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Everything posted by Vulpinus

  1. I need to get the elevation of a child prim's y-axis; that is, the angle (a single floating point number) between the child's y-axis and the global horizontal plane. Both the root and child prim can be rotated arbitrarily and independently and the script needs to be in the child prim. I've been trying to figure this out for days (once upon a time I could have done it in my head in no time, but not any more. Such is life.) I know that if I just wanted the root prim's y-elevation, I could use llRot2Left, followed by using Pythagorus' theorem on x and y then atan on that result with z to get the elevation of the root's y axis. I can't help feeling there should be a better, built-in way though. But moving that to a child prim with a rotated root is causing what's left of my brain to melt.
  2. No, I don't tend to look inside my own head very often... a little afraid of what I might find in there, it's a scary place! So that's where the brains come from then. Now I know, I feel a little less empty headed.
  3. I've often had the opinion that many SL residents are just air-heads, but apparently many are not... Thanks to the wonderful lagging rez of all this nice new mesh, we get a lot more time to enjoy the nakedness of others (and perhaps ourselves) when TP'ing somewhere busy. Just recently though, my air-head theory has been challenged by those with actual brains in their slowly-rezzing mesh heads...  Personally, given ARC, I'm probably going to stay an air-head. Although, I am tempted to put something in there for the benefit of others. What though?
  4. That's the point. The one that looks like a stretched hexagon should look like a cylinder (because it is a prim cylinder) but the LOD-z bug is making it display in a low LOD version (of a cylinder) closer than it should. At the distance, it should still be in high LOD like the tube is, and should look like a cylinder.
  5. Wow, this thread on message communication really has become a thread on communication Luxen wrote: ... I will never say nothing, understood. I'm not sure I understand... do you mean you will never say anything, or never say nothing? Personally, I'll never say never again! Since, because... http://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/as-because-or-since
  6. Please can someone confirm what I think here, being a relative newb to making animations... Does the lead-in and lead-out time potentially 'take away' some of my animation? What I mean is: Suppose I have an animation that runs for 5.0 seconds, and a lead-in and out of 0.5 seconds. Does that mean that my animation, when triggered, will start immediately (lag excepted) and run for exactly 5 seconds, but I could potentially lose up to half a second of my animation at the start and end as it is merged into the previous and next ones? So, if I had something happening right at the start, it might not even be seen?
  7. I've been using QAvimator for a year or so, and I find it great for basic things. It can certainly do the job. Complex animations seem to be a lot of work, but then I've not had that much practice with it as I don't do that many. By coincidence with seeing your post, I've been watching a few tutorial videos yesterday and today on using Avastar. It's definitely on my 'buy list' now, being Blender user. Being able to grab and move a limb, and have the joints follow it automatically (is that what Inverse Kinematics is?), would make things a lot quicker for me I think. Compared that is to having to do every joint manually in QAvimator. Plus I can easily use my own mesh as props in the animations. And Avastar does a lot more of course, which I would also find useful. In the grand scheme of things, I don't think Avastar is an expensive purchase, especially since Blender itself is free. I'll tell you one thing I tend to do occasionally, and that's manipulate the .bvh files QAvimator produces in Excel. The data is easily extracted and inserted into a spreadsheet as CSV. Then I can, for instance, add a new offset (translation and/or rotation) to a joint for a range of frames without having to go to each keyframe and move it in QAvimator. I can even make a smooth movement from a formula that plugs the values into the correct columns. Then I take the data and put it back into the bvh file. It's saved me hours of work a few times and given good results. Again though, I'm not an expert in QAvimator at all. After doing the above, I wondered about getting a graph of the joints displayed, and even making animations from a manipulated curve. It looks like Avastar does at least part of that as well - it has graphs! I like graphs
  8. If I read your post right... The clue is in llOwnerSay - it says only to the owner of the object, not openly. You cannot intercept it if you are not the owner, for very good reasons. If you aren't the owner, the object isn't talking to you, so I'm not sure why you say "messages sent to me when I'm AFK.". What, exactly, are you trying to achieve - what do you think you should be listening to?
  9. As Ruthven said, RLV is the only* way a script can manipulate what you are wearing; system layers included. One of my most popular products on the MP is an RLV attachment (or clothing, whatever) manager HUD. LL's official viewer won't work because it doesn't have RLV, so you would need to use a 3rd party viewer like Firestorm. Then your script basically just sends a special message, which is intercepted by the viewer and acted on. It's a bit of a faff to set up. You need to put your clothing etc in a special RLV folder - that's all that RLV can access in your inventory. Once done though, and with a system in place, it's great having the ability to change things at the press of a HUD button. I customise it all the time for different RP characters, even using it to attach and activate weapons automatically and detach others at the same time, things like that. *llAttachToAvatar() can attach things, but only if they are rezzed in world and permissions granted. It's not a solution here.
  10. It seems like your texture, while you think it is clear in the middle, doesn't really have transparency there. I've just checked the script and it works fine if you change the frame texture to another one with proper transparency. You're welcome to send me a copy (can we attach pics to PM's?) and I'll check (and if needed fix) it.
  11. Vulpinus

