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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Phil, I read this thread earlier and was under the impression you built furniture for large avis... I have just had a look at your store and whilst the kitchen units work surfaces come up my breasts, my feet go through the floor on your chairs... and my avi is under 6ft (without heels just over with heels). So I would have to scale kitchen down, but they seem to be mod so that wouldn't be a problem. I am small by most SL standards although above average for real life. I am a bit confused though because you seem to make ur furniture for avis towards smaller end of the scale. Not as I thought from the way you were arguing for larger avis Some nice stuff btw. I would have bought more if I didn't already have umpteen sets of furniture and kitchens
  2. My bad... I misread file location where it said user_settings as being my avatar name so I was putting the Tor settings in the cache or something. Ty both for taking the time to test it out. I feel so dumb hehe
  3. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Edit: I followed the instructions, made the folders for them and the Linden Lab viewer still doesn't find them. Those (empty) folders should have already been on your HD. o.0 I switched to the materials beta viewer, because firestorm was being laggy and singularity renders avatars ugly for me. Maybe the materials beta doesn't come with the windlight extensions enabled? The folders the wiki says i should put them in weren't there before I created them and put the downloads in.
  4. Dresden Ceriano wrote: They're available here... link. ...Dres Thank you very much. Edit: I followed the instructions, made the folders for them and the Linden Lab viewer still doesn't find them. If it is so hard to get windlight to work on the default viewer, no wonder people use facelights. hehe
  5. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Aethelwine wrote: It is all very well to say use windlight settings, but I am noticing when I go back to the secondlife viewer I get messages about not finding the TOR windlight settings used by the region. Obviously I can just pick a setting I want to use, but isn't the point of region windlight settings that everyone sees things kinda the same. From what you typed, that appears to be you having a file in the wrong place. Not settings that region has, but settings you have - looks like you have the Torley windlights in the wrong folder on your viewer. I have found secondlife viewers windlights folder (in app_settings). I have 36 settings in there. (It is a clean install from a few days ago). I have looked through knowledge base and can't find anything to explain where I get the TOR ones I had in firestorm.
  6. It is all very well to say use windlight settings, but I am noticing when I go back to the secondlife viewer I get messages about not finding the TOR windlight settings used by the region. Obviously I can just pick a setting I want to use, but isn't the point of region windlight settings that everyone sees things kinda the same. As for facelights... just use a subtle one like the free Nlight, if you need to because you can't otherwise get graphics settings such that you look good.
  7. 65 prims isn't too bad, it is fairly average for a nice looking cruising bike. The impact of li on performance is minimal. It would only be racers that notice that if at all.
  8. Melita Magic wrote: Sounds fun. Do vehicles handle better now than they used to? It used to be difficult to find a vehicle that handled well. Sim crossings, etc. If so, does anyone also know of a decent-looking, not too expensive (the cheaper the better, without sacrificing quality), fast motorcycle which does not use mesh? That last part is the kicker. Thanks. I am afraid on any bike sim crossings are a bit unreliable, if you slow down youcan probably go a few sims before something goes wrong and you get a script error you have to get up off the bike from and maybe rezz another in one of the rezz zones along the roads on mainland. Why most bike sims have their roads looping around and up so there is no need for sim crossings. In my opinion Jayra's JFC bikes are the easiest bikes to cruise around on, because of the scripts they use.I don't think she has done much if any work on her bikes since mesh came out so they should be fine for you. Unless she has moved it the freebie bike is obtainable by going to the top of the shop and clicking on one of the skulls on the bannister at the top of the stairs. It teleports you to a hidden room and a free bike you can buy. If you like the bike then I recommend buying one, so you are giving something back. The Hollister is my personal favourite, I love the choice of passenger poses on all her bikes
