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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. You look like an adult to me. I don't think you need to wear modesty layers, unless you want to.
  2. You're talking about "Idk why someone didn't create this because I have several images and know what a child avatar looks like but I haven't shared because no one is making this thread" but you don't want to present your evidence after complaining about it.... okay.
  3. You're acting like it's over for you. I've been to many adult sims and I'm 5'1" atm, in an adult avatar with an adult head and you know how many people gave me crap? None, no one did. No one avoided me either, people greeted me and I hung out with them, just today alone.
  4. Why don't you just create your own forum post about it then? You're asking someone else to do it but you can do that yourself.
  5. I doubt creators who create only adult skins will have to start making child friendly skins because they're not doing child content. I took it as "If you're creating child content, you have to have a modesty patch." if a child avatar wears an adult skin they're just asking for trouble.
  6. This thread, I don't think was suppose to be a debating thread to begin with. It's an opinion of what Linden Lab didn't take into consideration in the ToS on a certain thing.
  7. Have you seen Linden Lab's official flickr group because there are many men and women there with Lelutka heads that Linden labs don't see as children.
  8. V-tech stopped supporting Maitreya, Maitreya has flat so it doesn't need V-Tech.
  9. So you're telling me because a small group of people, V-tech users can't even enjoy themselves?
  10. Not true. There are many 50 year old,, even 60 that look good for their age. Genetics, working out, eating great can do a lot for the body.
  11. Yeah, Adults wear braces, one example of how an adult might possibly wear braces: some families can't afford braces for their kids and some turn into adults and now they can afford braces and now they can afford to fix their teeth. Another example, they want to improve their smile, feel better about themselves and improve their looks when they smile.
  12. You've gotten to a point where many have to say "I'm 18" in their profile. then someone takes it up a notch to tell them "You're lying, you don't look 18 to ME. people who put this 18 year old must be ageplaying." Even though to someone else they look 20, 24, 27, 18, and so on. and then you go on and you take photos of them, pass it around the internet, you don't include their profile and now everyone thinks they're a child, when they see themselves as an adult. How does that look to people looking to join into second life? What kind of message does that send to people who are actually these things, have faced harassment, have been bullied and they're like "I want to go someplace I can be myself, love myself." then they run into the same crap in their actual life if it applies to them. You can't even say you're an adult because someone will just take a photo of you with someone 8 ft tall because why not? To frame you as being a child that is saying "I'm an adult, Identify as an adult, my mind body and soul is an adult" And because they have a cute look, you're sending this message out. That is some of the most underhanded f'ed up stuff.
  13. I am saying that this is how this looks to me. Everything that can potentially happen to someone who is just one of these bodies and are just slim, petite, short, don't have big breasts etc. "Someone thinks someone looks like a teen so they are at risk of losing their account." and the "I'm 18 years old" and then people taking photos discluding their info in their profile to prove they are a child with photos. This looks like that to me.
  14. To me, personally, all this looks like is "I hate slim women" "I hate short people." They see her face and she's pretty but she is 5'3" so they A.R. her and try to get her account banned. This is what it just looks like to me and that is some of the most f-ed up stuff.
  15. Second life is Therapeutic, or was seen, because of the fact it says you can be anyone you want, do anything you want, your world your imagination. To many, the imagination is therapeutic. Over time, this became more and more pushed aside for more realistic views and fantasy and imagination have been pushed aside, now it's just avatars standing around afk, looking at IMs or playing a video game or watching youtube with many standing in their homes or the usual hang out sim.
  16. If the ToS is talking about child avatars and someone brings up something they consider child or childish then it's still on topic to debate about what's in the tos and what makes a child avatar, so hairstyle would be apart of that. What I am saying is that they should leave hairstyles out of this because adult women wear these hairstyles and that outfits are not complete without that one hairstyle that makes it lovely. And, sometimes that hairstyle can be pigtails, or ponytails.
  17. Those are pigtails. Those are braided pigtails. They are pigtails the same way as these are pigtails
  18. Pigtails, too, are traditional, also if you were reading, someone said something about ponytails in which I replied to them about ponytails, you were not on my mind, when I said anything about ponytail
  19. Hairstyle stops being a hairstyle at a certain age, after a certain age it becomes a statement also, I don't think they'd make ponytail a child's hairstyle anytime soon, automatically. You know what many women do when they are running, working somewhere and don't want their hair in the way, some of them do it while eating food, so do it for convenience. They put their hair in a ponytail. A hairstyle makes an outfit and there are different hairstyles that can break an outfit or is just right. None is more versatile than the Ponytail, when wanting convenience.
  20. How is anything I just said a panic or playing dumb? Not following.
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