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Everything posted by OptimoMaximo

  1. Learn the basic of creation first, THEN start selling their stuff instead of immediately aiming at the quick buck, flooding the market wirh crap. So clear, but again your lack of understanding skills makes it hard, obviously Whay YOU say is not true, because if someone wishes (creator or customer) a million polygons item because detailed geometry is better than reasonable poly with maps and all bells and whistles, THEY are WRONG and you too, no matter what. If the customer is interested in getting a FIAT Panda with an engine og 450 HP it doesn't make it a legitimate reason for producing such a flying coffin. For EVERYBODY'S safety.
  2. Arnold bake works using a simulated camera to snapshot from each surface normal by default. It worked in Arnold4, but i haven't tried with Arnold5 yet. Your best bet in this regard for now is to try baking its albedo with Turtle, using the camera setting as any other setting except surface front, which is the default, and then postprocess that over the arnold bake result. I don't have access to Maya until tomorrow, so i can't do experiments for now.
  3. Again, you lack context comprehension. Why beginners don't learn the basics first? That's the topic, and neglecting the basics we end up with the excuse you do by assigning tags that differentiate between "designers" and "professionals", with the implication that being designers makes them no expert and therefore excused and somehow exempt from basic practices, excuse and exemption that goes on for ever because they are designers. About my maya tool, AGAIN, you're missing the context of such tool. It does a lot of processes needed to output a rigged item, and rigged only, not static, reduced using the native rediction tool but with an SL compatible skin cluster AKA rig data that doesn't cause issues when trying to upload it with the associated custom models, avoiding the manual process, long, tedious, time consuming and prone to mistakes. It basically does much more than a simple reduction and binding to skeleton, it runs two quality assurance checks and fixes in order to achieve compatibility specifically for SL. The more you intervene, the more you show your lack of understanding in general, and even more your capability to comprehend context of someone's interventions. Give up, you're only making a fool out of yourself publicly.
  4. It's not the only thing you're not able to understand, apparently. Context is key, and it looks like that's an alien concept to you
  5. First, a customer wouldn't even respond to feedback request as long as the product meets their expectations in a way or another, therefore putting both items in the same package wouldn't give you any preference data, as opposed to the other method where their wallet becomes the voting tool. Secondly, you show a lack of comprehension on the subject matter by saying "of course with the same materials". The low poly needs to have a material set of textures that include the highpoly extracted normal map and AO in the diffuse, and a normal map for an highpoly extracted from itself always is a flat normal map with no details, since their surface match 100%. So the materials can't be the same, inherently, whereas the highpoly can only take the base material texture tiled a few times, resukting in a high resolution texture, and the low poly needs to be 1 tile in each direction mandatory, resulting in a lower resolution. Please, please...learn what "context" means an see as many example of it as you possibly can before you come back posting BS of such proportions
  6. What a lowly method to avoid answer, by editing an already answered comment after a while. Anyway, as i said already, i was asking for feedback to improve the guidelines for a tool that anyone could replicate since i was sharing the method and there was NO name reference to identify the product, therefore as opposed to what you did in the past to get your post deleted that you were complaining about time ago, that's no hidden advertisement and yours was. Face the fact that you can't recognize context and that this is the reason for your post being deleted and mine is still standing, as proved by this and the fact that your condonating practices that degrade user experience in the name of freedom is the same as griefing, with the little detail difference that a griefing device can be made on purpose or be the result of inconsiderate resource hogging. It still cause grief, regardless of the intentional or unintentional purpose.
  7. I agree. I would do an experiment and make 1 item in two versions, version 1 mmade right with materials to provide normal mapping and good lod set at 7 LI for 100 L$ and the second version high poly just pulled out from zbrush, textured with no materials, no lods and 1 LI at 1 L$. Extended description to explain tje difference. Which one would sell more?
  8. The customer has no idea what's a lod and the claim has beem, is and will keep being 1 LI for a full sim worth of objects. At a price next to nothing too. Reality check Motoko, reality check.
  9. You made my day, a good laughter is always welcome, especially when it's so spot on and true! 🤣 I couldn't do better
  10. Everything you do, even content and its components. Following your reasoning, anyone would be free to create sim crashing devices and all would be fine.
  11. So even without a direct quote, you know that it is forbidden to hinder or degrade other user's experience of the platform? Because that's what you're condoning instead
  12. And you understand that, beginners or professionals, car, bike or truck, all of them must abide to the street code of conduct. Enough for me, I'll just mute any of your content on the forum.
  13. And once again, you miss the context. Downloading Unity amd making whatever you want on it is going to affect you and you only, it doesn't hold sh*t as a comparison with SL since it is A FREAKING SHARED ENVIRONMENT. On a side note, don't even dare to imply that i did any sort of "hidden advertisement" with my post about LoD from some time ago. There isn't a referemce to the product name and i was not only sharing the ideas and working method behind it, i was asking for feedback for improvement based off user experience to add on top of that and whoever can write a plug in for a 3d app can use those guidelines.
