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Dirtnap Mumfuzz

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Everything posted by Dirtnap Mumfuzz

  1. The majority of questions arising from Direct Delivery problems can be answered here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Direct-Delivery-tips-amp-tricks/td-p/1934269 Certain specific problems still require additional support.
  2. If you are still using magic boxes, try deleting the item from your magic box contents and then reset the box.
  3. Casper Warden (creator of Casper vendors) does not steal, nor do any of his vendors. If you have an issue or question regarding a Casper vendor, feel free to seek support from the CasperTech user support group. I have had many first hand contacts with this customer-friendly and very reputable creator. When dealing with Casper and his products, you have nothing to worry about. You've made a good choice in vending systems.
  4. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Direct-Delivery-tips-amp-tricks/td-p/1934269 Specifically: -If you get some random items hanging around in your Merchant Outbox after a send despite an 'all clear partner' from the server cops, you should be able to delete those lingering items from your Merchant Outbox, and if the listing did not properly refresh after ten or so minutes, try re-adding and sending them again.. -It would seem that because of the load represented, you should expect functions on the website to be delayed or to react somewhat unexpectedly. Don't go click-crazy, you will increase the odds of only making things worse. Sometimes a log out and a relog into the web page can help clear your current data. ...and: -Closing and reopening the Merchant Outbox seems to have the effect of clearing its 'cache' or refreshing it in some fashion, so try it if something zags when you try to zig. Relogs and reboots never hurt. -Occasionally hitting the resynch magic boxes to marketplace button seems to help induce a sort of reset.
  5. If you haven't imploded just yet, hold tight to your Big Gulp and read my tips & tricks posting (currently right below this post) for the secrets to the innerverse.
  6. Thanks Emma, please send it along to my PO box, I'll hang it on the wall with the rest of my collection: Dirtfuzz Mumnap inmate #OICU812 C/O Death Valley Sanitarium, Sanitation and Meat Processing PO Box 13 Hells Ham Sandwhich, Califiggity 91666 Yeah, the neighbors stopped finding it funny after the eighth or ninth request. Don't know why they're so worked up about it, I did ask first. This time. Maybe that's why they had I mean got chickens. Giggling instead of throwing your Big Gulp is a good way to avoid an ulcer and/or a monitor repair bill; and who doesn't enjoy a good chortle once they've settled into their new yoke. Glad anyone is finding it useful, or at least disturbing I mean amusing. Corrections/clarifications/contributions/donations and direct insults are always welcome. If you feel you (or someone like you) have anything to add, please feel free.
  7. I firmly oppose changing over to Direct Delivery. From the start. The ol' spidey senses warned that it was fraught with problems. Possibly assembled with bubblegum fetched from the mouths of sleeping hobos by the Montgomery Street BART station, and rusted baling wire retrieved from the depths of the buffalo pen in Golden Gate Park; rushed out before its time and at the ultimate cost of those it was meant to serve. Though no one would probably really know or care except those who have had the rare displeasure of rubbing up against me on the topic. And I'm sure they anti-care, if I properly performed my duties. That being said, I converted a store of several hundred products to Direct Delivery under the pressure of Corporate passive aggressive duress. It only took a portion of an afternoon and I survived the experience. So far. The jury is still out on whether or not it was a rational thing to do, but I can attest that it can in fact be done, and without the need to ask the neighbors to borrow their infant child to use in a satanic blood ritual. I hate when they give me that look every time. On my journey I gathered a few seemingly pertinent tips, tricks, and theories clutched in the bony fingers of the withered corpses that marked the unfortunate who had fallen on the path before me; which I am posting here like a virtual message in a low- poly bottle, so that they may hopefully reach you on your own island of merchant despair and help ease you as well into your cozy cog space in the machinery. Isn't conformity FUN! <pertinence>: Stand ON the solid ground during the process, preferably in a quiet-ish place, for best results. It seems being up off the ground can have adverse effects, exponential to height. -Some viewers can access the Merchant Outbox and others cannot, and I cannot tell you which are which with certainty, so for simplicity sake use the Linden Labs viewer that is compatible with your machine, just for the purpose of accomplishing the Direct Delivery process. It can be downloaded from the SecondLife homepage, used, then set aside for any future need. Bonus