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BlackLord Collas

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  1. I would love a Modern style next with large glass windows but I think the secret would be a good view so maybe something like the fantasy landscape but tropical with lots of water just think a tropical view that lights up at night WOW
  2. I found a script that you can put into your plants or anything and set it to just light up at night time there are a few options you can play with % of light glow or colour in this example I have it set to 50% light no glow Cycle on time=50% only 10 lindens here is the link https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Light-Glow-Script-Auto-Onoff-Automatic-Light-with-daynight-sensor-V1/13868616
  3. a picture paints a thousand words thankyou moles and lindens for such a beautiful fantasy home
  4. I spy a green dot on the fantasy regions
  5. post taken off i was told it not anything to do with ssp
  6. post taken off i was told it not anything to do with ssp
  7. my forever home I can ride my horse or sail a boat
  8. that's the point its a hideaway for us all its just to say thank you to linden for doing that for us and all staff there for keeping it going with out them there would be no sl so again thanks to all staff at linden labs and all lindens and moles for their hard work and dedication on building us these beautiful homes.
  9. Coronavirus and second life I would like to thank all them that work behind the scenes to keep second life running during this coronavirus outbreak and all lindens and moles for their hard work and dedication on building us these beautiful homes. It gives us all that escape from reality known as rl speciality with people on self- isolation without you we would not have this escape from the world THANK YOU to all linden staff and stay safe love you all
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