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Exocet Kungler

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Everything posted by Exocet Kungler

  1. Ok, ok... I'll give it to you all you have very valid points. However! That still leaves only one problem. My friends list is small! 😁 Now since, you've all been sucked into my trap of friendship, does that mean I should be expecting invites? or that I should be sending them? lol Gotcha!!
  2. Alright! I've had enough! 😁 I demand my friends list gets expanded with people that love to socialize, build, do things, etc, umm etc? As SL unfolds and brings upon more possibilities the longer I play, I find my friends list unnervingly small . This is horrible, and completeley unnacceptable for such a socialized game. I find myself reaching out to many, but for most, people don't speak unless spoken to. In response to this new revelation, I have officially resorted to pleading on these forums so that I seem desperate, and unable to help myself in any way 🤣. I ask myself only one question. Where are all the fun, laid back, laughy, not take things too seriously, kind of people on here. I can't possibly be the only one. At least I'm hoping not. 😋. Add me!... Lets get chatting! Come on peoples. Lets blow this thing up! Show me SL isn't dead...yet
  3. Would love to come check out your sim! I myself have just recently come back to SL about a month ago now, maybe even two. Currently working on my business as well while logged in, and always in search of new friends to grow the old friends list. As well as bounce ideas off one another. I am extremely well versed with Textures, SLS Scripting, and Image editing if you happen to need any assistance, however, from the looks of it you have a very nicely laid out sim. Hope we can chat some more soon in game
  4. Always up for new friends here :D. Feel free to message me anytime. Love chatting about nonsense. Have met some great people off these forums. Hope to hear from you soon.
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