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Everything posted by Vulpinus

  1. I thought I was losing the plot again, but no. I have a habit of using my TP history to go back to places, and soon end up landing on rooftops or just dropping from the sky. Sometimes that can lead to a good dramatic entrance as my demon's fireball and flames TP effect kicks in, but mostly it's a pain. The location saved in the TP history adds 2m to the altitude every iteration. So, by the time I've used the most recent history link to the same place a few times, I'm on the roof. I've just confirmed this by starting from a new, saved location, and repeatedly TPing there from the last history link. 2m up, every time. This happens in Firestorm ( Just sayin', lol. ETA: I've just done the test again, and it incremented 1m every time with a shorter avatar. Hmm...
  2. I've had this issue once before, and it's just reared its head again. I never did get a solution last time. I gave up. I have a picture, made in photoshop, saved as jpeg, size 700x525. There is nothing wrong with the picture. I have uploaded dozens (hundreds?) of pictures to the MP before this. When I try to upload this picture for my MP advert, it seems to succeed but there is no image there. As if I have uploaded a blank image. There is no alpha layer. It's not a 'blank' image as such, there is no image there, but there is something being uploaded because I can delete it from the advert. I've tried everything I can think of... saving as png; opening in another application and resaving; saving in a different location; creating a new image in PS, copying in my picture and saving that... nothing works. I just get the 'blank' image when I upload it. I can upload any other image (I tired a few at random) but not this one. I even tried a screen capture of the picture, into a new image, and saved that. No - blank again when uploaded. I'm tearing my hair out here, after 20 minutes of doing this. Any ideas folks?
  3. Oh well; forum activity will increase tenfold for a while... like when a begger hits an in-world group...
  4. Think so... suddenly had trouble TPing, got logged out, can't get back in. Such is (second) life, lol.
  5. Hmm... that's what I was hoping, thanks. I'll need to buy Avastar to do it (might as well stick with at least part of the tool chain I know, Blender), but I'm sure once I get the hang of it I'll do more. It's only the cost of a few good pizzas, lol. I've applied for the dev kit for the horse, and there are other things I would like to try some simple rigging for too that I have the kits for.
  6. I want to make an item that will attach its parts to certain places on a bento skeleton; the Water Horse rideable horse. If all the Bento places where available as 'attach to' points in Inventory, that's all I would need but they aren't. My parts only need to be fixed at those locations. The mesh does not need to be 'flexible' if that's the right term. (that said, who knows what I will get up to next...) Is that something that is reasonably easy to do, either just with Blender, or even Avastar? I'm OK in Blender itself but I've only ever made static mesh. No rigging experience at all and never used Avastar. I'm not so much asking how to do it, just if it can be done without spending two weeks of full-time learning how for such a seemingly simple task. It's only for something for myself.
  7. I've been asked to write a custom skin texture applier for a mesh body*. I've no idea what I should be charging though. I've never done a commission like that before; I usually just make things and script them. Well, not in SL anyway. I can't ask what I would for bespoke work in RL, lol. What would be a fair amount to expect, without selling myself short? The scripting is easy enough; will take more work making a nice-looking HUD in photoshop to be honest. It's not likely to be a huge seller for the customer. It's not the latest (insert your favourite mesh maker) Bento head or anything like that. More a niche market. *the standard systems like Omega are not appropriate.
  8. Sorry folks, it's all my fault. I've just come back and tried to log in to SL for the first time after a long absence... so of course something broke. Sod's law!
  9. Troobles... Now, how did I miss those? I would *so* have loved a few of those adorable creatures curled up on my hearth rug. Like a cross between a guinea pig (which I used to keep) and... erm... No! Thank you for the laugh though... I nearly spat Earl Grey tea all over my keyboard when I opened that link. Tribbles, yes... even Furbies at a push (like off a cliff)... but Troobles... pack up and leave please you uggggly things.
  10. It's not just you - I nearly gave up trying to spellcheck my last post it took so long. Who neds a spelkchecker though?
