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Everything posted by JoeKingleigh

  1. PersistentDigger wrote: (new grid, same theme) 1. across Abandons the arid wastes. (7) 1. down Under pressure? Go back! Mere trifles. (8) I don't think you quite get the essence of cryptic clues. The convention is that you have to use indicators like "Sounds like" if you are making a punnish misspelling. Then your clue for 1 across would be something like: "Abandons the arid wastes in my hearing". Joe /Don't give up the day job.
  2. DejaHo wrote: Isobel Nagy wrote: 1. down is Just Desserts. The first one is tricky! 1. down appears to be just as tricky for you as 'Just Desserts' wouldn't appear in its modern form in a respectable crossword - as a cruciverbalist is not prone to error in that way. It's 'just deserts'. .... and caps are not needed. I disagree. Joe /I always complete crosswords using upper case letters.
  3. irihapeti wrote: i then buy this other thing off them for L$. Which I didnt want If you don't want your L$ I will take them off your hands. Joe /Then I will waste them.
  4. Proto99 wrote: remember me how people are useless when you need help. If you asked for help in the right place you might not get a discussion that you are unable to appreciate. Joe /But if you don't, you do.
  5. Lexia Moonstone wrote: JoeKingleigh wrote: A well-known antipodean cross between a dinosaur and a chimpanzee has been quoted by the credulous Auman as suggesting that SL is a game because it has a goal. She/he/it/whatever then goes on to say that the goal is to coexist. Joe /has news for everybody. //You can't win. ///Because Joe doesn't coexist with anyone. Joe seems to coexist on this forum. Joe isn't even present in this forum. Joe /Difficult, eh?
  6. Theresa Tennyson wrote: JoeKingleigh wrote: A well-known antipodean cross between a dinosaur and a chimpanzee has been quoted by the credulous Auman as suggesting that SL is a game because it has a goal. She/he/it/whatever then goes on to say that the goal is to coexist. Joe /has news for everybody. //You can't win. ///Because Joe doesn't coexist with anyone. I thought Joe shared real psychic estate with plenty of others. Or are they all dead? Moribund Joe /See the crossword thread.
  7. Why do you want to do that to a scooter? Joe /Or is it a parka?
  8. A well-known antipodean cross between a dinosaur and a chimpanzee has been quoted by the credulous Auman as suggesting that SL is a game because it has a goal. She/he/it/whatever then goes on to say that the goal is to coexist. Joe /has news for everybody. //You can't win. ///Because Joe doesn't coexist with anyone.
  9. Working on the same bassackward principle, perhaps we should recommend to the OP that it would be much easier to unfriend her friend. Joe /There's plenty more fish in the sea. //Oh and I spoke to your friend ///and he's having a great time. /\/Well, his alt is anyway.
  10. Ah, it's good to see that forums other than GD are afflicted with threads that should be in Answers. Joe /And the same people are encouraging the practice //by answering them.
  11. CheriColette wrote: No wonder you stumped Deja.......to op put wrong number of letters! (moribund has 8) You have to think outside the box. Joe /Which is unusual for crosswords.
  12. Theresa Tennyson wrote: You'd remove, revise or replace a word for the same reason you'd remove, revise or replace anything else - because it's stopped doing its job. I wouldn't say, "That Joe is a gay fellow," to suggest that you were happy because "gay" no longer is effective doing that job as it's too associated with another meaning. And my complaint is that it was hijacked for completely political purposes, and while the hijacking was in process nobody protested that a good word doing a good job was being ruined, until it became ineffective - because they would have been unjustly accused of being homophobic.. Theresa Tennyson wrote:If you tell someone "DON'T USE THAT WORD BECAUSE IT OFFENDS ME" and their goal is to offend, you've guaranteed that word a long, offensive life. If you are stupid enough to be offended by a word, rather than the person using it, then you deserve to be offended by the smallest inconsequential thing - and you probably are. Joe /language is a living thing //so don't cut off the flowering parts ///remove the dead wood.
  13. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Thank you all for reminding me what I missed them most. There seems to be a word missing from that sentence for it to make any sense at all. Joe /or perhaps more.
  14. Isobel Nagy wrote: Moribund Correct! Joe /Was thinking of a word to describe the forums nowadays //and the reason for it.
  15. Theresa Tennyson wrote: But is that a reason to strip a useful word out of the German language? "**bleep**" was just a word for a colour (OK, smartypants, so black isn't really a colour) and that got stripped from polite usage, as the enforced bleep demonstrates nicely; the non-heterosexuals stole our lovely word "gay"; so what would be justifiable reasons to remove, revise or replace a word? Or is that just the way the cookie crumbles? Theresa Tennyson wrote: Wouldn't the Vietnamese have the same right to ask English to remove the word "Orange" due to its association with a dioxin-laden defoliant? It's not like we'd really miss it - it doesn't even rhyme with anything. Actually, around here it rhymes with revenge, inter alia. Joe /doesn't get het up about how words are used //just about the way they are misused ///and abused.
  16. You must have been accidentally given an SL V2 avatar. Joe /The problem is, LL is upgrading the technology //and seem to have completely misunderstood the concept of cloud computing.
  17. Ayva Meili wrote: is there some hidden trick that will help it look like you're not invisible underneath? Ah, you must have accidentally set the chastity belt enchantment mode. Joe /But watch out for the guys with magic wands.
  18. Everything about Second Life is a normal bug. Joe /Except the abnormal bugs.
  19. Kelley Foxclaw wrote: That's because the Linden techs are drinking beer and talking on their cell phones and not working. Be fair, it IS the weekend. Joe /Although I am sure a Linden moderator is at his/her desk //fuming silently at being given punishment duty ///and waiting to pounce on someone for saying "Yes!" in a mean fashion.
  20. LaskyaClaren wrote: This is sounding more sordid by the minute . . . Welcome back to General Discussions. Joe /We need more threads like this. //Bringing back old targets. ///Bringing back old savants. /\/Bringing back Drake's panties.
  21. Rod in bum? His state is not surprising. (7) Joe /Any ideas?
  22. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: It is disrespectful to not use proper communication skills if you have the ability and knowledge to use them. And if you don't have the ability and knowledge, don't post here, this is not a free adult literacy facility. Go away somewhere else and get your reading and writing age up to the adult level that LL demands in physical years. If you insist on persisting here, get the addon for your browser from After The Deadline, which offers spelling, grammar and style advice, and USE it in the editor before inflicting your ugly, clumsy, semi-comprehensible posts on us.
  23. I am considerably more astonished that so many people are astonished at what they find on the net than I am astonished at what I find on the net. Joe /But then, I find most people astonishing.
  24. Roche Runo wrote: Whydo people find it necessary to correct peoples spelling. Because you are insulting your readers. Joe /Persistently.
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