tip: having a variety of spare viewers can be very handy! -The Merchant Outbox folder technically should not have been an inventory folder, so on some viewers you might have to hunt for it. The Linden Labs viewer should have the Merchant Outbox under the [me] tab. -PHOENIX USERS: Despite having a Merchant Outbox folder in plain sight, there is no option to send the items to marketplace in the viewer, it just doesn't exist. I know, right!? So just adding your goodies to the Merchant Outbox will not work. You will need a different viewer to set up your Direct Delivery. Leave that folder alone! -Be careful when dropping folders into the Merchant Outbox because you CAN add content to another folder accidentally, and it will be sold as one package unless you delete it. Try to drop your selections on the lower bar that is indicated in the window, or use the [copy to Merchant Outbox] option from your right-click menu. -Shoot for 50-70 items at a time, to avoid errors. Expect them anyways. -When I mean if you do get an error, DON'T immediately try to re-add the products to the Merchant Outbox; give it some time, because the items might actually show up in your Marketplace after all, despite the error indicating otherwise. -I am fairly sure that if you are cleaning out Magic Boxes, you MUST go to Xstreet to remove them there manually. Tutorials in forums you will find, young Jedi. Guide you on your way they will. -If you moved or deleted the Merchant Outbox, slap yourself in the forehead for being made of derp, and go use the viewer you used (apparently probably Phoenix) to do the derping to un-derp it. -If you get some random items hanging around in your Merchant Outbox after a send despite an 'all clear partner' from the server cops, you should be able to delete those lingering items from your Merchant Outbox, and if the listing did not properly refresh after ten or so minutes, try re-adding and sending them again. -Closing and reopening the Merchant Outbox seems to have the effect of clearing its 'cache' or refreshing it in some fashion, so try it if something zags when you try to zig. Relogs and reboots never hurt. -Occasionally hitting the resynch magic boxes to marketplace button seems to help induce a sort of reset. -During the transition, several other listings may suddenly become unavailable or otherwise act up. Just be patient and give it a few minutes, and they should come back online, provided you have done everything you need to do. Tutorials on the whole process can be found in many places at this time, so I won't go into what has thoroughly been covered already. -Rather than rely on the [unlisted] and [unavailable] button options on your manage inventory page, go through and manually check that all of your listings display a green 'active' check mark; these listings don't appear to self-sort and display as unlisted OR unavailable. -It would seem that because of the load represented, you should expect functions on the website to be delayed or to react somewhat unexpectedly. Don't go click-crazy, you will increase the odds of only making things worse. Sometimes a log out and a relog into the web page can help clear your current data. -If you are changing over a large quantity of products, the response from the Marketplace will need time to chew through it all, so if things seem off, grab a cup o' Joe or a toke of your choice; rub a puppy or strum a few chords, and come back in a few minutes. Provided you followed your chosen tutorial to the letter, everything should be giggity. -Above all, take your time, be patient, it takes a few minutes for things to regain their balance. Don't go adding and punching buttons, and getting yourself screwed up into a frantic freaking mess. -And don't forget your puppy. </pertinence> (I posted this as a service to the desperate masses being led to the consumer slaughter. If it is a duplicate effort or some other such federal offense, just sue me. No really, sue me; I get bored easy.) (rev 2: edited for editing purposes) (rev 3: edited to include editors edition for editorial editing) (rev 4: edited Editorial Edition for Ed.) (rev 5: chicken pot chicken pot chicken pot piiiiiie )
  8. LOL I forgot all about this topic. It's easy to do, when there are so many more important things in life to think about. On the other hand though and with a little luck, the A.D.D. Crowd is also preoccupied playing with their ear wax by now. And that is always a good thing. I went to the link you provided, and did not find this identical information anywhere. The section you quoted seems rather incomplete, and therefore useless; the content seems broken and disambiguated, so I am forced to ask if you reinterpreted this or copied it directly. The absence of punctuation makes it that much more complicated to follow. As a result, I'm guessing you reiterated, because only the portions you wanted to mention seem to be included, and have been done so with vague interpretation. However based on the information you provided, it would seem that trademark should mean the use of the term Harley Davidson only applies to any use in association with a motorcycle. You might be