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Everything posted by Xiija

  1. @Kehf Nelson dunno if this helps, but it kinda shows LSD & JSON if anyone can use it ... string toucher; string toucherID; string j_obj; string result; prot() { // the JSON string j_obj = llList2Json( JSON_OBJECT, [ "Sim", llGetRegionName(), "Time", llGetTimestamp(), "Prim", llGetObjectName() , "Toucher", toucher, "ToucherID", toucherID ] ); string test = llJsonGetValue( j_obj, ["Toucher"]) ; // check val llOwnerSay("\nTOUCHER: " + test + "\n "); j_obj = llJsonSetValue( j_obj, ["Toucher"], toucher + " the Awesome !"); // update val string test2 = llJsonGetValue( j_obj, ["Toucher"]) ; llOwnerSay("new val is: " + test2); llLinksetDataWriteProtected( "JSON-1", j_obj, "json_pass"); // WRITE JSON STR TO LSD string protVal = llLinksetDataReadProtected("JSON-1", "json_pass" ); // READ LSD llOwnerSay("\nProtected (json str) VAL: \n \n" + protVal ); list json_list = llJson2List( protVal ); // LSD to LIST llOwnerSay("\nList:\n" + llList2CSV( json_list) ); // parse data for use list keys = llList2ListStrided( json_list,0,-1,2); list vals = llList2ListStrided( llDeleteSubList(json_list, 0, 0), 0,-1,2); integer n; for( n = 0; n < llGetListLength( keys ) ; ++n ) { string k = llList2String( keys, n ); string v = llList2String( vals, n ); result += k + " : " + v + "\n"; } llOwnerSay( "\nPARSED: \n" + result ); } default { state_entry() { } on_rez(integer start_param) { } touch_start(integer num) { toucher = llDetectedName(0); toucherID = llDetectedKey(0); prot(); } }
  2. @Kehf Nelson I have tested JSON, and it works fine, but cannot post an example because SL suxorz .. i can't get into aditi, and the items i make on beta grid do not transfer to the normal grid ? will try later
  3. there seems to be no error in what you posted ... hope ya fixed it.
  4. was on the wrong grid, fixed, thanks all for any who need it ... Mauve on Aditi secondlife://Aditi/secondlife/Mauve/87/177/21
  5. @Lucia Nightfire I guess i will just wait till it comes out everywhere, ty tho
  6. @Wulfie Reanimator default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { integer dataAmt = llLinksetDataAvailable(); // not defined within scope llOwnerSay("Data available: " + (string)dataAmt ); } }
  7. @Wulfie Reanimator ty sadly the parcel is too full, lol (also says function not defined in the script when worn )
  8. I'd also like to test , but do not know how? I'm on the beta grid, my firestorm only shows the 2 grids, i have "allow login to other grids' checked... i went to BLAKE SEA – ATLANTIC ... but the land showed - no building allowed. when i went to ARABIAN , i could build, but the function wasn't available.
  9. i think VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME just makes your forward dir change ? you could try llRotLookAt() .. ( but your helo may just fly downwards ), or target omega?
  10. e.t.a. apparently fixed, i used llSetRegionPos .. instead of llSetPos ..