  14. You keep advocating for such a freedom, but that type of freedom is what causes the tragedy of the commons. The bad practice of one for personal advantage reflects on others by damaging them who in return will apply the same method to recoop, so in the end the new bad practice is going to affect everyone, including the first individual. Other game engines are also used for product or design display, but then the scenes end up being composed of only the product/design and not really usable in the context of a realtime application that's more complex than that. So the freedom you're advocating for is something that damages the experience of the community as a whole, because of the same principle described as the tragedy of the commons. The others release at machinegun rates by neglecting the principles that drive the content creation specs of a platform that can't fancy the same rendering features other engines can, therefore being a uv specialist as you call it, is a necessary skillset. Everyone wants the baked lighting for extra details, then materials to go with that, at a distribution speed rate that such necessary practices can't really meet within a deadline. Add then the bloated lod factors as a standard suggestion/requirement, and the overall performances go down the sink. Paying the rent for your apartment doesn't give you the right to destroy it, the same goes with renting a simulator. Simulators are hosted on shared servers and even if you have no neighboring sim visible inworld, technically you have neighbors on the server that hosts your sims and boggling resources on yours has an impact on the performance of others'. You mention Vray and other render engines, but you seem to skip an important detail: over there, there is no need for a 0-1 uv range and you can tile materials as you wish without the need of static lighting maps, exactly as it happens in Unity or Unreal. The enviroment you choose has an impact on the degree of freedom you can or can not feel/be entitled to. Please refrain to post any further advocation to this kind of freedom of use, because we all as whole, you included, are suffering from the fruits of such practices and this may, although slowly, lead SL as a platform down a path of self destruction with users leaving or anyway not coming back again after their first lagfest.
  15. Personally knowing the owner of such brand, i can predict that any previous release won't receive an update, just new releases. But i didn't talk to him in that regard, so i can't really tell. Good luck with it!
  16. Ok, if that factor influences the LI realtime, then it's a good idea
  17. How can an avatar be even remotely compared to the tiny objects you were referring to?! Consistency in context? Of course an "hero" object like a character gets an higher texture size allocation, it's the button on the jacket that gets the lowest texture coverage!
  18. I agree. Personally I would not dislike the change, since i just published a script to generate LoDs and rig them to the original high lod 😁 but seriously an automatic lod generator in the upload window is something that LL can't afford to not have, in regard to the spirit of SL. They just need a better one and with more solid rules. Not stricter, solid. Something like if the high lod is close to the limit of vertices it could accept, the lower number of triangles the lowest lod has to be, setting thresholds that trigger different requirements of triangle counts. For sure, people has to stop claiming any object to be 1 LI and LL's uploader has to stop claiming ridiculously low triangle counts for the lowest lods under the penalty of skyrocketing LI
  19. I'd buy a noise suppression headset for the screaming that it would cause 😂
  20. You're talking from the perspective of a static object creator. I have to face the problem of a character leg that can't be reduced any further without having to fold over to an impostor. Which can be done, if the problem wasn't the deformation of such impostor and how to make it visible from different angles AND the need to add an extra material. A lot of issues arise from this and the worse part is that it would completely defeat Bakes On Mesh (which i never liked, but i can see the benefits if it was worked correctly, including materials and with a fully working alpha masking on all channels, which it doesn't for now) Not really, if you think about it. Not only it breaks artificially enlarged bounding boxes, but it adapts to screen size and can tell more reliably how distant the observing camera actually is from any object. Again, you think from static objects perspective, but this would be applicable to avatars too and the long timer radius/diameter calculation/bug could be fixed without too much trouble. Which would be abused the same way as the current RenderVolumeLODFactor. There's need for something that can't be manipulated and renders the LoD switches effective on everything, from the rock to the avatar.
  21. sure, in the lack of argumentations the topic gets ditched. Way to go, good job. Exactly like those creators i was mentioning above.
  22. if the object is small, even when zoomed in close it will be that relatively small on the screen that an accurately sized texture won't show any pixellation, that's where you fail understanding. It's called texel density, the amount of pixels per square unit. if a button on your shirt would take 30X30 pixels on your screen, a correctly UV mapped object of that size using a 128x128 pixels texture would go well beyond the necessary resolution to look good. What you don't know, however, is that a lot of creators don't give half a s**t about their UV size on the image. I've been teacher and advisor to many creators in the past and I've seen this happening a lot... a awful LOT. But they have to rush the release to earna da bigg maney
  23. Another bad practice. What do you need a 1024 dedicated texture for a small detail object? a smaller resolution texture would do the job anyway, if ever the object needs a dedicated texture and not be packed together with object. See again my previous comment on the type of mindset and transfer that from poly count to texture usage.
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