    is there a way?

    Yeah, thanks. I actually just read your post in the 'textures won't stick' thread about that, too. Now I understand why the uploader didn't whinge about 'too many vertices'. There's always something new to learn here... my folder of mesh-making notes (often taken by saving a page or two from here) is growing daily.
  12. That's great - next time it happens to me I'll try that way. I haven't found the file that I mentioned above, but I have found the thread that led me to add that cube into the mesh. The issues in that thread fit well with what I was making: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/MAV-BLOCK-MISSING/td-p/940213 I'm glad I found that - makes me think my memory and methodology isn't failing me after all
  13. When I get the chance, I'll try and find which of the dozens of saved revisions of that hair caused the issue, confirm it, and let you have a copy to look at if I'm correct.
  14. More new hair - and another 16,000 saving in ARC. This outfit went from 87,000 to 71,000 with the hair I knocked together today to replace my old, purchased, sculpt and tortured tori hair. Main outfit by AEC Hat and hair by me Before  After  The full me: 
  15. Vulpinus

    is there a way?

    Blender might by running low on memory (how much do you have?) A 32-bit OS can only access 3.5GB (assuming Windows) normally, and if you are still on 32-bit I guess it's an older PC with possibly low memory. The model I baked was about 30,000 triangles, 13,000 vertices. Note that there is a limit of 65536 vertices in a single object to import to SL. I accidentally imported a model with more than that the other day and it causes very odd things to the material faces! It sounds like your PC is just not up to the task though - the specifications would confirm that (or not).
  16. The link in Gaia's post didn't (correction, wasn't relevent - I didn't try it or find that link at the time) work when I had that error. I already had my own physics shape (a cube, of course) for the hair it happened with. What solved it for me was adding a small cube into the mesh model, like is often used in body bits and clothes and is hidden inside the body. I deliberately hadn't done this, to save the trinagles. I always assumed the little cube was simply a convenience for aligning to the attachment point, but maybe it is because of this error. Anyway, my file worked as soon as I added the cube. There's another post about that somewhere (that's how I knew) but I don;t have my bookmarks on this PC. ETA: You know, in retrospect, I'm wondering now if I had forgotten to use my physics shape - I doubt it, I'm usually methodical and can't imagine that I didn't try several times, but maybe...
  17. Can I play? How about a couple of alternative characters? I'm finding I can drop a huge amount of ARC now that I can make my own mesh hair and accessories. Replacing my old favourite (not by me) head and body hair with my own mesh dropped my ARC by over 60,000-80,000 depending on exactly what I was using. This one just sneaks under at about 79,000: Mesh body by Niramyth, skin retextured by me, system head Mesh head and body hair (arms, chest) by me Facial hair by not saying because it's horrendously high RC. It's the last bit of hair I need to replace with my own. Neptune's crown and trident, mesh by... me (the trident is a functional scripted and animated weapon) Jock by VitaMen, retextured and modified by me Tail by Jomo but I retextured it and added a lot of extra finny bits. A lot of the RC is here; not as much as in the beard though!  This one is only about 64,000 Mesh body by Niramyth, retextured by me, system head Mesh horns by me Mesh body hair by me Mesh head hair by /Wasabi Pills/ Mesh animated ears and earring by... guess who (might be me) Legs by Avatar Bizarre (with a bit of retexturing) Loin cloth thing by me, fitted to Jomo's Jock as above. Not mesh, 'cos there's no flexi in mesh Plus I'm wearing a multifunction TP effect, footstep particle emitter and other special effects set... by me Rigged mesh cape by Pucca Firecaster Creations Arm Centipede by Madpea (Unia prize) 
  18. Vulpinus

    is there a way?

