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Everything posted by Muffinstuff

  1. What does a house wear? Address. Get it?
  2. I haven't been in years and my landmark is dead. Would you or someone else mind linking?
  3. In my opinion, Gachas are no different than purchasing a key to unlock a loot crate. They employ tactics used in free to play mobile games. I've never minded them, but let's not deceive ourselves. They're addictive by design.
  4. I'm on the hunt for skin modifications and I'm a bit stuck. I'd like to add things like freckles, body hair, veins, cellulite, sun damage, etc to make it a bit more aged and realistic. Izzie's has great options and I'm very satisfied with their facial mods, but they don't have quite what I'm looking for with male bodies. I'd sincerely appreciate any recommendations. Thank you
  5. It's difficult to make recommendations without knowing your style and budget. I'm a huge proponent of monthly events as they highlight a diverse range of the best SL has to offer. More importantly, they're a quick and dirty way to identify brands you identify with. TMD is a great place to start - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/TMD/122/169/22 Head: LeLutka - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LeLutka/129/137/24 Their new EVO X releases are outstanding and backwards compatible with every LeLutka skin out there. Mesh Body: Signature Gianni - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Signature Body/135/131/541 The centerpiece of your wardrobe and one of the most popular male bodies on the grid. It's been around for a while, it's stable, and the developer is very responsive. Virtually every clothing option for men will include options for Gianni. It's a safe bet. Skins: Not Found - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mountains of Spirit/195/84/26 Stray Dog - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Heavens Touch/79/186/22 Session - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/kunst/180/186/23 Great options here and should cover virtually any look you can imagine. Purchase a skin for your new head, the accompanying skin for your mesh body, and you're on your way. LeLutka skins will only work on LeLutka heads.
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