  11. Hmm... funny you should mention that. I've noticed slow rezzing myself over the last few days, plus (worse) a continual packet loss of around 1%. It never occurred to me but it did start around the time of the extra prim allowance. It might not be related in the slightest, but... I very rarely suffer from any packet loss, and when I have, I have always been able to identify the problem, even if sometimes it's taken a while. Either in my own kit (a failing NIC once, then a struggling old router) or somewhere in the routing chain that's dropping packets in general. Not this time. I've spent the last two days mostly troubleshooting locally (eventually down to replacing all the kit right back to the incoming telco wire) and not seen any difference. I ran a continual, fast traceroute for a few hours to LL's doorway and in about 30,000 512-byte packets, I only had one lost packet (dropped by my own ISP). All the while the viewer was telling me I had 1% packet loss. I have my ISP investigating now, but I have to wonder if it's related to the changes... ETA: Same here with the prim usage too - I have about 12,000 sq.m of mainland and haven't used an extra prim yet. I might build a fancy skybox or store though. In my main house on the ground I can't really fit much more as it is. maybe a few extra sticks of furniture and ornaments to fill that last little gap in my GPU cache,
  12. It's great that you're happy with it the way it is A lot of us though enjoy modifying, re-purposing, adapting and canibalising parts for other outfits. I'll rarely buy anything that's no-mod or support a seller who sells things like that; I have to really like it to do so. (and there are a few good enough) Just my way
  13. No - it's not moddable. Therefore not much use to me either really. Yeah, I remember that airship too, and seeing people rezzing them in sandboxes. To be honest I've not had a use for any premium gift.
  14. I just got one at the first place listed on the destination guide when I searched for premium gifts: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sandbox%20Astutula/71/22/53
  15. Just thought I should mention that rebooting a router or modem does not necessarily reset the hardware sufficiently. I have personal experience of this... where rebooting via the web interface made no difference to packet loss, but a power-cycle fixed it immediately. Just a thought My traces look very similar to yours, by the way.
  16. Thank you Whirly, I'll give that viewer a try when I get chance. At the moment, I've suddenly developed a huge (4%) UDP packet loss which I'm trying to get to the bottom of; nothing to do with the above probelm though. There's always something, :rolls eyes:
  17. Hmm... hadn't thought of things sharing an attachment point being an issue. Will check that, thanks. I know I can move rigged mesh. Most of thet time I don't actually have very much attached, at least in my opinion. I tend to use the system body and head, with the mesh hands (the only thing attached there, and to a single hand point), an all-in-one mesh outfit (which I added the collar to in this case), hat, hair, beard, clay pipe and a sword and occasionally pistol. I was barefoot on the day in my OP, hence the feet as well. Oh, and two HUDs. Less frequently I'll be wearing more (like an older prim/sculpty outfit with assorted bits, or my mesh body if I'm showing more flesh. I appreciate your answer (especially the shared attachment point... point) but really, if the servers can't keep track of the eight or so things I generally wear, there's a problem. I used to wear much more (pre good mesh outfits) and didn't have this issue.
  18. I don't know if this is a server or viewer issue (I'm guessing server). When TP'ing, maybe even just crossing regions given how often it seems to happen now, my avatar frequently loses some attachment or other. It's been going on for ages but the last couple of months or so (at a guess) it seems to have got much worse. It's also definitely not just me; people around me are commenting on it happening to them. It is not a case of the viewer simply 'forgetting' to render them - they are actually detached and I have to go to my inventory or saved outifts to reattach them. It's so frequent it's become a running joke with people in the sailing battles... "you blew my hat off that time" etc. Yesterday I suddenly noticed my mesh hands we missing. I made a joke about it, reattached them and then TP'd to the adjoining region to start sailing. When I arrived, my mesh feet, sword and coat collar had been detached. It's really not funny any more... "please don't shoot me yet - SL has stolen my pistol". Some time ago I asked on the Firestorm group for help, and was told a fix by toggling a debug setting. That has no effect now, if it ever really did. Please can someone point me to the best JIRA to vote on? I know there are some relating to this because I found them before, but my search-fu is failing to find a good one.
  19. Just wanted to say thank you for this, and your original. To anyone who hasn't tried these camera settings - do so! It makes a big difference. I tried your original ages ago and it was a big improvement on the default camera.
  20. Can I turn off the "Teleport completed" pop-ups? I mean, I know the teleport has completed - I'm there. The pop-up goes over where I like to keep a HUD and gets in the way. I've tried before with some settings I found in the viewer, but nothing seemed to stop that message. Maybe I missed one... I use Firestorm. ETA: It does not seem to be the "Use Stand-alone windows for Teleport History"; it is already unchecked. Thanks for the suggestion. I've searched the Alerts settings (again) and can't find anything there to stop it. That's where I thought I would find it. ETA2: Yeah, debug settings are another place I was trying to find something I checked those particular settings and they are already set as you say. Hmm.... so yours go into local chat - that would be better if I can't get rid of them alltogether. Maybe I changed something once to make it the way it is now... I wonder what... I haven't asked in the support group yet, but I will. The message says "Teleport completed from ...", with a little x to close the translucent pop-up.