  11. I have a hud. i want to set the hidden element's position based on the root prim in state entry. any hints? // NOT WOrking vector oldpos; integer raised; vector root_pos ; default { state_entry() { oldpos = llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(2, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL]), 0); root_pos = llGetRootPosition(); llOwnerSay("\nRoot: " + (string)root_pos + "\nKid: " + (string)oldpos ); } touch_start(integer total_number) { raised = !raised; llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(2, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL, root_pos + <0, 0, 0.5 * raised>]); } } // WORKS ON A CHILD PRIM vector oldpos; integer raised; default { state_entry() { oldpos = llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(2, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL]), 0); } touch_start(integer total_number) { raised = raised^1; llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(2, [PRIM_POS_LOCAL, oldpos + <0, 0, 0.5*(float)raised>]); } }
  12. since no one is willing to share a script, mebbe someone can spot the error? ( this is single sim ) this script works sometimes, but then ends up pausing anywhere along the route? i've tried multiple things, sleeps, resets, pause & play ... no lucks ( dunno if timers get borked with kfm ) /*#################################################################################################### XMODS Tour Script //####################################################################################################*/ // DATA FOR THE ROUTE A TO B ENTRY // POSITION ROTATION list Waypoints = [ <169253.30000, 326011.30000, 38.47189>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , 0 >, <169271.50000, 326011.30000, 45.51214>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , 0 >, <169290.40000, 326031.30000, 54.25336>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , 90 >, <169315.70000, 326062.60000, 54.25336>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , 0 >, <169371.00000, 326071.10000, 69.95678>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , 0 >, <169418.00000, 326041.50000, 87.54947>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , -90 >, <169395.60000, 325946.80000, 55.49983>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , -104 >, <169305.10000, 325914.60000, 41.92890>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , -174 >, <169271.60000, 325916.00000, 24.46481>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , -174 >, <169239.20000, 325954.10000, 37.08465>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , 90 >, <169239.20000, 325996.10000, 37.08465>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , 90 >, <169240.40000, 325999.20000, 38.69401>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , 67 >, <169244.20000, 326002.70000, 38.69401>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , 0 >, <169253.30000, 326011.30000, 38.47189>, < 0.0 , 0.0 , 0 > ]; //#################################################################################################### //#################################################################################################### float Speed = 3.1; integer ListLength; integer Start; list Current_route; float Seconds; string currTimer; integer moving = 0; float BREAK = 60; // number of seconds to pause integer flip = 1; string mypos; vector obj_pos; integer time_Check; calculate_tour() { ListLength = llGetListLength(Waypoints); integer Step; float dist; vector v_now = llGetRegionCorner() + llGetPos(); float f_temp = 600; for(Step = 0; Step < ListLength-1; Step = Step+2) { if(llVecDist(v_now, (vector)llList2String(Waypoints,Step)) < f_temp) { f_temp = llVecDist(v_now, (vector)llList2String(Waypoints,Step)); Start = Step; } } if(llList2String(Waypoints,Start+1) == llList2String(Waypoints,Start+3)) Start = Start+2; for(Step = 0; Step < llGetListLength(Waypoints)-1; Step = Step+2) { integer Calc = Start + Step; if(Calc > ListLength-2) Calc = Calc - ListLength; vector v1a;//Position vector v1b = (vector)llList2String(Waypoints,Calc); vector v2a;//Rotation vector v2b = (vector)llList2String(Waypoints,Calc + 1); if(Step == 0) { v1a = llGetRegionCorner() + llGetPos(); v2a = llRot2Euler( llGetRot())* RAD_TO_DEG; } else { integer ido = Calc; if(ido < 0) ido = ido + ListLength; v1a = (vector)llList2String(Waypoints,ido-2); v2a = (vector)llList2String(Waypoints,ido-1); } float distance = llVecDist(v1b, v1a); float seconds = distance / Speed; if(seconds < 0.45) seconds = 0.45; Seconds = Seconds + seconds; vector diff_p = v1b - v1a; vector diff_r = v2b - v2a; Current_route += [diff_p, llEuler2Rot(diff_r* DEG_TO_RAD), seconds]; } Start_driving(); } Start_driving() { //llOwnerSay("starting"); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET , 100, "on", NULL_KEY); llSetTimerEvent(Seconds + 2); llLoopSound("3573c7a5-5555-65a8-8c1a-63bd1e445a7a",0.1); llSetKeyframedMotion(Current_route,[ KFM_MODE,KFM_FORWARD ]); llSetKeyframedMotion([],[KFM_COMMAND, KFM_CMD_PLAY]); } init() { llSetKeyframedMotion([],[KFM_COMMAND,KFM_CMD_STOP]); // stop & reset to beginning llSetKeyframedMotion([],[]); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET , 100, "off", NULL_KEY); string desc = llGetObjectDesc(); if( desc != "" && desc != "(No Description)" && (vector)desc != ZERO_VECTOR ) { obj_pos = (vector)desc; } else { obj_pos = llGetPos(); llSetObjectDesc( (string) obj_pos ); } llSetPos( obj_pos ); llSleep(1.0); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( LINK_ROOT, [ PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_TYPE, PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_CONVEX, PRIM_LINK_TARGET, LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_TYPE, PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_NONE ]); llSleep(1.0); calculate_tour(); } integer tog; default { on_rez(integer honk) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llOwnerSay("STATE ENTRY" ); llSetKeyframedMotion([],[KFM_COMMAND,KFM_CMD_STOP]); // stop & reset to beginning llSetKeyframedMotion([],[]); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET , 100, "off", NULL_KEY); llSetTimerEvent( BREAK ); } link_message(integer s_link, integer s_chan, string s_msg, key id) { } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_REGION_START) { llResetScript(); } } timer() { if( tog == 0 ) { tog = 1; llOwnerSay("Sending to INIT "); llSetTimerEvent(0.0); init(); } else if ( tog == 1 ) { llOwnerSay("resetting... "); llSetTimerEvent(0.0); llResetScript(); } } }
  13. anyone have one, ? i am using keyframes , and am pulling my hair out
  14. my bad, i had an error in the url, ty
  15. trying to get this to work, has anyone had any luck with this api? https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Name_to_agent_ID_API here is what I have so far ... https://replit.com/@TikiHed/SL-api-1#index.js
  16. god these forums suxors.. i couldn't edit to include my question, which is.. Why wont the string called "message" in the listen function show newlines when used in SetText? i tried escape / unescape .. hm
  17. // Textbox2Hovertext by Ackley Bing & Omei Qunhua // A simple script to allow object owners to change the "hovertext" // on their prims using a text entry box (llTextBox). integer listenhandle; default { state_entry() { string txt = "Touch to set Text \nMebbe?"; llSetText( txt, <1, 1, 1>, 1); } touch_start(integer num) { key Writer = llDetectedKey(0); llListenRemove(listenhandle); llSetTimerEvent(60.0); listenhandle=llListen(-12345, "", Writer, ""); llTextBox( Writer, "Set Hovertext", -12345); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { string m2 = "Touch to set Text \nMebbe NOT?"; // adds newline llSetText( m2, <1, 1, 1>, 1); llSleep(5.0); llSetText( message, <1, 1, 1>, 1); // if message == Touch to set Text \nMebbe NOT? .... it DOESNT add new line? llListenRemove(listenhandle); llSetTimerEvent(0.0); } timer() { llListenRemove(listenhandle); llSetTimerEvent(0.0); } }
  18. Radiohead If anyone is kind enuff to share how to add a video here, plz IM me, ty.
  19. not sure what you are attempting, but if you want it to be used only once every 300 seconds, it might look kinda like .... integer inuse = 0; default { touch_start(integer total_number) { if( inuse == 0) { inuse = 1; llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, 0)); llSetTimerEvent(300); // wait 5 mins , then reset } } timer() { inuse = 0; llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // or llResetScript() , etc etc } }
  20. You could mebbe do it on touch, not after n-amount of changes
  21. @Bruce Liebknecht I have a simple example, dunno if it helps... https://replit.com/@TikiHed/php-send-test-01#index.php
  22. I've got a simple node server and can send an receive over 3k ? i didn't test the upper limit tho .. hmm https://replit.com/@TikiHed/express-tiny-2#index.js the 3k text i'm sending in a POST from SL ... https://replit.com/@TikiHed/express-tiny-2#body.txt
  23. It would be nice if the viewer had a presets option ( along with an option to save the script with a unique name ) At least you can copy the code & save it manually, and it is auto saved in the #firestorm folder
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