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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 44 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    Here's a selection of things in mine...

    Front End Loader
    Front End Loader holding fire
    Bottle of root beer
    Case of root beer
    Barrel of root beer
    RMS Titanic
    The Milky Way Galaxy
    Tropical Island Hut
    VW Karmann Ghia
    Cuddle Sofa
    Champagne Glass
    Nail Polish Remover

    Do you find this increases lag?  

  2. 50 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

    We should all know this information if we play kinky. A collar is fine. They can be removed. If necessary. Account debiting is a totally different issue.

    Having participated in many forms of play, I'd have to know someone extremely well before I'd even consider allowing account debiting.  Truth is, I don't know anyone who has or would.  Sounds more like a ploy to dupe the newer people. "Yes, it's what we all do." And we don't.

  3. On 7/18/2020 at 11:48 PM, Mollymews said:

    the Linden advice on displayname characters is here:


    in the link text it mentions "most" unicode characters.  "most" is not defined but what I have found (admittedly with little testing as we can only change our displayname once a week) is that "most" seems to mean the characters contained on the Basic Multilingual Plane, which in the Linden viewer case are the 2-byte characters within the UTF-16 specification

    more on the Basic Multilingual Plane here:



    Might help.

  4. 47 minutes ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

    Most Unicode characters are supported by the SL viewers for Windows. Fewer are supported by the SL viewers for Linux. The least of them are supported by the SL viewers for MacOS.

    Example: the so-called regional indicators can be shown in Windows, but not in MacOS: 🇹🇪🇸🇹

    [Update] Yesterday, I noticed that Firestorm for Windows can display the poop emoji in Local Chat. 💩 Maybe it will show in a Display Name too? I haven't tried yet.

    Letc us hope not on the display names.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

    It means you don't have that particular font installed in your operating system on your computer.

    I've also noticed sl doesn't support some fonts.  People try to use them in their display names and they show for a moment then revert back.

    • Like 1
  6. On 12/1/2015 at 2:22 PM, MissLynnHyun said:

    I'm having an issue with some characters showing up as squares in chat and on names. I have windows 10 fully updated and the recent version of the firestorm viewer. My partner does not have this issue and they have the same OS and version of firestorm.

    This is what I see on one of my group titles: https://gyazo.com/30007a1679718d55af2a940dcfe125b2

    My partner sees a heart there.

    I've tried installing language packs, using different fonts, nothing works. I didn't have this issue this past spring, so I'm not sure why it's an issue now.

    Anyone know how to fix this?

    Been having this issue for awhile now.  Something to do with unsupported font blah blah blah.  That's what happens when people try to be 'unique' and use the different fonts.  I take it as a sign it was probably not worth my time reading anyway.

    • Like 2
  7. 20 hours ago, animats said:

    Second Life Grid Survey will show you an image of each sim from above, with or without objects on it. This is the same data as the Second Life map. No elevation data, though.


    Ahern, the terrain map. Without, and with, the object overlay. Yes, ads will show up in the object overlay, just like in the SL map. Textures are 256x256, so this is too low-rez to create a new region. The map is not the territory.

    I once wanted the elevation data for regions, so I could make a map of SL like Google Earth. You're allowed to take pictures in SL, and access the map tiles, so that should be OK. With no elevation data, I had to settle for making a slippy map of SL - you can pan and tilt and zoom and fly over, but it's still a flat map.

    Here and there in SL, people have made tabletop maps with this data. There's one at the Zindra Help Vortex, way out of date.

    I've been interested in this data for a possible viewer feature to show low-rez impostors of sims outside the draw range. The goal is to get the look of a huge draw distance without slowing everything down. Nice for sailing and flying - you could see where you're going.

    Is she asking about the raw terrain textures or just the land texture.  2 different things.  

  8. On 6/25/2020 at 1:13 AM, MiamiDior said:

    Hey guys, my names Miami . I’m 20 years old and  currently looking for a new job., A little about myself:  I am online half of the time and would consider myself a very friendly and open person. I am non-judge mental and always willing to explore and make new friends. I aim to provide great conversation and a great team player. I respect everyone no matter what race, status, or orientation. I am interesting in looking for a job that respects that I do not voice nor cam. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my page and have a great day! If there any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.                     

    But your edited post says you're 19.

    1 hour ago, MiamiDior said:

    Hey guys, my names Summer . I’m 19  years old and  currently looking for a new job., A little about myself:  I am online half of the time and would consider myself a very friendly and open person. I am non-judge mental and always willing to explore and make new friends. I aim to provide great conversation and a great team player. I respect everyone no matter what race, status, or orientation. I am interesting in looking for a job that respects that I do not voice nor cam. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my page and have a great day! If there any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.          


    1. You could but that's costly.  Find a nice skybox you all like and start there.
    2.  Search marketplace or look around in world at other sims.
    3.  I'd suggest renting a parcel on a commercial sim.  1\4 sim should be good to begin.  Smaller would work, too.
    4. If you're looking at it as a money making idea, don't.  A place for friends to hang out is usually what they end up being. It's more times than not, a money pit.
    • Like 2
  9. 6 minutes ago, kolllya said:

    To be exact, it was an SL Notecard delivered to SL inventory.

    The notecard prompted the user to create a 3d body scan with the app. Then the scan was supposed to be sent to me for rigging and uploading to Second Life (we don't have this part automated since this is a beta test).

    We could deliver the avatar directly to SL inventory, but I don't see how we can remove the app from this chain, because it is essential for 3d body scan acquisition.

    But you were providing the link to the app in RL.  So what they were actually receiving was that link and nothing else.  Nothing tangible (as tangible as anything can be in SL but you get the point) aside from the actual notecard.  This might be where you'll get hung up.  Perhaps just having the information in your profile with the link and for them to inquire directly to you and skip the MP.

  10. 10 hours ago, kolllya said:

    Already is!


    However, to quote the policy


    This service is intended for Second Life, because we make the avatar with an IPhone app and then upload it to Second Life.


    Can I appeal this in any way?

    or intended to be delivered in the real world...that's the part that got it removed.  The coupon is for an app?  Delivered to RL phone?  It's the ORs that get ya.  All separate things not this AND that.  

  11. Can't you just walk out your door and meet English people?  I had a friend from Sweden ages ago and I asked her why she didn't go to Swedish sims.  She said pretty much the same thing, "I can meet all the Swedes I want if I go outside"  She enjoyed the opportunity to meet people from all over.

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