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Everything posted by Zennessa

  1. It was a hot one today so i hit the water slide
  2. When you're standing in line at the grocery store and you start moving your body like your AO
  3. I don't rule that out but i just play around and do it for the exercise and it is lots of fun.
  4. There's not a full roof, could do that too!
  5. They have a big opening in the building instead of a door. I think it's so the motorcycles can ride right in which is actually pretty cool.
  6. I like to walk up the street to the local club and play around when it's not open.
  7. Me too. First day back after 9 days off and it's gonna stink! Happy Monday? Never... (Runs before Madelaine gets here)
  8. Morning coffee on the front porch. mmmmm coffee
  9. Watching for visitors? This is Tess, Sadie and Chase.
  10. A little wine and cheese at home this evening.
  11. At the ranch feeding the animals their breakfast. Apparently Sappho hasn't even awaken yet. Lazy boy.. His brother Payton on the other hand is always awake and ready for his meals and some cuddles.
  12. I imagine i might end up with some odd tan lines.
  13. Sitting on my rooftop relaxing with a fire burning on this last beautiful Spring night.
  14. Off from work this week, getting some gardening done today.
  15. Same happens here sometimes. Slink body, Catwa head. Also Firestorm Viewer.
  16. Relaxing with the laptop playing with camera settings.
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