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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. Yeah, I've walked around at 5'0" and no one said I was a child unless they were a 7'0"+ monstrosity that was a Karen. Which that has not been many.
  2. There are places, irl, that are public that you can do that and not get arrested. Like in Brazil, I believe, af night you can do all of that in public and not be charged. Then you have places where adult sex work is legal.
  3. Yep, age of consent here where I am is 16 but you are an adult at age 18. 16 is age of consent in most areas of the world and is the average national age with 18 being the adult age.
  4. And some kids look older than they are, like some adults look younger than they are IRL so that makes it even harder. Look at Gemma Ward, for example. You can't tell her age in many of her photos, until you look it up. I posted a photo, in forums after making a Gemma Ward look and people said it was a child, when it wasn't even a child. The woman is 36 years old. Then I made a Devon Aoki inspired look, same thing again, she is 41 years old but people were swearing it's a child
  5. Not true, I walk around in a Slim legacy perky with [+] Perky Petite add on all the time and I'm still fine. I even am 5'3" I wear a Lel Prim head, I dress adult and act adult and most times people don't mess with negatively. The only ones that ever messed with me are people who thought height mattered and they would message me calling me a child for being short, was never about how I looked. It was usually giant people who did that.
  6. This is true, even ChatGPT (lol used it for fun and giggles), in which I asked to determine if an avatar was an adult, they said "This appears to be adult, has adult features, looks to be around average height based on surrounding but there is no way to determine actual age of a 3d character in a fictional setting, would be up to the viewer's opinion. And there are a lot of child avatars that have a 20 to 30 year old face and a lot of adult bodies that have an adult face but look really cute and people still call them a child, because they're either Asian, Doll like or have a pouty face or has a baby face or have an anime inspired head. It is hard to know what a child's face look like, online due to stuff like this.
  7. There were multiple child avatar hate groups, that target child avatars regardless of what they are doing, no matter what the age is behind the avatar. I've heard and seen people say there would be people blackmailing child avatars into doing things or face being reported on a general or Moderate sim. I've, also, heard this happen to petites that were just adult women, people would blackmail them into doing stuff or face being reported by men and women, because the height issue in the pass. That was why they fixed it and said height does not matter, but people made people believe that it did matter and that sometimes happen still. Like this happened to an owner of a spa sim, where she was skinny, 5'2" her boyfriend was 7'8" people just mass reported her and she was instantly banned, because they were cuddled up. Now it's in clear text. "Height doesn't make you a child alone." you cannot mass report someone for being short.
  8. I don't think people trying to govern what adults do on adult avatars in an adult sim would help child avatars at all. Some people are trying to push for modesty for adult places, it seems, when it is an adult area on adult land, with adult content. If you do this, then those enjoying adult life will most likely exit and even more people will quit Second Life. Adults should be able to adult comfortably in adult areas, that's what they were made for. You complaining about adult acts on an adult sim, makes no sense... it's an adult sim • Mandatory Modesty is General • Mature - Less Modesty but you still can't go full super saiyan adult. • Adult sims - No modesty You want modesty, stay in General you want to be more mature but still have Modesty to where you're not subjected to adulting fully mixed in, Stay in Mature rated sims - If you go to adult sims, expect adults to be and act like adults.
  9. That's not going to happen, modesty in S.L. The adult side of S.L was made for adulting. If people wanted modesty, the would stick to general clubs, not Mature nor Adult. If you're in an adult club in an adult sim, people are going to adult all the time.
  10. Automated age verification doesn't work that well, it can fail most of the time, not to mention you can just use someone else's ID, if they ask for your I.D.
  11. That is a thing too, there are children who do try to prey on adults. Children are very smart and some of them can outsmart adults very fast. Women, themselves, on average can think faster, outwit, solve a problem 5 different was much faster than a man can, Not saying one is smarter than the other but I am saying in the amount of time a man thinks up one thing, a woman thinks up 10 things already. No different in a younger person.
  12. Or they use an adult head and think it looks like a child, but it doesn't look like it but it's on a child avatar body, For example. The face look like some 20 year old woman's face but it's on a child's body.
  13. Oh okay, I see. Not to mention, most child faces on here look like adult faces, which makes it even harder. It's crazy. I've seen some cute child faces but most wear adult skins on a child head.
  14. You said "joke aside. I'm of the believe that we (probably just me) perceive age based on two factors, one being the obvious anatomical markers, the other being culture and our personal familiarity with it. For example, with people around my age, I often guess them younger than they are and a big part of that is that the clothes they wear, their hairstyles, even their mannerism used to be young fashion when I was a wee lass. It just kind of aged along with them." I'm telling you that you cannot go by looks alone and some adults are very immature.
  15. I'm not sure what you're talking about, they already said height has nothing to do with age, no matter what gender. The murder, slaving, torture are all rp and consented to via adults. I don't like them, personally, but they are adult activities.
  16. That wouldn't work. What if they looked like Gemma Ward or Jenna Ortega or Halle Bailey or Ariana Grande. Sometimes adults just have natural baby faces. Then you have Asian Americans. You have adults like Melani Martinez who dress in Lolita or Babydoll style Some adults just love to be cute and doll like, Then you have women who don't have a lot of curves, Rectangular shaped bodies Then you have women who dress certain asthetics, Like Cutecore or Yami Kawaii or Then you have Femboys, who are of age males that live their lives femininely but still identify as a male Places like Lunar has a Kawaii asthetic that appeal to adults, Insomnia Angel have an adult lolita style that appeals to adults, Rosier has a Lolita style, like Insomnia Angel, that appeals to adults.
  17. To me This first guy looks like Tom Welling at age 35. the second one looks like he's a 28 year old man the third one looks like a 27 year old glam Elliot Rogers, if he didn't do what he did. the fourth looks around 26 and looks a bit like Gerard Way This last guy looks like a 26 year old man who could be Carmen Kass's son. And all of them are really really tall.
  18. None of these look like teens, these look like grown adults to me. What's happening here?
  19. They probably wore rlv because they're apart of a family and that family required them to either have a curfew or be able to keep track of them or keep them off of things, ban them from certain areas or saying certain things. Like when I was collared, was forbidden to go to certain sims that had been blacklisted in the collar.
  20. To be honest, I am concerned about the player base, as a whole I don't want Second Life to die out, I spent a lot of time here. Some people will take this as an alienation, which has always been a huge reason people had quit Second life. A lot of problems where "I feel like it is clique based." "I didn't feel welcome." "overwhelmed with information." "discrimination." On top of that, those who are innocent would probably feel punished and we are forcing them to leave what they were comfortable with. Worried about stability as a whole.
  21. You would think, giving how others see us, would be the land where "You have the right to bear arms, you have the right to bare breats, you have the right for freedom and democracy!" but we no, just guns and cheeseburgers. lol
  22. I assumed this is what they mean by modesty coverage no indication of sexual parts and unable to remove it from the body.
  23. If you ever played Black Desert Online, when you create a character you can't see them naked but they are wearing bras and panties baked into the mesh, with the skin. I think they mean in that way, where you have the skin and you have the underwear covering up private areas so you cannot see them naked, it's just caked into the Bom
  24. The reason why is because Second Life is Western and has an older population, there is a reason why a lot of people see most wearing a Maitreya as middle aged, since most of them are middle aged, not a lot of them, but most. And most middle aged people just happen to not like cartoons, unfortunately. Not very Asian oriented and I wish it was, I want to know more about Asian culture, make more Asian friends, I have Malaysian family myself but I'm not from there, so yeah.
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