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Gwin LeShelle

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Everything posted by Gwin LeShelle

  1. This week was insane here (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻ So weekend is like laying dead on the couch with foods. Sadly the week seemed lasting forever with all the things at work, but the weekend here is like...ZOOM Sunday morning already ಠ_ಠ lol I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend and let's hope the next week will be nice too ( ◜‿◝ )♡
  2. The Evolution line is not LeLutkas "older" line it's their new line, gets regularly updated with nice features. They dropped the price from 5k to like 3.9k, and at Black Friday you were able to get their heads for dirt cheap 2k. And there were two completely free heads. Sorry but what else do you want? If they didn't have "a sale from you" as you put it, at 2k, they never will and likely they won't care. As rude as this may sound 😆 I still believe people should stop complaining about how certain designers price their items, if its too expensive for you aka not worth it for you than this certain brand or product might just not be for you, period. People here tried to be helpful to you in this thread but all you wanted actually was a woe is me I want cheap stuff thread. And I personally don't think that 3k,4k or even 5k+ is too expensive when you think about how much work went into such an item. I am hoarding heads I own all the Genus ones, 5 Lelutka and about 6 or 7 catwa (those I haven't even touched in aaaages but still they were worth it at the time I got them because I enjoyed them) I loved switching alot and atm I am wearing one certain Lelutka all the time. And considering that people usually are like that meaning getting one head and loving it long and dirty and not like me hoarding heads, 5k is just a fair price for designers. Or actually it isn't when I think about my hourly wage in RL I wouldn't want to trade with them...they would have to sell alot of heads per hour to reach a fair monthly pay, so I'm happily paying them what they ask for because they bring me fun and I want them to be happy and also update my beloved heads for as long as possible
  3. After friday morning comes friday night! Cozy at home like in RL ^ ^
  4. Here in Tokyo it's almost 7am already on this lovely Friday ☺️💕😅
  5. おはようございます(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
  6. Got myself some armcandy to keep me warm in the wild weather today...like a portable heater I swear no husbands were harmed for making this pic...
  7. I know this oh to well haha 💕 We have 3 kids ...eldest girl almost 18, middle boy almost 10 and now the baby girl born this year in April. So in the mornings, it's teenage girly problems, dinosaur and robot questions, baby cuddles and feedings and preparing stuff for the husband and me for work I already left the house in my house shoes and just noticed it at the train station 😅😅 We mostly do home office this year but it's still insane Sometimes 😂
  8. Aaah x3 don't worry. Today at work, I had a presentation and asked infront of 13 people, where my glasses went all of a sudden...of course ...classic... they were on my head And just later down that day in the tea kitchen... I asked if anyone would knew where I parked my cup...while holding it haha it's just some days are cursed🤣 I was glad that the husband and I had the same way home today...you know just so I was sure I am not forgetting what train to take 🤣 So don't worry it happens to all of us in some ways ☺️ and your colleagues poking fun at you is probably just playful and will be over as soon as something other funny comes along ☺️🥰
  9. Same for me. No emails anymore at all. It all started like 2 days ago 😔 Maybe it has something to do with their fix for the major https problem regarding outside scripts that happened on the weekend 🤔 Also when you look at the grid status page there a HUGE mount of work to tackle at the moment for them. Since the cloud uplift this site is rather colorful and packed with problems. 😱😖
  10. I think it is not only about new and shiny. Belleza has not updated their body in ages, while all others do. LeLutka with their new neck, and other bodies fast adapting to it among other things. It's like the creator completely have given up on his product honestly. My husband is wearing his Belleza Jake and that body has had issues for ages now, with the stuff and frozen hands, or the nails disappearing and you need to toggle them on and off again and more. The hubby curses alot infront of his PC haha And no one seems to care I think that's why, the support is slowly getting less and less, and Isis and Venus sadly never had that much of a support to begin with 😔
  11. Ah duh 😅 Don't bother with my thread, I just found a thread in the tech section were people are having the same issues😳 Next time I should try reading first 😸💕
  12. Hiya ❤️ I suddenly do not receive any emails from second life anymore it suddenly stopped like 2 days ago. No Marketplace notifications about sold things, no offlines and no offline group messages. It's just sooo weird and I even went to check if somehow my email settings have changed and rummaged through my spam folder ... Nothing. Anyone else noticed that? It started around the time they had fixed the https error for outside scripts. I hope you all are safe and healthy and your loved ones too 💞
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