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Everything posted by Fennet

  1. One more suggestion, maybe a dumb one: did you check your lost and found?
  2. I met someone today and we flew over to check out your sim and maybe play, but no one was around.:matte-motes-crying: I'll IM you sometime and drop by. We got caught in the big store by following the URL, and finally found our way out; I'm not sure why, but my system doesn't handle tight spaces too well and everything freezes. If there's plenty of open space I seem to be able to move better and stay online longer, so I hope that's the case with where you live. Cheers!
  3. Thanks for the notecard, BTW. I did receive and save it. I knew it must have come from someone here on the forums, and now I know who.
  4. I don't know whether my fave AOs are Zhao based or not, But I did just pick up a Zhao freebie, so it's the one I'll try loading. The store I went to was extremely confusing; if I do decide to buy some animations I guess I'll just hold my nose and jump because I have no idea whether the anims are being sold as singles or in groups, or exactly what is being sold in a given transaction. It seems like most reputable sellers are handing out pretty good quality deals, though, so I'm not too worried. But I do want to try fiddling with what I already have, first. The notecard thing has me a little bedazzled, but I think I'll get over it. Thanks!
  5. From what I've been reading, Poser is the program to use. (I've had it for years, maybe now I can actually use it. It's fairly cheap.)
  6. How brave do I need to be to go into edit on my AOs? I think I can copy some of the animations from one AO and paste them into another and get pretty much what I need. In theory I know what to do, but I don't want to mess up the AOs that are working pretty well right now. If this is on the wrong forum, let me know. :matte-motes-smile:
  7. I've been using freebie and inexpensive AOs so far, and they've been pretty good, but I'm looking for something a little more extensive, especially for my child avatar. If anyone has a favorite AO for a girl child, about 5 to 10 years old, I'd love to hear about it. I'm using a super cute LOL/Kinder AO from Nia Haiku, and I haven't been able to find all the animations it's supposed to have loaded. (I plan to look inside, but I'm a little nervous about going into edit. I don't want to accidentally change anything.) I'd also like to find an adult female AO with a crawling animation, (I could have used one to get under a low door opening in insilico), and other animations such as swimming. I may try to make my own, or add animations to one that I use already. I'm not sure that I'm quite there yet. In theory I am, but I don't want to mess up the fairly decent AOs that I have right now.
  8. I've been using freebie and inexpensive AOs so far, and they've been pretty good, but I'm looking for something a little more extensive, especially for my child avatar. If anyone has a favorite AO for a girl child, about 5 to 10 years old, I'd love to hear about it. I'm using a super cute LOL/Kinder AO from Nia Haiku, and I haven't been able to find all the animations it's supposed to have loaded. (I plan to look inside, but I'm a little nervous about going into edit. I don't want to accidentally change anything.) I'd also like to find an adult female AO with a crawling animation, (I could have used one to get under a low door opening in insilico), and other animations such as swimming. I may try to make my own, or add animations to one that I use already. I'm not sure that I'm quite there yet. In theory I am, but I don't want to mess up the fairly decent AOs that I have right now.
  9. Thanks, I did not know that you can change textures on part of an objest. That will save me a lot of headaches in the future.
  10. I did manage to link 2 objects together to make a window tonight. I didn't get the "broken rubik's cube" symbol in my inventory, but the onjects stayed linked. Yea! I've read a lot of the building articles and gone through the basic tutorials on Livingtree, (which are great, BTW, except for the lag I experienced there). There's just so doggone much to learn......I wish I could just yank the thing down into photoshop and paint it.
  11. I've been playing around with furnishing a houseboat, and could use helpful tips for grouping objects and collecting them together when I need to leave. I did watch the Linden video on "moving your build" after I first asked this question, but others probably have more helpful ideas on the subject. (My latest problem was linking the boat's parts together after unlinking them to change interior colors, so I really didn't get around to collecting boat and furnishings together yet. I'll have to try again.)
  12. I think my graphics card is fine, and god knows it's powerful enough. 512 MB ram, I think. The screen doesn't flash, just the SL viewer freezing. Maybe my computer memory. I'm a little on the low side with 1 gigabite. Other sims work fine, though. Perfectly, now, actually. The role play, and other very complicated sims, are the only ones that give me trouble. Expecially role play sims. (I seriously doubt my graphics card can differentiate between the two kinds.)
  13. Are the role play sims more laggy than most? on 05-07-2011 07:44 PM I've tried visiting a couple of wild west role play sims, but it was 3 steps then wait 15 minutes for the screen to unfreeze. Are the role play sims generally that laggy, or it is some other problem? I kept getting the black screen, the white screen, brief flashes of picture, then another long,, long wait. In general, the whole grid seemed very laggy today, a Saturday, so maybe it's just me. I kept walking through walls because i couldn't stop. Then there would be a 5 second delay before I could walk at all. That was in the good sims. Grrrrr!