  9. Pie Serendipity wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Well your words tell a very different story. By George she's got it! My point is that EVERYBODY gets a different story from the same set of words. The writer is NOT responsible for the multiplicity of interpretations of the same words by a spectrum of readers from the semi-literate to the cognoscenti, and from the stable to the wildly reptile-brained hyperemotionals. And it is very apparent that your own perception, as evidenced by your posts, is jaded by an inferiority complex rolled up with a smidgeon of paranoia, covered with a gloss of denial. See, I can do the telepathic, remote layman's diagnosis of psychological deficiencies. I, of course, revel in my entirely justified narcissistic superiority complex; it would be false modesty of me to admit to anything less. And you should really check out recent research that confirms my contention that psychopaths are actually even more empathic than the norm; the word you are clutching for is sympathetic, which is not an emotion I entertain for the weak, the gullible, the ignorant and the ingenuous. Pity, maybe. The arguments and reasoning you have so far brought to bear in this thread fall a long way short of justifying your "narcissistic superiority complex". Hehe It is kinda amusing reading your posts, rather like it is watching the antics of Stewie from the family guy, I have not so far commented on the argument you keep presenting rather like a 3 year old proudly presenting the contents of their potty, because I did not seriously think you thought it in the slightest bit persuasive. After all if you believed that someone could never be held responsible for the consequences of what they said because meaning is derived solely through the listeners interpreation you would not even be attempting to communicate on a forum because you would know no one would understand your meaning. Although, it is a convenient excuse to consistently ignored what I have said, and make up what I have to respond to, For example taking me to have in some way to have addressed that argument (By George she's got it!). But since you do keep returning to it, i will comment. Whilst it is true that someone can cause an inadvertant reaction in someone by using a persoanl trigger word of some sort, perhaps relating to a phobia and could not be reasonably held responsible for the consequences of that, that is a highly unusual and exceptional example. Language is shared and it is because of that fact we can communicate with others through it. We are not in a sollipsistic world, there are other people out there and we do and can communicate with them. People can and should therefore be held accountable for saying things with intent to harm and hurt. That is not to say in all cases that that is a punishable act far from it sometimes a verbal boot up the proverbial is called for. It all depends on the circumstances and context. None of this is hard to understand, it doesn't require reference to linguistic philosophy or anything academic. It requires no understanding of psychopathy (where ever that came from). It is commonly understood and obvious, not really worth commenting on and why I didn't, until now. I doubt I can be bothered to respond further Mr Trololol, but I have kind of enjoyed your Stewie like forum persona.. So here is a song for you to sing along to and enjoy...
  10. My first thought is that your friend may be using internet explorer and only have up to date flash player for that. Try getting them to install flash for other browsers.. There should be instructions on the link.
  11. Storm Clarence wrote: This entire thread is filled with 'personal' comments. Most of the comments, including name-calling, are directed at the OP. Re-read, perhaps you will be in a better postion then to frame your argument. Or, at least, you will not seem like the one who got hurt by *my* words addressed to Madelaine. PS "Truly" is such an empty word. I take exception to fools who try to fool. I am aware of the 'personal comments' made against the Op. Why I found your statement excusing that worth commenting on. It seems it is perhaps you that needs to do some rereading And re: the bolded section...that contradicts what you have been saying all through this thread about words not hurting. It seems with you it is bad grammar that hurts as well as someone simply taking a diffeent view. For someone so sensitive to others words your contention through out the thread verges on the humorous.
