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Posts posted by CheriColette

  1. I did this meme for 'never have i ever challenge' set by Strawberry Singh  

    1) Never have I ever had sex, in Second Life. 

    2) Never have I ever visited a sex sim, in Second Life. 

    3) Never have I ever been an escort or stripper, in Second Life. 

    4) Never have I ever been in porn videos in Second Life. 

    5) Never have I ever done things that may be illegal in the real world, in Second Life. 

    6) Never have I ever created an ALT for secret activities, in Second Life. 

    7) Never have I ever had a one night stand, in Second Life. 

    8) Never have I ever been part of a roleplay community, in Second Life. 

    9) Never have I ever discovered a new fetish, because of Second Life. 

    10) Never have I ever done things in Second Life that I wouldn’t admit to my friends or family. 

    Meme in SL.JPG

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  2. On 9/17/2019 at 2:33 AM, Madelaine McMasters said:

    When I was in graduate school, I left a research study because of the way they were using the laboratory animals. I understood that there was no suitable alternative to the animals, but that didn't mean they could be treated as "disposable". I argued that every effort should be made to ensure that maximum use was made of each life. The primary investigator on the project was miffed by my satirical take on their approach, including my suggestion that they might as well eat the animals afterwards. I actually do think the image is in poor taste, not because of what it portrays, but because it's got the look of "marketing" all over it.


    I had similar feelings Maddi and was labeled  'disrupted' in my biology class when I refused to dissect a rat....

    I ended up taking him home and he had a long life as my pet. Very clean an intelligent rats are. They dont deserve their bad reputation. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, Tarina Sewell said:

    I pay a monthly fee to LL so I can have my inventory and all its glory and all the multiple duplicates of object and dodads that I have accumulated throughout my SL journey. So to hell with your small, organized inventory I say live and let LL sort them out when my sl ava dies.


    .....but it takes time to load inventory. Precious time you could be out in-world having fun. 

  4. On 9/8/2019 at 10:12 AM, Vanity Fair said:

    So...I'm curious. How big is your SL inventory?

    Do you throw out old stuff regularly? Do you just let it accumulate? 

    How do you organize it? *Do* you organize it?

    I'll start. My current inventory size is *cough*239,322*cough* and I once made a very half-hearted attempt to filter the items older than 4,000 days (see picture) and throw out some of my oldest system layer and flexiprim clothing. Then I gave up and just kept everything, forever and ever, Amen. I just tell myself that with Bakes on Mesh, I still might just need something...

    *sigh* I think I need to join a 12 Step group... somebody call the people over at TLC, I might just have a new reality TV show idea for them....

    How to Sort Your INventory 7 Sept 2019.png


    Working with filter date now..... (thanks for that idea).I've found a lot of 'old clothes' that I may still wear so meantime I am boxing them rather than deleting them, later I may decide to delete the full boxes. Its hard to let go atm. It has made a difference. 

    Since a few years ago, when I buy something, I always delete everything not my size and LM, pictures, demo, notes (I dont need), and empty trash before I leave. When saving in Appearance (Firestorm) I use to include everything needed to 'wear' but each item adds to the count so now, I have everyday HUDS  saved at top of list and leave them out of each individual entry.   For Shoes, Jewelry, Hair items, I group in Appearance and then edit out everything else (including body) so they can be 'added to existing outfit'). This has saved me heaps in the overall count. Just removing the Maitraya Hud from each saved outfit has reduced the count by 2000. 


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