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Echo Hermit

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Everything posted by Echo Hermit

  1. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Echo Hermit wrote: Occasionally, I have thought I must be missing something by not participating in the SLU forums, but whenever I've popped in, there have been more childish and counter-productive threads that have driven me back here, to the official Second Life forums. However, it is bad form that the CEO would rather tweet on Twitter than use the Second Life feeds, and it is bad form also that he would prefer to participate on SLU than here, even if SLU has been in existence for longer. I totally agree . I have seen how some of the SLU users try to turn these forums into their drama playground in the past. I visited SLU one time and was turned off immediately.. It reminds of of "The R3al H0usewives of New jersey" . Constant bickering and negativity . Typical " I am better than you " posts, and direct attacks on users for extremely childish reasons. . I just can't be around all that kind of negative hateful bickering. Life is too short. Enjoy it. Second Life is an awesome place but not the place for bullying that's for sure. Everyone can get along if they wanted to but some chose not to LOL. But that is par for the course. I would rather lead than follow that's for sure. As for the CE0 . Yea. All that has me scratching my head as well. Makes you wonder. I would imagine maybe he didn't want to give new players the impression that there was a problem with getting people to stay? LOL but I guess transparency is not in order. But I wouldn't spend my time in here constantly accusing people of things they didn't do. Or constantly post negative things about LL,. Or post about users leaving here and going other places, and negative things about users in here. That in it self just breeds negative responses thus leading to a stack of haters. Second Life is an awesome place. It is what you make of it. Altho some of the recent changes are incredibly crazy. It still rocks....... I enjoy tying to help anyone who needs it here in the forums. . Thats what the community should be all about. Users helping users. Everyone working towards a better community, instead of building a caddy, drama, cliqued, invironment. That's why I would rather be here @ Second Life forums than SLU. And please forgive me, Dilbert, I posted a bit negatively over on another thread in response to your post, and this thread is restoring my mojo. Second Life still is an awesome place, in spite of me feeling left behind, and disgruntled with all the changes (some for the better, some for the worse) this year. I still love my country, even though I may not like the current Prime Minister. I still love my SL, even though I do not have much regard for the current CEO and his ... ways.
  2. Perrie Juran wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Echo Hermit wrote: And I love my t1ts It looks like you have beautiful t1ts! I, too, like her t's and 1's. It looks like she is gathering a qlaque now. Ohhh crikey moley, I didn't realise! I was five pages behind in this thread when I logged in today. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  3. Darkness Anubis wrote: Hmmmm well considering the fact that back in 2004 when I joined there was no such thing as a free account the argument that its stupid to pay for something free doesn't hold up for everyone in SL Realistically as an adult, I don't mind paying for something that has given me over 8 years of entertainment. That is how I look at it anyways. 1 year of premium at $72 bucks is a far better deal for my entertainment money than going to a movie with my other half and dropping $30 or more in one night. I am not exploited or brainwashed. I simply and rationally chose SL as better value for my entertainment money. Oh and given that I am and OLD account I get back MORE than my $72 premium in a year in my 500L a week stipend. So effectively I am MAKING money not spending it. But yeah I like a sheep shelled out $9.95 back in 2004 to get an account in SL. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA You've added some fabulous reasoning to this thread. Regarding SLU, the CEO's attitude, a bit of history further back in SL than I go (I only go back to 2007). And it really has been great value for money for me. I had to pay to upgrade the graphics card and power supply on this computer, but have had far more money back than I paid in, from when I had a while of buying and selling land. Hobbies previously weren't computer-linked at all, and frankly led to a lot of untidy clutter in my home. SL also has exercised the grey matter more. You may have reminded me where I put my 'oomph' :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  4. Storm Clarence wrote: Charolotte Caxton wrote: :matte-motes-zipped:
  5. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: I used to enjoy the blogs. But it seemed to become very negative in the comments towards the end when they shut of comments. It was pretty bad there for a while, but tensions where up with poorly running servers and viewer bugs and massive changes lol.. I can see why. I really miss Torleys vids. but in general it is another part of how they seperated them selves from the community. sighs. Not even an SL community convention.. So it's all about just "poping" in to the blogs now, and then to see if anything has changed for tech and that is about it. I am sure user dedication has changed quite a bit as a result of the disconnection. Undoubtedly. The nature of Second Life has always been "Your World, Your Imagination", with the LL people pushing for the residents to create and adapt and notify, and work together, etc., etc. Their latest promo video confirms this too. Maybe the new people that get reeled in by such videos won't care about the lack of involvement and communication, but for older residents like myself - and I was one who could always see through rose-tinted glasses - with the lapsing of the regular Linden blogs that used to pop into my email inbox, and now with the JIRA system changing, and the fact LL takes the help of the residents for granted (go look at the help page to see how it's worded about the experts on the forums who are available to help), it's hard not to become apathetic. Just like in RL when people get taken for granted by employers, wives, friends.
