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Posts posted by CheriColette

  1. Stray Bullet 

    Image result for stray bullet

    An Australian journalist was hit in the neck by a stray bullet while covering fighting in the Philippines 2017. 

    The fighting began after militants declaring allegiance to so-called Islamic State (IS) took parts of Marawi on the island of Mindanao in May.

    Mr Harvey said he was bending down to get food and water out of a car - dressed in protective gear including a helmet and flack jacket - when he was hit by something that "felt like a cricket ball".

    He had first aid from colleagues at the scene, thinking he had been hit by some shrapnel, but when he sought medical attention the X-ray image made it clear he had been hit by a bullet.

    Mr Harvey was flown to Manila for surgery to remove the bullet. Doc glanced at X-Ray and said 'M-16'. They know their slugs here.

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  2. On 8/11/2017 at 3:49 AM, Klytyna said:

    Some years back, I was standing at a sim border, waiting for the reset on the sim next door to finish, so I could visit the store there...

    The account I was using was 3 weeks old...

    Then the store owner came and stood next to me, also waiting for his sim to come back up, and said HI, as he'd spotted that I had made my avi with clothes, skin, shoes, and jewelery from his recent store hunt, on a shape I'd made my self that matched the kind of style he used in his promo images, and done a good job.

    He TOLD me to apply for a job as one of his store models, and when I pointed out I didnt make the 30 day requirement he just said "I own the store... apply" and gave me 3 free outfits.

    So I went off and contacted his 'model wrangler' who told me that I was too young and inexperienced in SL (I was an obvious alt), and didn't match the stores brand image (dressed head to toe in clothes given to me by the store owner and there at his request). The models hired by the wrangler, were ALL lastnamers, and most didn't match the store style at all, patronage and favor, and predudice against 'residents'.

    So I didn't get a job as a model, instead I was on the owners friends list, worked as a host there earning more than the models, and was the one who got the wrangler fired for abusing their position...

    Most 'under 30 day' people are not that lucky, and suffer for the same reasons, with no 'revenge'.

    Welcome to SL

    Love your revenge. Reminds me of that part in Pretty Woman, when (Julia Roberts) goes shopping for an outfit only to be told she was in the wrong shop!


  3. 6 hours ago, ananoelle said:

    My family 😂😂😂 but seriously it is lol




    6 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    That could be my Family Reunion!

    Mom was one of 14 and our largest reunion ever (1985) drew more than 400 people. Death and dispersion whittled us down to 125 in 2015.


    I am one of eight myself which didnt seem unusual growing up but it is by todays standards. 

    Next words:

    Royal Feud 

    Image result for royal feud

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  4. Leppard Drummer

    (Rick Allen)


    Rick Allen  (1 November 1963) and started playing drums at the age of nine. When Allen was 14, his mother saw an advert by a band called "Def Leppard" who needed drummer to replace Tony Kenning ("Leppard loses skins"). He got the job on 1 November 1978, which was his 15th birthday.

    In 1984, Allen was involved in a car accident when passing another car and he lost control of his Corvette. He was thrown from the car, causing his left arm to be severed. Doctors initially reattached Allen's arm, but because of an infection, it had to be re-amputated. His right shoulder was also severely broken in the accident.

    But Rick Allen continues to play with the band utilising a custom-made drum set. 


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  5. 8 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    You have to upload it just like you do any texture/image and pay the 10L upload fee. 

    Rather than email it to yourself you could have saved it to your harddrive and then just uploaded it from your image folder.

    As Matty said...the fee is still $10 but I always download photos to my computer (disk option in the camera) because the uploaded photo is better and you can take many more (for free) before deciding which is the one great shot you want to upload back to hang on your wall. 

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