  12. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: the pb was on the mesh itself. Since this creator had really strict Terms and conditions, that i found a lil abusive, i was expecting that at least the item was coming without glitch. so i left an honnest review explaining what happened. So i had to face the creator saying i could im first... Why ? I accepted the fact i lost my money and wont use this item.. and what is the purpose of review if we cant be honnest and sincere ? I used to buy some of those kits, back when I had a sim people visited fairly often - it was an easy way to make occasional thank you gifts or gifts for friends occasionally, too. Maybe not highly creative or original but, better quality than I could make for SL on my own. And most were not terribly expensive so no big loss. I never got the ones that had a list of conditions a mile long. I don't dispute their 'right' to do that - up to them. But also up to me if I want to agree to their terms. I don't plan to do anything nefarious with them anyway. But, in my experience, the ones who have the longest, strictest policies (aside from not giving the textures away - that's a given) are hardest to deal with should anything be amiss or go wrong or whatever. Also some of them ironically were using stolen textures for the same kits they put those iron clad clauses with. (laff) I also found it annoying that some would forbid giving the results away. Not to a friend as a gift, not to set out for visitors. Nowhere, nothing, nada for free. "That competes with others who sell them." Not really, because I don't have a store in SL, (at that time) or a marketplace store. Also maybe that's the kit's fault for not allowing anything but clones to be made from it. They don't say what price it has to sell for (aside from now many will say $50L minimum) so doesn't that also create the same climate of competition? If one sells it for 50L and another for 500L - same product? So then why is it not OK to offer for 0L or 1L or 50L. In short, arbitrary uptightness is annoying to me. I do keep all note cards that came with kits and such. But I don't want to some day forget to refresh my memory on one of those and end up in trouble because I sold something for 25L the kit maker thought was worth more. That to me is just weird. Let the end user decide those things. The kit maker should be able to govern other things like giving away the kit, giving away its contents unchanged, taking them to other grids, etc. That, I understand. So those ones - even if it's a great looking kit - I just avoid. Sounds by your experience as if I made a good decision. About reviews and IMs. I've seen that said in the forums too, that customers have an obligation to creators or merchants to IM them first. No, they don't. They just don't. Have your product ready or don't sell it. Expect reviews based on what happens. If the customer's review is unfair, offer to redress the situation if you wish (merchants/creators) but don't argue, dispute, harass, or lecture them about their customer responsibility. That ended when you got their money. Just my opinion!
  13. Storm Clarence wrote: My two cents on what you wrote, Madelaine. Of course you haven't had any posts returned. You are not the one being RIC'ed; and it isn't because some of your posts are not deserving, imo (and that's what it's all about, opinion, right?) Your back-room machinations (to which at one time I was privy) have set the tone. You may not be doing the RIC'ing (we have to accept your word on this,) but the RIC's come from a majority of the people who, again, imo, you have *used* to achieve a very specific end. Your posts are not (yet) being RIC'ed that is why they remain. It is NOT because you are the only person without sin who also posts on SLF. I agree with Dres insofar as you drawing parallels where there really isn't any. Forum trolls and schoolyard bullies? Perhaps if you had attended a school (away from your home-schooling) you would know the difference, so I will excuse your ignorance with this one. However, your subsequent attempt to justify this huge 'leap' by writing an argument that reflects kindly on your 'tossing' forum trolls into the mix is left only for your "-ites" to subscribe. I do not. You are too well calculating with your words. You wanted SLF forum trolls to be a topic, and now it is (troll much?) Please, don't try to sell me on your vast experience in forum participation. You were directly referring to SLF (again, in conversations to which I was the recipient of your angst and 'disappointment' that, in your opinion, SLF had one individual who was tearing at the fabric/ripping at the community; and he had to be stopped.) Now there are two. The by-product of your social engineering is very tangible (please refer back to my second sentence in this post.) your perception of the thread seems to be more about the past than the reality.
  14. Pie Serendipity wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Pie, threats of verbal beatings, imagining me crying and strawman analogies over 3 posts would seem to indicate you are upset about something I said. My apologies if it helps nothing I said was directed at you I don't even recall noticing you before. Hugs I don't get upset. I learned that "sticks and stones might break my bones but words could never hurt me" before I could read (which was at the age of three; I have always been mature for my age). As well as ignoring the misuse of our wonderful language by idiots who can't frame insults without resorting to expletives, I also took on board the "sticks and stones" bit, and developed so that I became sufficiently physically imposing that I never had to suffer that side of the threat either. Win-win. In comparison with you losers. Well your words tell a very different story. If you never get upset it seems to be because you come across as always upset. Your way of dealing with others and yourself is a denial of your and their feelings. It must be truly horrible to lack empathy and self awareness. I hope at some point you have the courage to grow up. A little film that addresses the sticks and stones children's rhyme.