surprised to learn that Harley Davidson actually offers their own line of merchandise that goes far beyond just bikes..Everything from bandannas to motor oil..But I am pretty sure you forgot to consider that. Something about probably never stepping foot in a Harley show room...but as the previous owner of a 1950 Panhead, I can tell you that you are dead wrong. For an example of how this works: the silk Pink Floyd necktie I bought years ago is a licensed product; but it is not music, or video, or anything of the aural sort. It's a piece of clothing, and it also required proper licensing in order to be branded as a licensed Pink Floyd product...which is not the same as saying Pink Floyd made it, by the way, the same for the sets of collectors Pilsner glasses I have. Again, I am drawing a distinct line between copyright and trademark, because they are two different things. A side note: how can you be a customer on a commercial premises, AND use a virtual system like an internet keyword search? A premises is defined as: a house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business. There is no physical building representing any merchants storefront within any context being used here, it is an online environment. Again, people spending too much time looking at screens forget there was already a tangible world outside. You seem to be suggesting you can physically be someplace and apply virtual tools at the same time. So how's that working out for you? Rather than goose-step blindly along while quoting a blurry TOS I don't even understand like every other lemming with chronic kneejerkitis, I prefer to look at data; There are currently approximately 2,200 listings that come back with the keyword search 'Harley", an increase of almost 200 items since the last time I checked in January. At least 564 of those are vehicles, up from 520 items in January. None of them look like new listings. None of them appear to be licensed merchandise. There are currently approximately 400 listings that come back with the keyword "Davidson", an increase of about 100 items since the last time I checked in January. At least 125 of those are vehicles, up from 120 items in January. None of them look like new listings. None of them appear to be licensed merchandise. There are currently approximately 300 listings that come back with the keyword "Harley Davidson", about the same as when I last checked in January. At least 75 of those are vehicles, up from 70 items in January. None of them look like new listings. None of them appear to be licensed merchandise. Did anyone else bother to monitor the listings before making assumptions? I didn't think so. You may or may not notice that the majority of the products still listed do exactly what you say they can't do: use a trademarked branding to sell something else, made by someone else, without license. So by your misunderstanding, does that mean that the term Harley Davidson can be used without license to sell anything EXCEPT a motorcycle? Or does it mean that you cannot list a bike with the term Harley Davidson, but a car, a picture, a pair of boots, a structure or anything not a motorcycle is just fine? How does this apply to fan art, and do you know anything about that at all? If there was any sort of 'crack down' taking place, why are there more listings now than just a couple months ago? There are still nearly 300 products using this full term as a keyword, and the majority of them are not motorcycles at all. Very flagrant branding infringement occurs in many of the listings. The words Harley Davidson plainly appear in many of the listings. Why do these other obviously infringing listings persist while others are selectively taken down? But more importantly is the clear indication that there is no consistency being applied; these older listings still exist, despite the indication that newer listings, such as the OP's have apparently been singled out. And since the priority here in this forum is more about bullish behavior, one-upmanship, anonymous smart mouthing and who is more right, there is total lack of regard for the real issue: absolutely no consistency in application of an assumed policy. Nevermind the ever present pack of howler monkeys flaunting the stupidity of saying that using a brand name ANYWHERE is grounds for an infringement..Try telling that to a million successful eBay merchants who do it daily. I always get a good laugh at how people in SecondLife start to act like the world revolves around them. And once again, I truly appreciate the disregard of the actual point being made -that it appears you all are generally convoluting the terms and confusing YOURSELVES (and attacking anyone who dare say so)- in favor of constant mantric regurgitation of half written procedure, injected full of individual faux-facts and generalizations. And thanks Dillon, I'm glad we can at least agree on one thing: that you suck at everything, as per the four words after the colon, as per your own reference. It's good to know that statement meets with your approval. Don't like what I have to say? Don't read it, and don't reply! If you can. Ciao for now, sugarbritches!
