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Chroma Starlight

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Everything posted by Chroma Starlight

  1. May I sell L$ for DOGE? If not, why? If it's a US-specific law that you need to enforce on US users, it'd be OK for us to seek the assistance of our European peers, ne?
  2. It's possible the client sent a command that was filtered out by the cloud. The client will happily do whatever it believes it can, but sometimes the cloud provides a reality check. That must not be the way to do the thing you're attempting, if the specific characters you're entering are actually even possible (as above, etc). Try different things, or better yet, make friends with someone and learn from them.
  3. Grateful for wonderful things that are inexpressible with words.
  4. Some people are inconsiderate to others no matter which life they're living. Don't let them get you down. Lots of people love anime and creativity, so keep looking for people into those things, maybe in like furry, gaming, rpg, and sandbox places. Do location, event, or group searches based on keywords like 'anime.' There's always the destination guide for more ideas on where to find people.
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