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Claire Atheria

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Everything posted by Claire Atheria

  1. Only ~700 log homes left now! (the last update was above 1000) I wonder if they'll run out this week?
  2. The security system only controls access to your parcel. House-related actions (like the doors, etc.) are set via the controller by the door -- make sure to select "use list" under "access" there, after adding their names.
  3. For me it's either grabbing a parcel there, or watching the map for green dots (in previously unreleased areas). With the map, you can click on houses to see their name, and if it says "Linden Home" or not.
  4. Tiny Grove released! Edit: The claim times are from a few hours ago though.
  5. Off the top of my head, I like these stores! Anything by Studio Skye (a little expensive but worth it) Botanical & 3D Trees for trees/plants Grasses & trees from HPMD (her dirt path is popular too) This flower bed (I pull the flowers from it to use in other places) Titans has a really nice weeping willow (for Victorians) I know I'm missing some though.
  6. I've used up everything too, sometimes the best house takes forever to be claimed.
  7. I had to log out & log back in to the forums (and the marketplace) to see the change. The FAQ says it may take up to 24 hours to change everywhere though.
  8. In the name change FAQ it says to allow 24 hours for everything to be changed over completely ... maybe try again tomorrow?
  9. On that note, Hook Tender seems to be released as well (a few houses claimed)!
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