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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. IF I were to do this, I put on the new before taking off the old. By public, I mean Linden owned land. While other moderate land may be open to the public, it's still privately owned. Not once have I demoed a body skin in public. Ewww
  2. I honestly don't see much of a reason for it at all in public Moderate. Do people often feel.the need to strip down while walking along a mainland road? Naked sunbathing on the Blake so you don't get tan lines? I've been involved in all manner of adult activity in SL so I'm far from a prude nor am I clutching my pearls about seeing some naughty bits but I can say, I've never felt I needed to disrobe while on ANY public land. YMMV
  3. I wear all the same stuff everyone else wears. What I don't do is have my T&A hanging out all the time. That, I might agree to some extend, is a younger person thing. I don't feel the need to basically say...LOOK AT ME...every day and every place.
  4. Why would it be unwelcoming? Every single.one of my friends is much younger than me. The random people I talk to inworld are all younger than me by quite a bit. I never ask how old either. It's always info they offer. I don't really care how old anyone is in RL.
  5. Read the rest of the site. The 18-34 group would be a LOT of those Roblox and Minecraft users. Gaming remains a major trend in virtual worlds, with platforms like Roblox and Minecraft continuing to attract millions of users. In addition to these popular games, there are many other virtual worlds focused on gaming, such as World of Warcraft and Eve Online. Some virtual worlds are also exploring new gaming experiences, such as virtual reality games that offer more immersive and interactive gameplay.
  6. Well, isn't the biggest topic in SL news? Says so right there...
  7. Yep, well over 40 and well over 5'4". However, I do have a son at home who is 24 so it's not as if i live in some boomer box and can't see what's going on with younger people. I even like most of his music! Couldn't tell you who they are since you know, us old folks can't remember nuthin'. 😁
  8. To be fair, (for some reason, I try) I was the one who mentioned ghetto first as in Some people might assume I'm all ghetto because I'm black. That they ran with it even when my speech (text) is anything but, does kind of take it into the racist category but eh, I consider the source with such things.
  9. No, actually, I was the one trying to explain that to you. I think at this point (coffee buzz is wearing off), I'll agree with @Arielle Popstarthat I'm being trolled.
  10. You mean like how everyone doesn't see anime the same way? Their opinion? Anyway...carry on.
  11. It has been addressed. ARing a naked adult on Moderate land is not, in and of itself, reportable yet some will do so.
  12. These looks are all marketed under Children's shapes on the MP with the key word Lelutka. Lelutka heads are quite often used for under 18. Second Life Marketplace - lelutka Children's Avatar Shapes
  13. Almost no one here is doing that and certainly not me...ngl. We're discussing how LL needs to clarify certain aspects of their new rules concerning children not only for the children's sake but also for the adults so they DO NOT FALSELY AR child avatars.
  14. If you right click on the SLurl that shows up in chat with that HUD, you can show on map which does show the maturity level of the region so probably something child-presenting avatars should be aware of and do going forward
  15. Now you're getting it. You have your bias about me. You're entitled to have it. Is it correct? No but it's still yours and based on whatever criteria you choose. That's how the world, RL and SL, works. Aw, come on! I agree with you again!
  16. I respect all cultures, races and such also but how I see something and you see something, how we interpret words and in this case avatars, will be dependent on many aspects. It's not cut and dry. It has nothing whatsoever to do with respect. People may see my avatar and think she's all ghetto and speaks as such because they have a bias. They may have only grown up around black people who spoke like that. Are they correct? Not in my case. I grew up in a predominantly white community. So although their assumption about me is incorrect, it's still based on their own race, age, upbringing. Do they respect me any less for being black? I don't know nor do I care what strangers think. It's their opinion and we're all entitled to them. Opinions aren't right or wrong necessarily unless facts prove otherwise. This is the basis for why avatar age determination is subjective and not objective.
  17. Yes, maybe you could stop doing that? What has been said and is true is that different cultures, ages, races, etc. can interpret things differently. That IS how the world works.
  18. But you're participating in the shopping not the random naked person who might show up. You're not engaging with them. LL can't expect to keep child-presenting avatars from going to shopping events that MIGHT show a boob in a vendor photo eiither.
  19. yeah, it was pretty ugly there for a minute. I started a thread in My Avatar, this whole thread was renamed to the title of the thread I made and was in General Discussion, then pictures were removed, he threw his hands up and said he didn't want to cause any more damage.
  20. A lot of the post with pictures were removed when Quartz came in.
  21. Also, nudity is certainly not EXPECTED on Moderate land. Belli is Moderate but I'm sure most people don't EXPECT to see naked people walking down the street.
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