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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. “The airplane goes zooom..” Nice bib!
  2. The kind with the ring (or funnel) in your mouth instead of a ball is fun too!
  3. Was my thought exactly. 50’s TV moms wore pearls and gowns while cooking. Modern avatars wear lingerie (or less) and heels. On a separate note, I heard it’s always smart/safe for a guy to compliment a woman on her shoes. The other side of that is supposebly the first thing people notice is the shoes; not likely if you’re stacked and half-nekd!
  4. 1a) Wanna sex? 2a) I’ll let you sex me for L$ 2b) I’ll sex you for L$
  5. Strategies for SL n00bz: 1) Give me munnies!!1! 2) Buy my stuffs!!!1!
  6. Yes..and I also assumed English may not be their first language. I didn’t mean judging in the bad sense, more “assuming/guessing”. When they replied that English WAS their first language tbh MY heart sank a little. Because, if they couldn’t do better in posing a question to us, how will they look to their customers? Not professional! I totally agreed with your advice no matter their language level- why wouldn’t everyone have their copy proofread?
  7. Hey! Some of my best friends were a result of freak accidents!
  8. I agree with you to a small extent. I saw a case where someone was making some grammar and spelling mistakes. The judgment was that they may not have English as their first language, so be sure to get their business info proof-read. Response: English WAS their first language. That being said: people will take your posts more seriously if your posts have good grammar and spelling. Long run-on sentences with many grammar and spelling errors make many of us just..stop..reading. It’s nothing personal!
  9. I just followed a bunch of y’all, you lucky, lucky people. *Edit* ? ‘Cause I don’t want to miss a thing! ?
  10. Don’t know if aroused by dirty pics or..dirt is arousing..
  11. Posing by the fire at my place (it's in Goth mode right now).
  12. No mistake, some may use it all day! See above, edited.
  13. The only time we say that is the “food prayer”! ..and the food offering part of puja. Om Brahmar-panam, Brahma-havir Brahmagnau, Brahmana hutam Brahmaiva-taina gahnta-vyam Brahmakarma samadhina Hari Om, tat sat (3x) Om, Brahmar-panamastu Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
  14. Already been to church, now going AFK to do my Hindu Durga puja.
  15. Guess my mind is in the gutter..all I could think of in response to “Rim shot” is “mayo” vids.
  16. If you ran the company, you could set the prices. Because, you’d be Chairman Mayo.
  17. I monitor “unread content”. Didn’t realize that post was same OP.
  18. Japanese mayonnaise in its natural habitat..with Wasabi Mayo!
  19. I was actually referring to, if anyone replies in future after thread is dead. That resurrects it, so it is then called a “Necro” thread!
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