  9. It seems that so much time wasting, mindless bickering goes on in all of these forums; mostly instigated, encouraged, and/or proposed by know-it-all post whores and LL cheerleaders. It also dramatically cheapens the experience, in my opinion. Who has time for such petty megalomania? Who CARES if Linden Labs EVER did anything right OR wrong. The official SL viewer is already chock full of unwanted advertising, but at least it is SL-related. For now. The point here as far as I am concerned is unwanted and irrelevant SPAM, which is all these trash ads are. More unemployable advert-grad jackholes trying to force their worthless junk into my pocket, and my money into theirs. Having products I don't want aggressively shoved in my face is not only extremely offensive, it is counterproductive to any form of sale, in my opinion...just like the insurance ads that constantly interrupt my streaming radio channels, do you really think I am ever going to buy your product or service just because you hope to bully me into doing so? You ruined my enjoyment of my chosen entertainment with a commercial interruption, which means I'll happily pay more to your less intrusive competitors, just to spite you. SecondLife: the new official roosting spot for all things spam that have nothing to do with virtual environment anything. Please note: I cannot justify nor care to join the rest of the keynote speakers as you each vie for the gold in the internet Special Olympics, so I now leave you to return to your inane arguing over nothing at all.
  10. "dormant for so long"? This topic was created in early December. Last post was December 14th. Approximately a month old is a long time to you? I mean maybe you mean relative to relationship terms. I think that registers as a serious medical condition. I hear they have a medication for that. You can buy it online. There is nothing polite about misinformation, and declaring keyword spam is why someone got an IP infringement warning seems like a whole lot of just that. Warping definition leads to clinical pack mentality fueled by hysterical and ignorant behavior. Talk about rude. Ohhh you were joking. For a clownfish, you're not that funny. Enough of that nasal drivel, on to important matters. Application of common sense needs to occur from this point forward, for any of this to make a difference. See, I made a funny. Actually I used the word trademark; and perhaps you should consider doing so as well, because until someone can tell me otherwise that is what using a brand name is (unless some other logo or depiction is also used, but not being a judge OR a lawyer on the topic, I wouldn't know; hence my previous gratuitous use of 'seems' to indicate I am making queries, not declarations), and calling a spade a spade is rather relevant, and important to proper comprehension. Otherwise there is a real risk of thinking terms and their definitions are interchangeable, which will make you look stupid pretty quickly. Which is why I try to excersize cautious consideration around definitions. And if trademark is the wrong term to apply to the use of a name brand, then I will adjust accordingly, but I'm pretty sure that's the right order. Despite not being legally versed I have read a little bit on the subject, and I can tell you that copyright and trademark though closely related are meant to define two separate bodies or types of material; and are usually treated as two very different issues, and require different processes whose outcomes are dependent on the merits of each situation. Last time I checked, Harley Davidson was a trademark, not a copyright. You are reinterpreting the definition 'unrelated brand names' to mean mean ANY brand name use, and according to "the letter of the law" that is obviously flat wrong. Otherwise there would be no need to specify 'unrelated brand names' it would just say do not use brand names. Since Harley Davidson is a motorcycle, using it as a keyword on a motorcycle listing would NOT be keyword spam. Nor would it be referenced in the section of the TOS regarding keyword spam. Simple. As a result, I am declaring that your claim that the TOS definition of keyword spam somehow IS applicable or relevant to or the same thing as any sort of brand infringment is the best proof anyone could provide that you are absolutely not taking it on face value; i.e. misinterpeting, and seeking to impress your misunderstanding upon others. Just saying. So since you posted up the pertinent information for all to read, let's see what can be seen. Despite what most people think. LL is pretty consistent at what they do. And arguably what they do best is legally protect themselves. Presumably the TOS is expected to be a binding document so that leads me to believe we are supposed to try to interpret it verbatim. And I see all manner of indication that LL has tried to impress this concept upon the TOS recipient. The fact that LL goes as far as to provide