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Everything posted by VirtualKitten

  1. Yay llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords did the job silly others didn't , but think the landing point vector is not same need to work on that next as its coming from land mark
  2. Am Still getting this error "Teleport failed: landmark name provided but assets is missing or invalid." I checked my variables which are correct llOwnerSay("sim: "+url+ " ,Destination: "+(string)destpos); [09:55] portal: sim: Elven Forest ,Destination: <35974.00000, -71764.00000, 25.00000>
  3. Wow now I get odd message after i teleported about could not get perms lol
  4. Then it wont know where its going which sim gosh that silly so if you specify it it wont travel fantastic LSL strikes again .
  5. Well i tried // This routine do the actual transport _llTelePort( vector destpos, string url) { vector lookAt = ZERO_VECTOR; string oldSlurlPrefix = "http://slurl.com/secondlife/"; string newSlurlPrefix = "http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/"; string slurlSuffix = llEscapeURL(gRegionName) + "/" + (string)llRound(destpos.x) + "/" + (string)llRound(destpos.y) + "/" + (string)llRound(destpos.z); llTeleportAgent(teleportee,gRegionName,destpos, lookAt); //llSetRegionPos(destpos); } It asked me a polite message to tp then said "Teleport failed: landmark name provided but assets is missing or invalid." gRegionName is calculated elsewhere from SURL from landmark: list params = llParseString2List(msg,["|"],[""]); SURL = llList2String(params,1); list listURL = llParseString2List(SURL,["/"],[""]); gRegionName = llList2String(listURL,3); gRegionVector = <llList2Float(listURL,4),llList2Float(listURL,5),llList2Float(listURL,6)>;
  6. I met a kind avatar in world who said they would help with math's for this which no one seems to understand. I have been asked about this by several different avatar but cant add any more at present.
  7. Also this website deleted part of my post above. Quit frankly no one using my scripts can be teleported without it being offered to them in dialog so why would they experience random tp through my portal ? You seem to infer avatars are silly when they are not . You seem yourself in several posts on this forum arguing this same point maybe you forgot! Also we require a version of http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTeleportAgent or http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTeleportAgenthttp://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlMapDestination; for cross border sim travel that have the same caveats as each other and llSetRegionPos(destpos) which does work in region for anyone seated with out caveats. Is it now the Linden case that these caveats on similar API are not the same as on other API of similar activity? I am also aware llOwnerSay("@tpto:"+to_say+"=force") will only tp to_say if RP is in use.
  8. I have no use for llMapDestination() it puts up a map that can be clicked on by others its not a direct teleport and in game play looks totally unprofessional as it calls a window outside of Secondlife . I can concede it has uses from a link from Market place that is all . My Avatars are not temp seated seated is also another phrase for linked to the avatar please note from http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlMapDestination SVC-3455 A llMapDestination ignores look_at parameter SVC-1795 A llMapDestination in attachments opens a map on owner's screen even when touched by someone else VWR-2060 A llMapDestination pos parameter is sometimes replaced with incorrect data (workaround included) VWR-7331 A height in pos is capped to 1000m (code patch included) Clearly http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTeleportAgenthttp://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlMapDestination and there appears to be be no
  9. Yes but its hopeless the map system. Why cant we have an api without this wretched map and address the destination by script dialogue from land marks. if they made llSetRegionPos(destpos); to remove redundant code like mine and others and some lag region hopping. Why was this not thought through. to provide inter-sim travel. Currently there seems no way to jump to a sim to another sim from script object that you don't own on a sim to another unless you use this wrenched map route which looks daft in roleplay . The only thing I found was https://lslwiki.digiworldz.com/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=GlobalCoordinate but I don't think sims are always co-joined if your using llGetRegionCorner() then trying to jump to next sim it doesn't seem to work. If the system is changing SURL to Global Coordinates if this script has PERMISSION_TELEPORT as requested permission with llRequestPermissions are granted for llSetRegionPos(destpos); why not for llTeleportAgent () why then will it only teleport owner when it has permissions from the seat event.
  10. I afraid teleport Agent is rubbish see caveats http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTeleportAgent
  11. llSetRegionPos(destpos); Hi everyone this as the name suggests is only tp'ing me inter region ok . How do i go inter sim with tp port not using that wretched map. Also there a problem using llSetTextureAnim( on circle2>cirlcle object faces ? I changed this from a square now i get no animation on face nothing i could do to get this back working it just looked a mess.