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: Echo Hermit wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Canoro Philipp wrote: i think they cut some unnecesary energy leaks, It's more like they completely plugged the faucet. This ^^ The recent shutting down of the jiras to public view was just another way to plug communication to/from Lindens - and each other. Yes, it does look that way. I just attended a user group session, and when people were talking about JIRAs they'd submitted this week, it was like tumbleweed was going across the land. In the past, we would have all clicked to look, add our vote/watch, comment, and pass on the information where appropriate. Did the Linden's involved at least have a clue that the issues had been submitted? Sorry for delay in responding. I had to go re-read the transcript of the session. The JIRA numbers that were brought up by residents were commented on by Maestro and Oskar, and to give them their due, they did seem to know what was being talked about, although for me, it was like being among a bunch of secret agents speaking in code, as only those who submit the JIRAs now can comment on it until it goes to triage, etc.
  7. Czari Zenovka wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Canoro Philipp wrote: i think they cut some unnecesary energy leaks, It's more like they completely plugged the faucet. This ^^ The recent shutting down of the jiras to public view was just another way to plug communication to/from Lindens - and each other. Yes, it does look that way. I just attended a user group session, and when people were talking about JIRAs they'd submitted this week, it was like tumbleweed was going across the land. In the past, we would have all clicked to look, add our vote/watch, comment, and pass on the information where appropriate.
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: Echo Hermit wrote: And I love my t1ts It looks like you have beautiful t1ts! Very belated thank you for the admiration, Perrie (she prrrreens)
  9. Canoro Philipp wrote: i think they cut some unnecesary energy leaks, they cut Winterfest, the support for Burning man, they cut the videos by Torley and put him into more coding, and the pressure to have continous blog posts. it seems they are using that energy to make new products and to refine the server side of Second Life. Instead of kick kiss-a-Linden on Isle of View sims they had some kind of valentine's photo contest and a fun poem one on these forums.
  10. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: Well I got out my crystal ball and cauldron out and conjured up a tiny troll to spy on him and climb in his ear to hear his thoughts, this troll tells me he is very disappointed, he was thinking that user created content could help SL grow, games mainly with limited budget he had creator tools improved, but what disappointed him were the users were unstable nuts, people so unstable you could not put a companies future on them, so he now had to steer the company into a more stable pathway of revenue, but his options are very limited because others with far more money may pip them to the post,. Then he put his finger in his ear and killed the troll. This really tickled my funny bone. Totally believable. "Unstable nuts" is what we are (as opposed to stable nuts who work in LL)
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: Simply put, I prefer this forum over SLU. I can't really cite a specific reason, it's just personal preference. It's a sad state of affairs that Linden Lab can't figure out how to manage a Forum to it's own advantage, much less the advantage of the Residents. It's even sadder that the CEO and other LL dignitaries don't see fit to post here, and to really answer our questions and our concerns here in their own Forum. But of course, SLU doesn't cost a penny for them to manage. I do understand that this is the official LL forum and because they are a business in the public eye, they do need to maintain a little bit more control over what is posted here. Regardless, I do think a lot of the censorship is overkill. After all, I do love my pen1s. While only LL really sees the number of unique users and can speak authoritatively on it, it is my distinct impression that fewer and fewer people post here on a regular basis. If someone was trying to get an idea of just how popular Second Life is by looking at the participation in this Forum, they would be left with the distinct impression that the popularity doesn't extend far beyond a few hard core users. And I love my t1ts (groans)
  12. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: yes, but the young only know how to do that, like in the combat sims, the older ones want to enact battles, the younger ones just want to shoot every thing, it is like that here, the older ones construct what they are saying, the young it is the first silly thing in their head. I get what you mean - life experience counts for a lot when it comes to attitudes generally. Maybe saying "young" and "older" was incorrect (!) - some young people are, for sure, more mature than some older people BUT generally speaking, it does follow that younger = less experienced in certain aspects of life. This is just splitting hairs though on my part - and on the part of Freya. The young also have more energy, and will argue more - although again, it depends what people spend their energy on, and how much they have got left when they visit the forums :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  13. I think moderation only goes too far when I can't write the word c0ck or t1t or pen1s with the right spelling without it being bleeped out. Personal attacks just smack of schoolyard bullying.
  14. Drongle McMahon wrote: "Soon, the entire Internet will be nothing but Apps. All computers will be interface only, no programming allowed, no serviceable parts inside." :matte-motes-crying: :matte-motes-crying: :matte-motes-crying: :matte-motes-crying: :matte-motes-crying: :matte-motes-crying: Apps are like snacks. And snacks are fabulous, but they just don't fill you up. :matte-motes-frown:
  15. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: I have a website that has a forum type blog, I was going to use it for posting script examples for people to make their own scripts to interface with my system, but part of it could be for such things, but the problem is I am known here and not liked much, so a lot could be just personal insults, but I could add a page for opinions on sl and not me. You are liked/disliked as much as the rest of us. We all have our haters, and our fans. Folks on SLU are allowed to continue to make threads deeply personal sometimes, and this is where I appreciate the Second Life official forums moderation. Debates and disagreements are great, constructive criticism is great, personal attacks are not.