examples of how closely mimicing a trademarked brand is still an infringement indicates their interest in covering all possible loopholes. Even providing a variety of examples of what not to do. Even though everyone does it constantly. Because it is actually rather common knowledge, I have found, that there is nothing new just new versions of what has been around for a very long time. But still they offer examples for clarity. And to legally protect themselves. If I recall correctly, on the topic of copyright and trademark matters, LL directs the reader in another document to review the applicable laws after a brief introduction, and contact information for filing a complaint for either situation. I seem to have noticed two separate procedures. They don't offer their interpretation of the law, they only define those terms and conditions they can control, and they cannot dictate -or predict- copyright or trademark law. Despite all of this, keyword spam means using NON related terms so that your listing appears with non related items. It does not mean brand name violation or infringement in any form. Otherwise it would simply be stated and resolved. In other words, listing some shoes but putting the brand name word for a boat or airplane or other NON related search term would cause spamming of search terms, and hinder its functionality. Unless I am mistaken, that would be a proper interpretation of keyword spam. If this is true, then keyword spam has nothing to do with brand name anything unless that brand name was for something non related. Unless someone can show it to me, it seems quite apparent there is no where a statement that says 'you may not use any copyrighted and/or trademarked name or brand in your keyword terms" and given the scrutiny applied to other issues that it is actually by all indications well within their authority to prevent confusion by defining the terms. But to endorse such an action as using brand names for any purpose would be asking to get sued into the stone age the minute the law was redefined. My opinion, if you should find it sufficiently boring enough to disregard entirely, is that LL is smart enough to dictate what they can (to legally protect themselves), interfere when they must (to legally protect themselves) and not endorse or promote any action that could be considered liable or litigious (to legally protect themselves). But opinion doesn't really apply on a subject that is supposed to be considered a legally definable boundary, does it. All I know is that I don't know nothin'. And that's fine.
  11. Thank you for actually posting up the section of the TOS I am referring to, and trying to self-righteously and incredulously misquote it. This is the sort of myopicity I am referring to really. Ignorance is one helluva drug, it would seem. Again, according to the same TOS, KEYWORD spam and TRADEMARK infringement are two different things. Lumping them together doesn't make you more right, just less literate. I cannot be held responsible for your inability to comprehend and/or delineate between the two. I do thank you for performing it publicly though, I couldn't have asked for a better example. Also, since you probably didn't actually read any further than the part you wanted to gety angry about and continue to misrepresent, why don't you go ahead and outline how my understanding of current U.S. trademark and copyright law is completely and totally innacurate. If you can.
  12. There are currently approximately 2,000 listings that come back with the keyword search 'Harley". At least 520 of those are vehicles. None of them look like new listings. There are currently approximately 300 listings that come back with the keyword "Davidson". At least 120 of those are vehicles. None of them look like new listings. There are currently approximately 150 listings that come back with the keyword "Harley Davidson". At least 70 of those are vehicles. None of them look like new listings. Obvious visible Harley logo infringement occurs in some of these listings, which is far more incriminating than a brand name being used as a keyword. Many of these products appear in all three searches, which suggests the use of not only the search term Harley and Davidson, but also the term Harley Davidson in each keyword listing. If all it takes to avoid trademark infringment is the use of a comma between two words, then it would seem this is a very weak avenue to pursue for IP protection or enforcement. IF products were being blocked by LL on behalf of Harley Davidson for keywording of brand names, THEN there should be some sort of consistency, presumably none of these additional listings could or should exist currently. This suggests that this is not a trademark or copyright issue at all, but just another LL 'delisting' glitch that should be ticketed for correction. This also suggests that most people do NO research whatsoever before spouting off their official misinformation.
