agent_keys,i)); } if(agent_keys == []){ agent_names = ["No agent found."]; } } current_group(key id){ key aid = llList2Key(llGetAttachedList(id),0); key gk = llList2Key(llGetObjectDetails(aid,[OBJECT_GROUP]),0); llHTTPRequest("http://world.secondlife.com/group/" + (string)gk, [], ""); } default { state_entry(){ } http_response(key rid, integer status, list metadata, string body){ list args = llParseString2List(body, ["title"], []); string groupName = llList2String(llParseString2List(llList2String(args, 1), [">", "<", "/"], []), 0); groups += groupName; llSay(0,llList2String(agent_names,x)+"-"+groupName); } touch_start(integer ts){ scan(); integer s = llGetListLength(agent_keys); for(x=0;x<s;++x){ current_group(llList2Key(agent_keys,x)); llSleep(.1); } } } Heres a good bit of code I use for accomplishing this goal.
  20. Yea we shouldn't be forced to buy an absurd amount of money for absolutely no reason. Lindens are choosing sides its nonsense.
  21. A new player isnt going to pay 300US to just maybe get a parcel, and get stuck with a useless amount of money in hopes of getting a piece of land. The order of operations is all backwards and wrong. There should be a span, where it would either a.) go back into rotation, or b.) go to the second highest bidder.
  22. Side note: Im on the internet you can read and decypher what im typing can you not? SO Punctuation does not matter. /me breaks out my mini violin and begins playing "You're clearly an idiot" My case is clear. My case is valid. This change is unacceptable. This change is one sided biased lindens choosing existing land barons over new residents and those who casually play auctions. It's unfair, unjust, and forced. Absolutely pathetic business move.
  23. It actually isnt okay, it leads to auctions being one sided for land barons who already own most of the grid. Leaving us smaller ones to rot and die away. Its totally going to shift the market one sided. I cannot afford to spend 300USD for a plot that I may or may not win and then get stuck with the money because LL forces us to buy L$ before bidding on an auction. They should have rather set up a relisting system for people who cant pay within a set amount of time. Its absolutely ludicrous to expect people to pay 300USD just to get into an auction, and then if someone bids higher they expect us to buy more money to get stuck with. Its one sided biased nonsense and is absolutely absurd. The changes to the page are nice. The way auctions work now are not.
  24. SO lets start with the fact that you are now required to have money before placing an auction bid. For some of us who played the auctions daily we used the same money to pay for plots or would buy the money as needed. THIS IS NOW A FORCED BUY it is not an OK change by any means. It now limits me to bidding on one parcel a week. Rather then trying to win multiple parcels and buying funds as needed. This is going to be a detriment to the way the auctions worked and you will see a lot of people moving away from it. You raised the amount it costs to buy L$ so now not only are we forced to buy money we may not even use but we are also forced to pay more for it. Its a complete scam. A sham, and as a resident from 2005 I am absolutely sadend by the fact that the lindens dont seem to care and only want more money. Sadly. Most of us who played auctions didnt need 100k to bid on two plots all the time, I would use 50k and if I needed to buy more L$ at the end of auction if I won more then one plot. This is absolutely absurd and rude of them to do. #BOYCOTT THE AUCTIONS #AUCTIONSAREDEAD #WAYTOCHEAPYOURCUSTOMERS #UNHAPPYPAYINGCUSTOMER #WHY DO I PAY TO GET ROBBED
  25. are there any intentions on adding more avatar control to LSL, or new functions to LSL in general us scripters have been left behind compared to mesh.
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