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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. On 2/29/2012 at 10:59 PM, Jesica Dragovar said:

    my avatar is 5'7" (as opposed to the 8 foot avatars most people are) this coupled with my slim frame (not so much now that I've had my SL baby though) braces and a tendancy to wear my hair in pigtails I get the "underage avatar" thrown at me as well, I just shrug and say "my avatar is 30 years old like my RL self, if you don't believe that, well that's up to you"

    Honestly?  Most, and I know not all, people lose the braces before age 18 and adding the pigtails, shorter stature and slim build and I'd probably think teenager also.  When it says child, it does include teenagers under 18 which quite a few people seem to be pushing the line on.  If you're anywhere besides a sex sim, I couldn't care less but someone with that appearance near or engaging in sexual activity is asking for trouble.

  2. 2 hours ago, Bagnu said:

    Because of the artistic aspect. If I knew it would hurt someone, I would never post it. I'm not asking a moral question. It's about pure erotic photography, and on Flickr, not here. No SL friend or family member would be hurt by the images I'm talking about.

    Also, isn't one of the major aspects of being a good sex worker, discretion?  I'm not sure how much business you would get if the men thought you'd be posting/telling about the encounters.  Save the erotic pics for friends and not Johns.

    • Like 4
  3. 10 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

    No, a guy is partnered with his RL wife in SL, behind her back he spends time with Pearl. Pearl posts a picture to Flickr, Wifey sees it.

    Guy is a moron.  Deserves what he gets, IMHO.  I'm still not seeing the dilemma. 


    2 hours ago, Maryanne Solo said:

    Not quite sure why you would want to?

    This is the real question.  Artistic aspect?  I don't think so.

    • Like 7
  4. 45 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

    Because of the artistic aspect. If I knew it would hurt someone, I would never post it. I'm not asking a moral question. It's about pure erotic photography, and on Flickr, not here. No SL friend or family member would be hurt by the images I'm talking about.

    I think you've answered your own question. If you knew it would hurt someone, you said you wouldn't post.  No sl friend or family would be hurt by the image.  What exactly IS the question then?  And how would a picture of someone bumping uglies with you compromise their RL.  Are you sure you aren't trolling for views and likes on your new flickr account?

    Or is that link in your next post?

    • Like 4
    • Haha 6
  5. 15 hours ago, SteroidGoddess said:

    I'm trying to use a mesh body and lowering the size of it, etc. It comes with different "Body Stretchers" but they make my character uber tall and I don't want that.

    The current skeleton/Stretcher I have is the size I want my character to be, but my hands are half way in the arm.. Is there anything I can do about this?

    Since you mentioned the body came with body stretchers, it's not a body generally used by most people.  Perhaps contact the creator as they've probably had this question before.

  6. 3 hours ago, PetAngelKDA said:

    Me and my bf want to go back to breedables we had access to family property but now for d ourself homeless with all our breedables we were gone for 6yrs, what property should I be looking for that I can have all my breedables without causing problems to other, thanks we breed cats and horses to give an idea

    One far away from me, please.  You could try a full homestead.

  7. 22 hours ago, MidgeHiker said:

    Hi all


    I'm a real noob to catwa, got my avi looking just right for the RP sim I’m on... but she should be missing one eye. Is there a way to permanently close one eye? I've been playing with the settings and getting nowhere... any advice on how I could achieve this would be greatly appreciated.


    Many thanks

    If you are using unrigged eyes, you could just use one instead of both and maybe add a scar tattoo over the eyelid.

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Heathcliff Harbrough said:


    I agree, if they use the word "hiring" or "job" this involves $L for providing service or labor, LOGIC.

    When they don't pay it's not a job but volunteering under false conditions or flat-out said they live in a selfish bubble so they can make money.

    When people say: "Ahh this is SL and you don't do it for the money"

    Right, first of all, don't think or talk for me. One comes for fun, but most for a second life. Guess what, that describes the whole definition of "Second Life".


    Well, if they say it's a job with no pay,  there are no false conditions and you are free to walk away.  Why do you think there are 574658498374 DJs in SL?  Because it's basically an unskilled HOBBY.  I save the job for RL so I can pay for my SL hobbies.


    • Like 3
  9. 6 hours ago, Subsonic Oh said:

    Asking for my wife...

    She thinks about getting that new Petite Chest Add-On for her Maitreya Lara body.

    -> Afaik tops made for the normal Lara body won't fit when you wear the add-on!?

    -> Might Lara V-Tech clothes fit? Anyone already made experiences on that?

    We only found 2 designers with a few (very few) Lara Petite stuff in their shelves yet... ("Erratic" and "Pink Cream Pie" // "NY Tattoo & Fashion" offers too few to mention)

    -> Any good shop recommendations or recommendations in general?

    Check here..


  10. 26 minutes ago, Vinetor said:

    Hi every body!i'm planning to run a  lottery and i want to know anything i should know!all about rules and how to hire a scripter to set up the system and how to advertise!and i need to mention that i should advertise so big so many people could sign up! please help me out !thanks and waiting for your responds!


    A lottery is a form of gambling that involves the drawing of numbers at random for a prize.

     “Skill Games” are not intended to include and shall not include “gambling” as defined by applicable United States and international law.

    So basically, you can't run a lottery as it's considered gambling and not a skill game.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Vinetor said:

    Hi every body!i'm planning to run a  lottery and i want to know anything i should know!all about rules and how to hire a scripter to set up the system and how to advertise!and i need to mention that i should advertise so big so many people could sign up! please help me out !thanks and waiting for your responds!


    and this


    • Like 2
  12. Women's jeans not being sized like men's jeans.  I've struggled my entire life to find jeans long enough. For some reason, they assume all women have an average inseam yet men don't.  Sure, a few brands make tall sizes but still, it's a generalized tall.  Petite is usually around 28", regular 30" and tall 32".  Men's go in one inch increments.  Why can't they do that for women.  I've often bought men's jeans just to get a 34" or 36" if I'd like to wear them with anything besides flats.

    SL...where all my pants are the right length!!!!!

    • Like 4
  13. 2 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

    No, quite the opposite. You don't have to look far to find that higher authority because it emerges from within yourself, whether or not you acknowledge it or listen. Linden Lab is perfectly well in possession of that same presence, there's no need to outsource.

    This is me rolling my eyes at you once again...



    • Thanks 2
  14. 5 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

    Okay, you need to understand something. There is always a higher authority than any man or document or system on Earth. The terms of service exist as a reflection, an echo, of that authority's will. No matter what any man or document or system may believe or intend, there are things that must never be done, and predation of the vulnerable is without any doubt one of them.

    But LL is NOT that higher power.  I think you're again, missing the point entirely and just sailed off on a tangent.  The more you type, the less you make sense regarding the OP.

  15. 1 hour ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

    It's used in findom dynamics and there are a lot of people here in sl that do allow it.. there are many items on the mp based around it.. even games of chance. Even items that punish for doing something or not.. used in pet play and behavior modification and training.

    Yes I do know that and I said I personally don't know anyone who would even consider it.  It's a very small niche in a vast field of kink. I'm also sure people DO use it to dupe the unaware.  

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