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Fay Starlight

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Everything posted by Fay Starlight

  1. I noticed today if you stand under some of the pigeons that are roosting on the telephone wires...please bring an umbrella!! This is not a drill, this is real! Try it and find out!
  2. just found a graphic and made it on a prim!
  3. I had a stroke of genius (lol) for my little barn
  4. I did a ticket at 12:01 AM SLT as per instructed by the help desk and it has not been assigned to an agent yet, but the house has been assigned to someone else at least an hour or two ago.
  5. More hot tubs! Less 1024 sized Pools! 🤠
  6. Wish we could get the content packs as premium members at some central hub--versus from mailbox only. I have to bring my alt on to rezz a door. LOL Could put a discreet vendor inside the Community Centers? Right now maybe just a lone vendor out in the center of Overalls for the ranch theme......🤪
  7. Thumbs up to that one, --I might put in a rustic hot tub myself. However, I have seen 5-6 ENORMOUS, just huge lol, swimming pools and some were for XXX throw downs too,
  8. I am annoyed by all these mostly out of theme pools! 😠 But especially because people seem to have started to make them 1024 size to fill the other half of the parcel....o.O 🤪
  9. I am begging with her for 2048 Victorians too. 🙏
  10. Show of hands, how many 1024 sized pools have you see in the rancheros?
  11. Wish the Creek Stone house had vaulted ceiling, so we could do lofts! LOL
  12. Wish people would stop putting smoke stacks in the ranch homes, its gross, why smog up the blue skies? Nobody makes nice smoke, it looks like the house is on fire!
  13. You can tp into these but they are not ready to release, but def able to check them out!
  14. The sim edge at Whiplash is changing, better hold on to your hats, I think there might be a sim erruption!?!?!?!
  15. There is about 8 ranches left, so get em while their hot!!! Hope they raise more!
  16. I hope Overalls Region is a Community Center and has a horse racing track like Churchill Downs or something and a Farmer's Market!
  17. Nice looks Spanish/Italian or something along those lines--but what is "thousand island" about that---wouldn't Ceasar dressing be a better match?
  18. Curious, I keep hearing choppers overhead? Is that the DEA looking for illegal pot growers?
  19. I love the sounds on these! It's so authentic--I hear coyotes and moos and all that here where I live. I am a little over an hour outside of Nashville. These farms are very similar to here. The hills are not quite as pronounced in the LH ranches though, we have hills shading into very small mountains here and deep valleys. the train passing is neat too, though I have never lived near one.
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