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Everything posted by Catrie

  1. We have contests for Mr. and Miss SL, but the entry and criteria seems sort of vague and nebulous. A couple of friends and I were chatting about "what if there was a SL Manliest Man contest?" What would that look like? What would the criteria be? Would there be actual judges or would it be dependent on community votes or a combination of both? What would the award look like? What type of awards ceremony would there be? My thought would be that the award itself would be like a big hammer that has "SL's Manliest Man" inscribed on it. Instead of just pictures, We would need to have some contests for them to participate in. Chopping wood is pretty manly, but I'm not sure if that's a thing in SL. lol Anyway, what are your thoughts? If something like this were to happen, what would you like to see in it? What content, challenges, criteria, etc? How we would choose SL's Manliest Man? rawr!!! ((This is all for funsies, ya'll. So, just chill))
  2. Why bother? It's dark and couldn't really tell anyway. 😛 You know you love me. lol
  3. raw shot of part of the pool skybox. Yes, that's Nephe in the shot. lol
  4. You should actually see the full effect. I have hot pink palm trees, twinkling ivy on the ground, pink and purple bubbles floating everywhere. lol
  5. umm..I might have one still floating around. no idea where though. lol
  6. Got a tattoo from Nefekalum Tattoos from the Humpday Sale yesterday.
  7. awww... thanks. I'm so glad you like it. This is what happens when I need something to do. lol I needed an outfit that was more "Scylla", so I had to go buy one. So win/win. lol It's never too meta to imitate me imitating you. lol
  8. So, I asked @Scylla Rhiadra for one of her favorite LMs, and she sent me to Basilique. I wanted to try to take a pic in her "style". While it didn't quite work, I still think it's a decent pic.
  9. I don't remember Mink hairspray. For my generation it was Aqua Net. Also, I did Glamour Shots for my HS Senior pics. Not sorry. lol
  10. the last time a woman went to the bathroom by herself, Hermione got attacked by a Troll.
  11. Sometimes, a random shot is so much better than the one I was actually trying to get.
  12. aaw.. thanks so much. Honestly, I was just feeling cute and killing time before going to the moss&mink party with Momo. lol
  13. Something a little different than my norm.
  14. or better...depending on who you ask. lol
  15. Not if he's wearing a kilt.
  16. Men can't purchase something that isn't there. I've talked to plenty of male SL players and they lament the fact that they can't easily run out and buy clothing they like, like I can. They end up wearing the same outfit for 6+months, simply because there hasn't been anything they've liked that's been released in that time frame. Even stuff that has been released, the quality isn't always good. The men of SL aren't really given the wardrobe choices they should have. In another thread, several months ago, Skell gave examples of clothing he'd love to see in game. Several people expressed interest in them, but guess what? No designer has come out with anything even remotely similar. I, for one, would buy men's clothing for gifts. I've done so before. The holidays are coming up and people will be spending Linden left, right and center. But, they can't buy what isn't available. If guys were given more clothing options, chances are good that they'd actually spend money on themselves.
  17. Get more stores to offer more than crotch hammocks, board shorts and tank tops. I'm so tired of seeing the lack of good mens clothing options. We women have endless stores to go to. Men only get a handful and most times, they offer the same things, just different textures. Maybe if there were more for men, more men would feel it's worth it to log into SL.
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