  13. Everyone quotes the TOS regarding issues like these, in order to lend their position validity; but none of you seem to be quoting it very accurately. For all I know I also get it wrong, but I also don't seem to inject nearly as much personal opinion into the matter.So I have a little bit of confidence that I am closer to the mark than anyone can appreciate. But I could be wrong about that. Admittedly I didn't bother reading through seven pages of panty-bunching and nitpicking though, otherwise I would be talking more about that... Also it would help if there were some sort of detailed breakdown ANYWHERE of this vague but vital issue by the writers of the TOS. So if you have a link to THAT, how about putting it up there for people to review? As far as I can tell, The OP has done nothing wrong or in violation of anything by using brand names as keywords. No apparent or reportable COPYRIGHT infringement exists. Last time I checked, you could not generally COPYRIGHT a name (though it can be trademarked). This means (it would seem) that use of ANY branded name in a visible listing would be a TRADEMARK violation, not a copyright issue. It would seem. there is no crime commited using a brand name as a KEYWORD; you cannot MARKET the product as something made UNDER that brand name, which to my knowledge is the significant difference being ignored here. As far as I have been able to tell, this is how brand names can OPENLY appear in news articles, movies, songs and literature for example, without creating infringement; mere mention of a brand does not equal a TRADEMARK infringement. Two songs with the same name by two different bands would not be an infringment on either, for example. Doing a cover of the other bands song and selling it as your own however, would be an obvious infringement. Claiming ownership, stating 'made by', or placing branding directly ON a product so that it creates a false sense to the consumer of that item being licensed, endorsed, or MADE by the brand owner however would be a trademark and/or copyright infringement. And that would appear to be the major difference in play. The TOS seems to specify identifying use of a brand name in a LISTING. Keyword spam is not using brand names in your keywords, it is using NON RELATED terms as keywords. There is a big difference. LL goes so far as to define a listing and a keyword separately in their terms, and if they were one and the same, it seeems that there would be no need for separate identification. The grey area would have already been covered in the legalese provided. I have a hard time believing that keywords that to my knowledge are not visible can be considered a part of a visible listing, since you can't see what part of a keyword actually came back positively in a search. So a company filing a DMCA for an unverifiable infringement seems not just unlikely, it seems impossible and highly liable. How do you allege someone has done something you can't see? Filing a blanket DMCA based on assumption doesn't seem legally sound, it seems more like a reverse lawsuit waiting to happen. It only takes one false accusation by a company to get them sued for damages. I can't see a company protecting itself from penny theft while risking open litigation for thousands of dollars in damages as a very sound business model. So if the above presumption/synopsis is true, then all of you in this thread who are acting like know-it-all bullies with your 'what-did-you-expect-crying-for-help-you-are-a-filthy-criminal" mob mentality toward the original poster are so out of line that THEY should be suspended or banned for their harrassment of an innocent customer with a legitimate problem. Just saying. I apologize to the OP for the mean-spirited behavior frequently displayed by the SL forum superfriends; the same mentality on all forums and weblogs that persists in the hearts of insensitive people with anger management issues mixed with internet anonymity. Most wouldn't behave this way face to face out of simple respect, or at least fear and cowardice; and the same fear that makes them feel like powerless cowards in life encourages them to become passive-aggressive loudmouths that lash out at others in their own helplessness. It's a shame that anymore people can't just either be kind, or shut up. Sign of the times. These forums usually suck, because I see alot of misinformed, hostile, pushy people insisting they are unequivocally right, and frankly getting nasty over it when anyone dares to challenge their authority...but as far as I can tell the loudest and most aggressive participants in these discussions are usually wrong and unable to admit it. Or at least not as right as they think they are, and still unable to admit it.