    Hmmm... I probably go over the top when I do things. The other day I spent an hour moving a bunch of vertices that weren't quite symmetrical with the other side. Not that I could tell in the slightest in-world, but I just didn't feel comfortable until I had 'fixed' it. Yeah, waste of time, but it keeps me off the streets
  19. Vulpinus

    is there a way?

    Yeah, how many triangles is a good question. As is... how powerful is your PC, and what type of texture are you baking? I did an AO map yesterday, at just 40 (correction, 50) ray samples in the raytrace option, and at 4096x4096 pixels. Took about 40 minutes with my CPU pegged at 100% all the time. Fans all went up to full speed. That's a quad-core i7 at 3.7GHz with 16GB RAM and an nVidia GTX970. System was mostly unrepsonsive to the mouse etc for all that time.
  20. Yep. It was working an hour ago (9pm-ish SL) and, after spending an hour making my final changes in Blender to my latest masterpiece, it's now 10:20pm SL and the error is back.This is a common work time for me. Waah! I'll come back in a couple of hours. Might go onto Agni and actually talk to people. No-one talks in Aditi - all too busy working, or (like me) absent with their RL head stuck in Blender or Photoshop..
  21. You have a very good point... yeah, I think it fits with the times I tend to work. I can work around that though. Thanks!
  22. Thanks folks - yeah, patience is probably the best suggestion then. It just always seems to happen every time I've spent ages in Blender and am keen to get my latest build tested.Such is (Second) Life I logged back on an hour later and it worked. It didn't occor to me to use another grid though. I do have a server sat in the loft not doing much... Hmm. A project for another time though, I think.
  23. I'm getting a little sick of the number of times I seem to get this when working in Aditi. When uploading a mesh, the error is: <mesh-name> failed to upload: Internal Server Error NetworkError [Details] See Firestorm.log for details The relevent log entries are: llcorehttp/_httppolicy.cpp(441) : 2016-06-03T05:11:31Z WARNING:#CoreHttp LLCore::HttpPolicy::stageAfterCompletion: HTTP request 000000001F1171E0 failed after 0 retries. Reason: Internal Server Error (Http_500) newview/llmeshrepository.cpp(2574) : 2016-06-03T05:11:31Z WARNING:#Mesh LLMeshUploadThread::onCompleted: Upload failed. Reason: Internal Server Error (Http_500) There's nothing wrong with the dae file or with my side of the network, as far as I can tell. The error http:500 refers to a server-side error. Once this error starts, it generally lasts quite some time. I usually end up logging off in disgust and coming back later in the day when, usually, it will then work (with the very same files). Any ideas anyone? Or is it just a regular Aditi annoyance?
  24. Discounting an LOD issue, that does sound like a 'too many triangles' problem, apart from it not doing it on the beta grid. I just found out about this myself a few days ago. I would have thought the uploader would have burped a warning. I accidentally exported the wrong file and uploaded hair with over 80,000 triangles (iirc). Took me a while to work out why applying the three textures was making the whole thing go insane. I had alternate triangles taking different textures, one face got applied to the whole object if I applied that texture after the others... total nuts. Actually gave some really funky effects. I know you don't think it's that, but I would just check the triangle count...
  25. I sell scripts for it, so I know the answer. The body parts have a delete-on-rez function in the control script. No idea why, but they have. You need to go to a script-disabled sandbox. This is the one I send my customers to: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sandbox%20Newcomb/128/128/27 Or, you can use the 'delete script' HUD that comes with the Aesthetic. Don't do that until you've finished setting up the body colours etc., obviously. As to other people rezzing it, either they've removed the scripts already, or you've seen a quite old version of the body. The delete-on-rez is a more recent addition. I had to recode my scripts when that changed.
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