  16. Darren Scorpio wrote: Echo Hermit wrote: Occasionally, I have thought I must be missing something by not participating in the SLU forums, but whenever I've popped in, there have been more childish and counter-productive threads that have driven me back here, to the official Second Life forums. However, it is bad form that the CEO would rather tweet on Twitter than use the Second Life feeds, and it is bad form also that he would prefer to participate on SLU than here, even if SLU has been in existence for longer. This^ I have said it before myself. It is a real shame that a CEO of any company would rather socialize with people who are using a third party forum instead of his company's official forum. I'd like to see the forums here become more lively again like they used to be, that can only happen if there is participation from the Lindens. Anybody else miss seeing Torley pop in on our threads from time to time? Darren Scorpio wrote: Echo Hermit wrote: Occasionally, I have thought I must be missing something by not participating in the SLU forums, but whenever I've popped in, there have been more childish and counter-productive threads that have driven me back here, to the official Second Life forums. However, it is bad form that the CEO would rather tweet on Twitter than use the Second Life feeds, and it is bad form also that he would prefer to participate on SLU than here, even if SLU has been in existence for longer. This^ I have said it before myself. It is a real shame that a CEO of any company would rather socialize with people who are using a third party forum instead of his company's official forum. I'd like to see the forums here become more lively again like they used to be, that can only happen if there is participation from the Lindens. Anybody else miss seeing Torley pop in on our threads from time to time? Lovely Torley is one of the people I 'stalk' - I do miss him here on the forums, but he's still the butter that holds the Linden-Resident sandwich together, with Oskar, Maestro, Oz, Tommy and a couple of others providing a bit of meat and relish. http://www.flickr.com/photos/torley/7996904556/in/photostream/ (note how Torley gives credit where credit is due, to a regular SL Forumite, a lassie who does fabulous photos) :matte-motes-big-grin:
  17. I am 49 years old, and even at 20 I would have felt the same way. I like fun, I like silly things, but I don't like the childish bullying, or the 'one-upmanship' that seems to go on so often - that again is childish. Do you really worry about no longer fitting in? Better to be a unique person than a sheep who follows the crowd.
  18. Occasionally, I have thought I must be missing something by not participating in the SLU forums, but whenever I've popped in, there have been more childish and counter-productive threads that have driven me back here, to the official Second Life forums. However, it is bad form that the CEO would rather tweet on Twitter than use the Second Life feeds, and it is bad form also that he would prefer to participate on SLU than here, even if SLU has been in existence for longer.
  19. Sigren Panthar wrote: You did indeed, and you may like to go back to that thread and see my reply to the 'redtop' you refer to. On these forums, you must realise there are full grown shills, not just 'mere' LL apologists, but shills with a specific job to do in these forums; this is to mock, deny, dissemble any valid critique of LL's abysmal regard for their customers. Secondly, yes, griefing is slowly getting out of hand. Again LL know full well and do not give a monkey's, the shills know full well and mock, deny, dissemble ad nauseam. For a more accurate feel of the SL residents as a whole, you better off posting on the SLU forums This would appear to be true, as the CEO of SL even prefers to post there than here.
  20. Unless they do with the apps what they don't currently do with Second Life - advertise it on mainstream media - it'll just be an idea that falls down the side of the sofa. There are far too many other, better, apps and games available. Mr Humble, being from a gaming background, has to be seen to be doing something more than sitting in his throne all day long, though, or he'll go the same way as the previous CEO. These 'new' ideas neither impress me, nor depress me. I shall watch from a distance as only the most hardcore of LL sheep get on board (bored) with them.
  21. This is just the most photorealistic picture I've seen so far. Absolutely love it. (The dress looks divine.)
  22. Greetings, gustave. This sounds like a possible connection problem. Ensure you are not trying to access Second Life wirelessly, and reset your modem. Maybe in your area your internet service provider currently have a larger-than-usual demand on their service, or perhaps they are carrying out some kind of maintenance works. Other suggestions/answers will follow.
  23. Having read the whole of this thread, and being familiar with some of the goings-on in the Blake Seas, I would say this particular officer is abusing his land rights privileges and being far too territorial. I mean, if you were in violation of any of the Blake Sea sims rules, undoubtedly you would have received at least a warning, if not a suspension, for having rezzed your magnificent vessels by now. And you haven't. Therefore you are not in violation of anything, and you certainly do have as many rights as anyone else to be making use of the public Blake Sea waterways. From a distance, LL are probably enjoying the extra battle - the battle of wills - that is taking place between yourself and this officer. He is not, I feel, playing fair though. And that is just bad sportsmanship. It is a pity you cannot command a pirate ship and take him hostage :matte-motes-evil-invert: I have no good advice to offer you on this one.
  24. I agree, it is very sad. I still grieve for the closure of Apollo and Galaxy Dreams. :matte-motes-crying:
  25. Checking with the gridsurvey website, it looks like your favourite sims have been given up and removed, around 8th September 2012. As wrable says, for whatever reasons, costs or otherwise, sims do come and go. :matte-motes-frown: http://gridsurvey.com/index.php http://gridsurvey.com/display.php?id=75991 http://gridsurvey.com/display.php?id=75728 http://gridsurvey.com/display.php?id=64344
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