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Vin Soulstar

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Everything posted by Vin Soulstar

  1. Well thank you, I take RL pictures so I'm still learning when it comes to SL but it's fun trying out different lighting styles. I still have a lot to learn in SL.
  2. Skell is like an artist when he takes pictures, lots of creativity goes into the outfits and pictures it seems.
  3. This is what you wear when you shop for banana's?
  4. Skell summed it up, also don't forget to alpha out your fingernails and anything else you had on that hand. I was walking around with floating rings and fingernails for a while which I forgot about.
  5. See it's almost time to get some sleep over here and now you have my mind wandering.
  6. Oh mangos are probably my favourite fruit. Which reminds me, I have one in the fridge I might have tonight after dinner with my creme caramel. Oh the joys of being an ex chef.
  7. Thank you. I couldn't decide between banana's or Apples.
  8. Well decided not to quit SL after all so I went shopping at TMD and found a nice coat/shirt outfit and decided to go buy...some fruit.
  9. I actually don't get hit on much which honestly, is nice. I feel sorry for some of the females on SL constantly bombarded with IM's.
  10. Another picture back in 2010 when morphing profile pictures was all the rage. My SL head on a RL mans body.
  11. Amazing how much imagination and skill creators have compared to the earlier days. Then again back then we all thought we looked sexy. lol
  12. Not sure about the chest hair though, for 7 years ago it didn't look too bad. Kudos to the creator back then.
  13. This was from 2010, even after 7+ years it seems I still don't wear tops and have a similar hair style. lol My first scuba diving experience back in 2010....it didn't end well for me.
  14. I agree, great memories, I still have a couple of friends on my list who I met on my first few days. I will post some pics when I log on next.
  15. Your avi looks great for 10 years old Well maybe we can all post in this thread and see just how much we have changed.
  16. So, has anyone ever started a thread about posting your old avi pic? I thought it might be a bit of a laugh looking back at pics of when we all first started.
  17. Kind of sad isn't it that some people still get offended by nudity and you are right, women can be pretty much topless as long as the nipples are covered up, strange. Anyway it's 5am and I am blabbering on, enjoy posting your mermaid pictures.
  18. Another great picture and cheeky in the best way.
  19. Oh I'm sure the ladies here don't mind us wearing no shirts in the pics. lol
  20. Oh just ignore my post, I had quite a few wines last night so I wasn't thinking straight.
  21. Well worth it I would say. Classy yet a touch of...hmmmm ....bites my tongue.
  22. Would it sound strange asking for some of the forumer's Skype addys? You have all been so nice and drama free, if you want to add me just shoot me a message on the forum.
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