  12. the url is an surl from the landmark sch as SURL = "http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Enchanted%20Estates/34/44/30" dataserver(key _QueryId, string _data) { if (_QueryId== req) { Absolute = llGetRegionCorner() + (vector)_data; local_pos = (vector)_data; vector grid = Absolute / 256.0; req= llHTTPRequest("https://cap.secondlife.com/cap/0/b713fe80-283b-4585-af4d-a3b7d9a32492?" + "var=name&grid_x=" + (string)llFloor(grid.x)+ "&grid_y=" + (string)llFloor(grid.y), [], ""); }
  13. Qie is this one better \ // This routine do the actual transport _llTelePort( vector destpos, string url) { llRegionSayTo(llDetectedKey(0), 0, url); }
  14. Hi thanks everyone i will try is there a problem using llSetTextureAnim( on circle2>cirlcle object faces ? I changed this from a square now i get no animation on face
  15. Thanks Qie .I tried this but don't have it working either i just used integer hasMoved = llSetRegionPos(destpos) As in any ideas? I am getting SURL passed to me listen(integer ch, string name, key id, string msg) { list params = llParseString2List(msg,["|"],[""]); if (ch == ourch && llList2String(params,0)== "SURL:") { SURL = llList2String(params,1); // llOwnerSay("Got" + SURL); list listURL = llParseString2List(SURL,["/"],[""]); gRegionName = llList2String(listURL,3); gRegionVector = <llList2Float(listURL,4),llList2Float(listURL,5),llList2Float(listURL,6)>; // llOwnerSay("Region Name:" +gRegionName + ", Region vector:" + (string)gRegionVector); } }
  16. Cricks this is a big ask try searching on here there is many scripts needed to do this and there are unanswered math post to do this I am hoping someone who understands Bezier curve mathematics will come along soon as most movement is jerky without . There are alternative flight systems on MP but don't buy unless you want no support.
  17. Hi everyone I met some one interesting that knows a math Wizz so that might be helpful. I am still puzzled by teleports : I have code that through a series of positions to get to a destination . But this fails if it gets to a sim border. it reports a strange error stack flow sometimes or it just gets to edge of sim border and stops: CODE } // This routine do the actual transport _llTelePort( vector destpos) { if(destpos == ZERO_VECTOR) return; // Compute the number of jumps necessary integer jumps = (integer)(llVecDist(destpos, llGetPos()) / 10.0) + 1; //Try and avoid stack/heap collisions if (jumps >= 2147483646 ) { llOwnerSay("To many jumps required to teleport :" +(string)jumps); return; } // 1km should be plenty list rules = [ PRIM_POSITION, destpos ]; //The start for the rules list integer count = 1; while ( ( count = count << 1 ) < jumps) rules = (rules=[]) + rules + rules; //should tighten memory use. llSetPrimitiveParams( rules + llList2List( rules, (count - jumps) << 1, count) ); } Now I can use llMapDestination( but it puts up a wretched map http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Elven Forest/242/214/22 which will allow me to click on it to tp . it also has problems and only works for the owner as an in a scripted attachment as in a sit . How is this able to do this as its not clear how it is getting to destination when stepping cannot sadly the Second life commands use experience and are not accessible. Is there a back door? I am sure there must be one that allows you to circumvent this without being forced to use a map ? again llTeleportAgent( will only teleport the owner .This function cannot be used in a script in an object attached using llAttachToAvatarTemp. Sitting avatars cannot be teleported using this function. You must llUnSit them first. This is hopeless.
  18. well i was hoping it might work it seemed to move still so might need to tweek the llCastRay can i set this to the bounding box of the object or have i got to watch all sides?
  19. Thanks Quistess Alpha So you mean vector rebound(vector v, vector n) { v = -v; rotation r = llRotBetween(v,n); return v*r*r; } vector __collision (vector start) { integer i =0; integer position =0; vector ikPOS = ZERO_VECTOR; list Ray = llCastRay(llGetPos()+<0.0,0.0,0.0>, llGetPos()+<0.0,0.0,0.0>,[RC_MAX_HITS,5]); vector mpos=llGetPos(); do { key lkID = llList2Key(Ray,i); ikPOS = llList2Vector(Ray, i+1); position = i+1; i = llGetListLength(Ray )-1; i++; } while(i<1); if(position ==1 ) return rebound(start,ikPOS) ; else return ZERO_VECTOR; } // Main code call ************************************************** vector newpos1 = ZERO_VECTOR; llOwnerSay("DEBUG : Get bezier"); do { if (b_i == liN || b_i == 1) { b_i = 1; coefisFirst();} newrot = Vec2Rot(dBez( b_i/liN)); newpos = (dBez( b_i/liN)); b_i++; newpos1 = __collision(newpos); if(newpos1 != ZERO_VECTOR) { b_i = 1; newpos = newpos1; // how to invert nxt bit refFrame coefisFirst(); } else { newpos1= newpos; } } while(newpos1 == ZERO_VECTOR); return newpos; Will something like this work please ? Hugs D
  20. yes i will have to stop it but working out how to do the rebound on a n object in three d space is hard in 2d yes i can do it i think three not so easy
  21. I asked how to calculate rebound andle and position to feed back in if i use llCastray to grt Ikid and idpos the target hit and have my current point trajectory to and from how do i use it to rebound it?
  22. Lucia Nightfire, I know this is off topic sorry, but can you add a particle system one to jira as don't have access or ability, that would position and be able to rotate the emitter in an object please so that in mesh you could position the emitter in the mouth of your animal instead of centre thanks. Hugs D
  23. Supper Idea looks like another piece that is needed to be added
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