  15. Pie, threats of verbal beatings, imagining me crying and strawman analogies over 3 posts would seem to indicate you are upset about something I said. My apologies if it helps nothing I said was directed at you I don't even recall noticing you before. Hugs
  16. Jayra has a very nice and friendly free bike hidden away in her shop. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Mystic%20Falls/208/232/1210/30 before spending any money you should always try to test bikes first, Some bike makers make their bikes for racing and their handling is almost impossible to manage cruising about. Tama and Sau spring to mind... on the other hand if you want to race and get at the top of track time boards then they are the bikes to master.
  17. MLCC are also very expensive and well they make nice boats... and a Motorworld a bit.. meh... there is hardly any road there. 2Raw is much better or even my sim... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cordia/123/142/25/?title=Cordia&msg=Cordia%20biker%20sim There are bike vendors with JFC\Picassa and KCP scripted bikes and a road way leading up over 2000M with lots of racetracks and with a couple of Simbaz tracks available by the teleporter system. Just keep your script count below 200. Many biking sims are even more restrictive than that.
  18. Plymouth Argylls or farmer giles are often a side effect of having a bun in the oven.
  19. Tari Landar wrote: Aethelwine wrote: It seems odd to me you have never witnessed that before. Nine times out of ten in one form or another challenging the offensive person is most effective. Just yesterday some was being upset by comments on my sim. First they got back some put downs in a shut up kind of way. When that didn't work one of the estate managers intervened and made clear to them their conduct was not being appreciated and they left along with their mates No need for drama, no need for bans or blocking. Those should be last resorts not first ones It seems odd to me that you'd equally find it effective. I never said I haven't witnessed someone doling it back out on another person. What I said is, it's not effective, and it's not. Your example proves exactly that. The person being hurt by another person's comments decided to throw some back. It solved absolutely nothing, and they had to seek out help from someone else. That's usually what happens when people get into verbal pissing matches or tit for tat, an eye for an eye, those sorts of things. In the end, if you're being verbally assaulted-in any manner-tossing it back at the person isn't going to change what happened and it also won't likely solve the problem. Walking away, muting, blocking, ignoring, is more likely to make the problem fizzle out. Adding fuel to a fire isn't going to make it burn less. edited to fix typos, lol Except it was working, they had got a few great put downs in that made his friends he was acting up in front of laugh. Like... there's not much point shagging yoru brains out when it seems someone else already has, or something like that. When he left he had been bested and humiliated. Timing and finding the right words is perhaps not best for everyone.. but when it is done well it is worthwhile.
  20. If that is actually true and not just something you believe then you are very unusual. A friend used to be a roadie and she used to play a game they called how low can you go. Their challenge to others was through words alone in 30 minutes they could make anyone physically sick. Ex-marines, truck drivers, roadies on other crews when they accepted the challenge always gave in. Everyone has weak spots not so hard to find if you go looking for them
  21. It seems odd to me you have never witnessed that before. Nine times out of ten in one form or another challenging the offensive person is most effective. Just yesterday some was being upset by comments on my sim. First they got back some put downs in a shut up kind of way. When that didn't work one of the estate managers intervened and made clear to them their conduct was not being appreciated and they left along with their mates No need for drama, no need for bans or blocking. Those should be last resorts not first ones
  22. To the Op sometimes giving some back works better before blocking someone. It may just be part of a game or misunderstanding. But as others have said if they are just out to cause grief then block them. Perhaps think about telling the sim owner about it or abuse reporting them to Linden Labs. There really isn't anything much else you can do that is effective.
  23. People get hurt all the time on the internet and by words alone. Aside from all the reports of suicides as a result of cyberbullying there is the more obvious point that psychological pain can only be caused by communicating hurtful meanings and words are the most obvious way to do that.
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