  14. OOps Forgot all about these forums. Again Sassy Romano wrote: I think you're actually behind the times by about 5 months. I'd be curious as to what the "many reasons" not to migrate to DD are? DD rolled out way back in Spring and does work. There WERE some key issues but most have been dispensed with, there remains some stupid ones like WEB-4587 but that doesn't actually relate to DD but more about the period of migration from Xstreetsl. We're NOT going to see a new batch of showstoppers, nor are the NEXT threads to be ones complaining about problems. All that happened back in March. I can't think of reasons where if there is a choice, one shouldn't migrate to DD. I can think of a really great fresh new one. I really do love sharing these Miss Cleo moments, though I get the feeling I am jumping in the other direction, which might explain why you are getting the impression of a five month regression. You are right though, we won't see a batch of showstoppers. Just one. Deja Letov wrote: How exactly is this not working? And it's already released so how is it obsolete before it's released. I think pretty much everything you've said is exactly opposite...it's much better than a magic box, works faster, more reliable, no more taking up prims on my land for stupid boxes, no more having to sync them, etc. it's definitely not perfect but I see it as a HUGE improvement over the old magic boxes. Failed deliveries being the number one thing it fixed for me. With the latest announcement of an indefinite final migration, I feel pretty confident on wagering that something must not be working. Otherwise there would be no more delays, The DD exodus would be occuring and magic boxes would be disco'ed in ten more days instead of postponed TFN. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that it's working out for you, but I get the impression the majority do not share the enthusiasm. Or results. Something that has so many problems that it does not ever get fully released..I call that not working. Something that malfunctions worse than what it is supposed to replace before it can be implemented...I call that obsolete before it is released. Come on, meet me halfway and admit that If it were truly any better, then it would be sufficiently functional to at least reliably serve the majority of users. Anything by any company that exhibits so many widespread problems and failed release dates -and ultimately gets back-burnered till further notice- Well we used to call that Dead on Arrival. Anymore we just consider it business as usual. I will venture in parting that indefinitely postponing mandatory migration is one of the more mature decisions the Labs has made in a while. ttfn!
  15. Just thought I would make brief mention that after several months this seems to have cleared up on its own. I love self-healing technology.
  16. To be honest I never experienced a delivery failure until DD was released. Don't really remember reading about that many either. So yes I admit I am behind the times, and still use a working system declared obsolete by a system that can't stand on its own feet. Yet. But to be fair, I am only going on the reports and indications being stated here by others. Though I also admit I don't check here regularly; that would suggest there was something worth checking, and it's mostly petty drivel. I've read the JIRA that runs more like an environmental impact report mated to a scifi book series, and have gleaned various posts by people theatening lawsuits and commiting suicide over the whole thing (which seemed to be working already via MB, despite costing a prim for a box) and I confess I did not become one of them no matter how much fun it looked like. My two prims worth of magic boxes are completyely breaking the bank, I have not shared in the joys of not having full control over my designs, having innacurate images appear, or being denied the ability to sell something due to perms bugs just to name a few of the time wasting hiccups not worth the brain tumor. I also haven't had the privilege of recreating all of my listings. Yet. I do look forward to it though, from what I hear it's all the rage. Sucks to be me obviously. Like so many other fads I have missed out on, all the hours of my life not wasted on it so far must mean I am po-dunk. Guess I'll have to finally figure it out in October when the bugs are supposedly all gone. I mean if. xstreetsl? no really. I also don't believe in manbearpig. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Dirtnap Mumfuzz wrote: How ironic that LL is HQ'ed in Oakland! Linden Lab Headquarters 945 Battery Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Oops, ya got me; thirty minutes across the bay by Blue & Gold fleet or 10 minutes by BART. I stand corrected; not in Oakland. Next door to Oakland. You can has donut.
  17. That's a real headache to have to deal with first thing. Hang in there.
  18. With most of the useful sizes readily creatable, what constitutes a mega prim these days? IF all you are doing is making a prim with your viewer, that's not a true mega prim, so any sandbox that nitpicked about such things would be permanently off my list of viable places. Public sandboxes are a complete pain due to petulant post-pubescent children and/or griefers, and the deliberate script & prim litter. The worst experiences of my second life have been realized in such places. I haven't set foot in one for over two years. Despite that, you can still usually climb to an elevation of 2-3K meters and find enough open space to work undisturbed. The only person giving you any lip should have the surname Linden. Many of the long-standing reputable merchants have their own build space for members. Have you tried places like the Builders Brewery area or Little Blue Fermi?
