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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. If you want to start at the nth stride, you pass n.
  2. Yep! I got the song in my head, source of the joke.
  3. Why wouldn’t the engaged couple hire the dyslexic priest to perform their SL marriage? Because he kept talking about his awesome Dog. @FatherTheo
  4. ?”The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire!” “We don’t need no water let the xxxxx xxxxx burn!”
  5. So now, I’m confused as to your question. The same logic applies even if there are 1 or N entries in your strides list.
  6. I get it: 1= start at SECOND item (get second stride) -1=Go to the END of the list 2=stride size
  7. This is indeed how the wiki shows it also.
  8. The “discussion” page for llList2ListStrided() is intense.
  9. Reading John 17, only 4 more chapters until Easter! Class had to read the Gospels 1 chapter a day, finishing Easter. Started January 2nd!
  10. I’m color-blind sometimes to skin shade. One of my closest friends showed me a picture of himself with his father. He pointed and showed me that he was far, far darker. I just couldn’t get my eyes to see it - from my point of view, he must be standing in a different light than his father, standing in the shade, etc. It opened my mind to how blind I am to such things.
  11. Try using “0” for first element instead of “1”? (First parm.)
  12. I’m trying hard, that’s why I’m explaining so carefully. I tried to stay out of the “African noses” discussion, but when asked directly why I chose a “stereotypical African skin”, I felt the need to respond. Words matter sometimes. Maybe I can start replying first with questions such as, “may I ask why you phrased the question as you did, because many people may be offended by the use of ‘stereotypical’ skin”.
  13. If I was not clear, I find that look most attractive, personally. I’m sure we all have differences in what we are attracted to. Your picture asking, “Who wouldn’t find this beautiful” scared me, what if someone (not me of course) disagreed with you? We all have our own ideas of what is “more” beautiful, as individuals based on our tastes, our preferences, and our gut.
  14. I was defensive because the only pics I had were from Second Life Marketplace ads. I was not going to search RL for any inspiration, but I knew what I liked. I eventually replied and posted the marketplace ad for the skin I liked, hoping you would not be critical. Put differently, I don’t use RL for inspiration, I use memories of people I know (or public figures I am familiar with). All of the fabulous suggestions I got from Pussycat and others led me to Tuty’s, Angel Rock, a specific Catwa Head for a specific Belleza body, and so on. I took each piece of advice and saved it in notes, then searched until I found something that matched what I was looking for. I hope this explains my process..I have many notes from people’s advice for things to go check out still. Obviously, there is much more controversy in this process than I had anticipated. First, there was a discussion over “African” noses, with various disagreements and arguments. Then, there was questioning of my choice for skin tone. Do you see where I’m going with this?
  15. So..I bought some female mesh item from the male Love account by accident (forget if it was a Head or Body). Oops! How about some options, since it can neither be gifted to my alt (LoveX), nor returned: - If its a Head, I could get a female body too, so my main account has both. - If it’s a Head, I could search interesting skins that may “androgynize” it. ( @Skell Dagger is my spirit animal. ) - If its a Body, I could get a female head too, so my main account has both. - If its a Body, I could search interesting skins, maybe androgynize it.. - Any other ideas/advice? I’m not against having both genders on the main account (but that’s why I created the Alt).
  16. ..AFTER I answered, she gave a better explanation.
  17. “Does your Avatar have Saggy B**bs? Buy a new Avatar!”
  18. I just felt her initial comments and question regarding my choice was both very confrontational, and judgmental.
  19. I’ve gotten a lot of advice, and chose based on that advice. I won’t be choosing a lighter skin based on your advice. Please give more advice, let’s see what you’ve got! @Pussycat Catnap This is weird, everyone was so nice until now.
  20. To extend the analogy, only the doctor and the patient can decide that together. We don’t see that enough in business, where decisions are often made by the business without the customer’s considerations taken into account.
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