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Posts posted by CheriColette

  1. 7 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

    I've always been a forums junkie; however, I was a reader and not much of a poster.

    I tend to read the forums instead of the "newspaper" with my coffee in the morning.


    Same with me Blush. But not just mornings with coffee, its any time during the day I get a break at work. Its nice to take myself away to a quiet corner and read.

    I came across SLForums very early in my life, as a noob wanting to know how to do things. I think Google sent me here first.  

    • Like 2
  2. (Im always getting told off for using 'thankyou' as one word)

    Oddsock Box

    Fork It! Odd Socks With Attitude - 3 Pairs

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  3. 2 hours ago, Sandra8675 said:

    uummmmm...  ok...  I'm going into the wardrobe system anyway.  I really hope it helps me to see what I have.

    Good Luck with that...I bought CTS and struggled to get it working for me. I watched all the videos and read all the tutorials and went to some 'live' classes till I finally gave up. 

    If its successful for you, I hope you can give lessons back here for others.

    • Like 1
  4. 24 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    @Madelaine McMasters  That's a fascinating video.  I can't figure out how that player piano works.  The person at the keyboard is doing something rhythmic with his feet -- rhythmic but not on the same time scale as the tempo of the music -- that I interpret as pumping the machinery.  But what the heck is he doing with his fingers?  He seems to be manipulating buttons of some kind with each hand, but why?  I can't see any pattern to the button pushing that seems to correlate with the music.  It looks completely random.  And then there's the white box-looking thing in the place where you might expect a piano roll (or sheet music in a regular piano).  It's a bit hard to tell without being able to zoom in, but it looks like something is moving on the boxy thing, but the box itself isn't moving. What is it?  Do you have any clues, or is this one of those mechanical mysteries that will have me still guessing at 3 a.m.?

    This might help Rolig

    "History of the Player Piano"

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  5. 3 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    Check this one out. It's in an Adult region, if that matters to you, but it's a good place to take "clean" photos and there are some lovely backgrounds and props.



    What Sylvia said and also there is another floor with some photoboxes but you have to be a member to accesses them. Well worth it if you have group space. 

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


    I applaud them for backing away on the requirement that everyone agree to the Tilia TOS: it's good to see them being responsive...........

    I second this. A good outcome. It may not have start out well but those of us that read the forum frequently have been enlighten by the discussions and are well equipped to help others who are just hearing about Tilia.  

    Its good that a big company, like Linden Lab, can (not exactly) (admit they made an error of judgement) re-evaluate a situation and change a policy they had thought to be 'cast in stone'. 

    Thanks for listening LL  :)

    • Like 2
  7. I wonder, come the 1st, how many people will not sign the Tilia agreement just through ignorance because they are not informed and have missed these discussions in the forum!

    That is if the two agreements are set out separably. One may think they have the option to sign one and not the other. Of course if they are  both linked as in 'tick the box to agree to TOS and Tilia' then people will just do that, even without thinking. 

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