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Jenna Huntsman

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Everything posted by Jenna Huntsman

  1. Without knowing exactly what you're doing (I'll work on the assumption that you want to transfer data from avatar A to avatar Z), I'd personally go for option C, as that allows you to make 100% sure when sending data that it goes to the right person, and cannot be intercepted and tampered with (namely, using llRegionSayTo() ). You'd need a system to generate a random (but predictable given the right information) channel to transfer data on, then you can decide what model you'd like to use to transfer data (the 2 methods I use are either a compressed data-dump or a question > response style interaction).
  2. The colour of a dialog box is viewer-side, not server-side, so this isn't something that can be changed by script. Some TPVs use blue dialog boxes (namely, Firestorm and V1 style viewers), and others use Grey dialog boxes (V6 style viewers, e.g. Alchemy, Catznip)
  3. DM / IM me. Chances are it's not broken, but the script is.
  4. Unfortunately, those new bake channels don't actually have access to alpha wearables, so their usage is somewhat limited.
  5. Sorry to necro - but did you find a resolution to this? Encountering the same issue trying to run the Linden viewer on Fedora 36 (Wine 7.10)
  6. It does, but in order for a non-physics based solution to be comparable to a physics based solution, it has to set it's rotation more than 45 frames per second (assuming the region is running at full speed), which equates to a delta time of 0.02222222222, so a pretty fast timer. The physics simulation runs regardless, so it's a minor bump in load to the physics engine, but reduces script time by a fair degree.
  7. Neat! Can't say I've ever used that function before. I think I'd probably prefer using the vehicle method to make the projectile follow the velocity though, as it'd be a lot smoother (and less intensive) than having to run a fast timer.
  8. You may find this solution of interest (essentially, make the object a vehicle, which in turn allows it's rotation to follow the velocity.) You might find manipulating llSetBuoyancy of interest here, essentially allowing you to manipulate how gravity affects an object. Alternately, manipulate the velocity vector. SL gravity is a pull of 9.8 m/s on the -Z axis, so +20 is quite high. Edit: This should also be multiplied by the mass of the object, as that also factors in to it's acceleration
  9. This should *probably* be on the wanted forum, but using llRezAtRoot with a velocity applied would do the trick. Add a PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ to the projectile, then you're golden (Note that it wouldn't guarantee the prim would be removed at the 7 second mark, instead it gets removed whenever the region next does a garbage collection cycle (usually a couple times per min)) As for making it rotate when it falls - Linden vehicles do this, but I'm not 100% sure on how to get a non-vehicle object to do that.
  10. Unfortunately that article has some speculative content, for things which weren't announced (questions were asked, but didn't get a response or the answer was "we'll think about it") Namely, the increase to Animesh attachments, as well as the blanket attachment amount increase.
  11. Likely whoever's ticket is answered first; which, in an ideal world would be first-come, first-serve. Who knows if that's how LL handle tickets though.
  12. The benefits that have been mentioned all came from the "horse's mouth" so to speak, so it's about as official as it's going to get. It was mentioned that the blog post will come out in the coming day or two, but the features and costs were announced yesterday. You might want to go back and have a watch of the video - the announcement of the features was from Patch himself.
  13. Not really, it was mentioned that the selection of your own home was a manual process, handled by support. GoH is automatic. Between you filing for a support ticket with the correct team, and them coming around to processing it (something which was mentioned to take approx 24 hrs) means that the automated system likely would have already assigned that home plot, therefore meaning you get nothing. Meaningless fluff feature if you ask me. If it were automated, then it might be more useful, but given that it's manual and it's way too slow, then yeah, not useful.
  14. I somewhat doubt that free mesh uploads will be added, mainly as the pricing structure for mesh was made separate for a reason - mainly to promote "good" content, i.e. content which was seen to be properly 'optimized' - so there's a chance that if that does get added, then we'll see a bunch more laggy mesh get dumped into the grid, pretty much negating the work LL did beforehand with the Performance Improvements viewer The free animations and sounds I could take or leave. Animations are just painful, namely because the primary interchange format (.bvh) is extremely basic and doesn't take advantage of what SL's animation system is capable of. Sounds, I'd be more interested if LL (finally) allowed for uploading samples of 30 seconds in length. Then again, the length of the uploaded sample shouldn't be something that's tied to a premium tier, so there's not really a win either way on that one.
  15. By the end of the year, supposedly. No additional info beyond that (no idea on the theme they may pursue, etc.)
  16. They did, but only in the context of those on an annual payment schedule.
  17. Was something that was not confirmed - so this means that they may not come at all.
  18. This. If it was announced as a targeted move from the start, I think people (I myself included) would take less issue with P+, but because it was positioned as a direct upgrade from regular Premium, then it's got too many issues. I run a store myself, but I don't see enough benefit to P+ to invest, but from the running-a-business standpoint it begins to make more sense. But even then, you pretty much have to be a creator-of-note to really see much benefit from it, and by that point the 2048 of free tier is likely not enough to house a flagship store.
  19. I think I would have preferred them launch with that instead of what we've got. What we've got costs too much and has a bunch of features I'd never leverage.
  20. That was touched on during the announcement, there's no plans to change the current premium plans. I do agree with the sentiment here though, the price is too high relative to the benefits to me. The free asset uploads are nice, but I feel like they're damaging to most users (we already have issues with 1024 textures getting slapped onto things, this just allows those with P+ to use EVEN MORE textures on their stuff!), and we already have a beta grid ("free" asset uploads there, great for testing stuff in-world). The land tier increase is good, but not enough to offset the price hike. Stipend increase - same as above.
  21. For anyone who's interested, here's my (unabridged) notes from the P+ announcement:
  22. It was - the answer was that you can only own 1 Linden Home on any premium account, regardless of premium tier.
  23. That's okay as the individual channels are uploaded as textures, so the alpha channel is preserved when uploaded, but unused (/ discarded by the shader) for PBR materials - so it's information the bakes service can use in order to be able to layer materials textures on top of eachother. (hypothetically) This also means, that for a 4-channel PBR material, the upload cost would be 40 L$ (under current pricing)
  24. For reference, the script which is featured in that video is available on the MP - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/openLayout-DragDrop-HUD-and-edge-snapping-with-ease/4542777 Looking through that script, it seems like it only works when the HUD is attached to any of the below attachment points: ATTACH_HUD_TOP_RIGHT ATTACH_HUD_BOTTOM_RIGHT ATTACH_HUD_TOP_LEFT ATTACH_HUD_BOTTOM_LEFT Is your HUD using one of those attachment points?
  25. Yeah, Photoshop is particularly bad for that as unless you're working in TGA (with the alpha channel, NOT transparency), then all of the colour data in the transparency is lost. Another thing, leaving those alpha channels unused is actually a good thing -- It makes implementing BoM for Materials muuuuch easier as now those materials textures can contain transparency information, which means they can be layered. (Note that this reasoning is from my headcanon, not anything official, but I'm advocating for continuing on this route for this reason)
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