  19. I disagree. This is not what I call progress, though under the circumstances I can see why most people do. I read many compelling reasons not to play the DD game yet, and feel pity for those who have been made to think they should be grateful to field-test the system, not only without pay but with penalties and surcharges. The trained professionals who reputably break things that don't need fixing say only one in ten problems is a problem, and you believe them?? How you gonna release your product to millions of potential users (STEAM) when you can't even get the market place working right for the ones using it now? No IT department in the world could under-perform at such a level and still have jobs. This whole smoke-and-mirrors shell game is like watching CALTRANS do roadwork to the same 1/4 mile of freeway for two years. How ironic that LL is HQ'ed in Oakland! Anyone who has ever been there can understand that this company performs according to its environmental factors. DD was supposed to be working just fine on the test grid, and ready for roll out. Last fall, if I forget correctly. So what happened, something unexpected? Imagine that. I see a long list of issues that have been shoved to the back burner which are going to probably become major show stoppers in their own right. The next threads we will see are the ones complaining about all the other problems kicked under the carpet to rush a broken system into place. Just like we have been watching all year long. Just like with so many other problems given the same amount of TLC. Just because LL says 'this is not a priority for us to fix now' does not mean it will not become a priority problem next. In fact, LL choosing to fix this and not that that has been the rule, not the exception, which has created and/or contributed to massive failures, down times, system crashes...why would anyone take their 'oh that's no big deal' solution to things, knowing what that ultimately means? I am not the one who needs to be convinced that this is an improvement. I already know it's a bad joke played on all of the community.
  20. Are magic boxes obsolete? I think in order for that to be true, direct delivery would have to work as well. Or better. And it doesn't. So far, DD seems obsolete before it even gets released. Something about over a year in development without any real progress....if this was a space shuttle program it would have already been scrapped.
  21. sometimes you just need a good clearing of caches and a reboot. Phoenix can sometimes act up unexpectedly. Blame it on no support.
  22. Constant issues with permissions that change themselves despite what they have been set to have always been a problem. This common phenomena is not isolated to DD. I double check my entire stock every so often, so I can revert back the permissions that have been unknowingly (and it would seem fraudulently) changed by the glitches Linden Labs won't fix. Honestly though it should be expected by now. What else can you expect from a 'team' who can't even put the links where they belong in their own policies and guidelines: Linden Labs wrote: Charges and Costs When You Use US Dollar Pricing[insert internal jump link to this heading below]. Here is important information about pricing and getting the best value in making purchases on the SL Marketplace. Consistently inconsistent. Important enough to expect you to know, but not important enough to expect to complete. Sounds familiar, doesn't it. If only the elusive howler monkeys in the cubicles spent as much time on fixing major show-stopping problems as they do looking for petty issues like penny item listings to mysteriously ban without any proper explanation, blocking word strings in name selection so no one gets offended, or how many more people can be attracted by the same broken system as the other poor souls who already fell in to the pit. But then there would be the added risk of resembling a competent, accountable company. We might have a much more efficient, seamless environment under such circumstances. And we all know that violates the TOS.
  23. I tried listing enhancements once, but I never will again since it seems to be nothing more than a money-wasting scam. Business is much better without the added expense of paying a premium for a service that only reliably fails. Seems that folks better empty out their account balance before the omnipotents hit you all with the back charges for their error. Guess we'll see that thread next month.
  24. DMCA and Abuse Reporting are two different things. As stated only the content creator or owner can really file a DMCA, but as far as I can tell anyone can file an AR (abuse report) on anyone elses behalf. I've done it before, for an associate who was having their business identity exploited by another merchant in-world (by using their products, logos, and even erecting a prim bot with their likeness). Several people who recognized the deception filed AR's on the true owners behalf, because the crook had the true owner banned from their sim.
  25. What did your friends have that got them in trouble? How did they know they had it, and that it specifically got them TOS'ed? Do you have the same property in your folders? Does anyone else know? Between things missing/misaligned parts and mis-applied textures, botted stuff is pretty easy to spot, kind of like spotting the real Mona Lisa, and one that was copied onto tracing paper. As far as I am able to tell, LL doesn't inspect your folders for contraband, they use the 'squeeky wheel' technique; they wait for someone to complain about someones actions then they take action. The approach seems generally to be use of oppression rather than proactivity to interfere with, rather than prevent the black market commerce. You can have an entire inventory of contraband, and as long as you keep it to yourself no one cares. Use them on or show them to another person, or try selling some of it, and you expose yourself to the risk of joining the band.
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