  21. This has been an ongoing bug for a while now. At one point I was told a debug settings fix on the FS support group, but that no longer works. More recently, it seems to have got worse. It happens to me frequently - sometimes several times a day and removing several items at once. I'll lose my hands (noticeable most because I use them even with the system avatar), other body parts, hair, hats, pieces of clothing, HUDs... anything except system layers of course. It is starting to get really, really irritating! Every time I TP I have to check I'm still wearing everything. I know it's not just me (or you) as others around me are complaining about it too. So far there doesn't seem to be *anything* we can do about it. It's random and the old debug fix no longer has any effect, if it ever really did. ETA: it's not just the viewer-forgetting-to-render-it issue that can be fixed by clicking where you know it should be. This is actually removing the items.
  22. Agreed also - was basically the first thing I thought when I read the news. ...although I still have the same allowance on my 11776 sq.m. mainland plot... hmm... we were restarted yesterday. Anyway, I live on mainland because I can do so more cheaply than renting on a private island, and I can't afford anything more. Mainland is full of utter junk, skybuilds at 100m up all over the place, stupid platforms, breedable farms stacked shoulder-to-shoulder with horses or whatever, etc etc. Giving people like that more prims would just ruin it even more. As it is, my sim runs at zero free script time and scripts are noticeably laggy mostly because of a couple of plots using vast numbers of scripted things. Add more??? NO!!! I *know* it will never happen, but LL really *should* have done something about this right from the beginning, and now, instead of fixing the probelms with ML, they are just fuelling more of them. Of course I would like more prims, although I keep 500 free mostly for building. But not at the expense of it all being ruined even more by people with no thoughts for those around them.
  23. Good answers above. From experience sailing, I know to remove scripts from my mesh body. It has that option on the HUD although (at least with my Aesthetic) it could be done manually. I forget how many there are, but there are a lot of scripts to remove. Region crossing is where script count really matters. It's not that it's a mesh body - it's just the scripts inside it that cause the issue. I also try not to buy (or wear when sailing) anything that cannot have its scripts removed. Unfortunately many designers seem unaware of this issue and make their items no-mod with no script-removal facility. So, they don't (usually) get my money. By the time I've descripted an outfit I can be down to just a couple of scripts for my sailing outfits and those are mostly ones I wrote myself. Even for combat (Pirate RP - sailing with active weapons, combat HUDs etc) I rarely carry more than ten scripts, again mostly my own. It really does make a difference. The rubber-banding when region-crossing can get really bad in a big battle or busy yacht race. I seem to have a habit of firing my cannons just as it happens and missing my target by a mile, if they even fire at all as the commands sometimes get lost on the crossing too. Such is (second) life. Learn to keep an eye out for the region edge and just sail as straight across as you can without making any adjustments as you cross. Fingers off the keys! And at all costs avoid crossing at the corner of four regions, where you might only pop into one edge of a region briefly and confuse matters alltoegther. I must say things seem to be better than they used to be in these matters, but they are still very much there. As to the auto-return issues when you get up to explore, I found a solution to that... of sorts. I run a simple bot software (secondbot) on another PC and wote a simple script that summons the bot and sits it on my boat at the push of a button. So, I can then get up and go exploring all those neat places we find when sailing along the coast. My boat is safe and waiting for my return. The bot gets dismissed when I've seated again, and it goes back to its dungeon. Enjoy your sailing!
  24. Ahh... no. I didn't know that. I'll try on my next upload in a few hours. ETA: Thank you for that, it seems to have worked. So that's what the analyse button is for... Now, back to the drawing board (again) for the improved version which I have spent all night splitting into parts to work around the issue. You have to laugh!
  25. I'm making a boat and the hull and deck are all one mesh. The deck is inset into the hull, so the sides of the hull are about a metre above the deck at most. * Set to physics-shape-type=prim, the physics shape I made works. I can walk on the deck properly and get stopped by the sides of the hull. However, when my sailing script makes the boat physical, the boat reverts to convex hull. My avatar instanly gets lifted to the highest point of the bounding box; sometimes being catapulted up into the air. If I'm sitting on the boat this is overriden by the animation, but anyone else trying to walk on the boat can't. Also, when the sailing script moors the boat and makes the boat non-physical, the convex hull remains and I get the catapulting again if I then stand, along with the passengers. At that point, with the seemingly left-over convex hull, right-clicking the boat, then just clicking off it causes it to immediately revert to prim type and my avatar falls back to the deck. Is there anything I can do to prevent this behaviour? It's completely spoiling the effect of a nice looking boat. * the fact that the deck and hull are one piece doesn;t seem to matter. I tried with a seperate deck and I still get floated above the hull as above. Also, I tried setting the physics shape type to prim in the script after turning off physics, to prevent the left-over convex hull issue but that had no effect. ETA: Even just calling llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS_PHYSICS,FALSE) causes the temporary convex-hull reversion, again reversable just by right-clicking the boat and clicking something else to deselect it. Why-oh-why can't things just work the way they are expected to?
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