  14. I've had problems with animations that don't stop even when I click "stop animating me". So far they have always stopped when I teleported to another sim.
  15. It's a very cool place, and usually not too laggy. Try the hang gliders, but don't waste a lot of lindens on the bungee jump; I never could get it to rez properly. I just fell through the floor without a bungee, but didn't get killed, despite the many "danger of death" warning signs. While you're there, grab a teleport to Crater lake and Lake Tahoe ski area. Check out a few of my Grand Canyon pictures; (click on my avatar).
  16. Thanks for your answer, Starry Rae. I noticed missing items before, but it seemed they always came back eventually. Today, after a giant shopping binge of about $10 real money (!!!), many of my most expensive new goodies were gone. I followed your instructions, and they reappeared. Phew. I was afraid I might have to ask everyone for duplicates. I think everything had re-loaded before I signed out; hopefully they'll be there next time.
  17. The blur is back, at least for my main avatar. Other avatars seem fine, after a minute or two. I'm at a loss, again.
  18. I thought that might be the case. Try as I may, I can't seem to find the preference choice to allow embedded vids to play.
  19. I wanna see it! Is there an invisible link to your movie here, or do these guys know something I don't?
  20. Interestingly enough, it was while changing in a dressing room that I experienced the most invasion. I don't know if there are any that lock, but these didn't and some ghouls peeped and came in and followed me around until I teleported away. I got pushed around in the box opening area of a market. I just called it a sandbox for lack of a better term. After the initial shock of being pushed the first time. It doesn't really bother me any more. I see it as kind of a challenge to devise humorous ways to counterattack. I'm thinking about learning to make the body shapes from scratch with a program like Blender, or Maya if I win the lottery. I have Poser, but haven't seen much about that program on the forums. I don't know if it's even capable of making SL avatars. I'm a sculptor in the real world, so I have a definite interest in sculpting digitally as well. I'll be sure to check your shapes out, though, when I get the chance.
  21. I have had blurring problems from time to time with each viewer, and have had mixed results with the suggested fixes like rebaking and switching outfits. The blurring was worse on some days than others, and always seemed to go away and come back regardless of anything I did. Go figure. I'm new to SL, but not to computers. A lot of people seemed to think it had something to do with the cache (on our individual PCs). I did actually find my SL cache once, hidden under layers of folders, but could not find it anywhere tonight. I had to restore my system a few days ago; maybe that moved or removed my cache, I don't know. Anyway, after reading several threads, and resetting my cache on my SL viewer to no avail. I tried something different. Here is what I did tonight: I signed into SL. I opened me/preferences/set-up. Where it gives the option to reset the cache, it also offers the option to "create new folder". I created a new folder. Out of curiosity I looked for "new folder" and sure enough, there it is under users/my name, all by itself instead of hiding away in my system files somewhere. After signing out of SL, I went back and opened new folder, and all my new cache data from SL is inside. I don't really like having a file named new folder right there, and want to change the name, but my avatar seems to be nice and clear so far and I'm afraid I'll break the link and bring back the corruption. I don't know if this is what really helped, but it seems to be, so you might try it. I'm sure when you are given the option to create a new folder you can rename it and put it where you want. But it does seem to work better than resetting the cache ever did. If my problem comes back, I'll let you know. Meanwhile I'm keeping my fingers crossed. (Just for the record, the only textures that ever seemed to corrupt were my avatar textures, so I'm pretty sure the problem arose from the link from SL to my computer files. Maybe it's from data being repeated and deleted over and over again in the same place on the hard drive???)
  22. Oh, yes; I didn't intend to denigrate Furries, apologies! The free furries I got were horrible! Wretched cartoon characters, and very ugly. I've seen some wonderful furries. Sorry, and thanks for setting me straight. The female avatars were terrible as well, but the men were pretty decent. I've seen a lot worse looking guys on marketplace. None of the free avatars were top-notch, but it was fun anyway.
  23. I made the background in gimp, but the full version of photoshop is better. In gimp under filters/ there is an "animation" option, and you choose the number of frames etc. , in a pop-up dialog box. Then you have to save as:GIF, (supports animation). A new menu gives you the choice to "save as animation" or flatten layers. Save as an animation or your picture won't move. You have to flatten layers Before you animate. Transparency is OK. You can also make a spinning globe, which is fun. I think it is similar in photoshop, with more options, but I haven't been able to use the program for a while, boo hoo. I really miss it, but the mac is dead. Then follow the badge instructions here on the forums. Good luck, it's not too hard if you have some graphics experience.
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