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Stephanie Misfit

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Posts posted by Stephanie Misfit

  1. 44 minutes ago, Orwar said:

       They already did. Their last releases were just for Lara/LaraX, Legacy, Reborn, and Kupra (although with petite/perky/waifu options), but that part doesn't make it 'more difficult', it adds a bit of time (although not a huge amount of time in the grand scheme of things). As for whether it's been profitable lately or how SL compares to Roblox (or any other platforms) is something we can only speculate about. 

       Not even a month ago, they released their new 'colour packs guide for 2024', which makes it seem as if their decision to pull back from SL came quite suddenly. I highly doubt 'too many bodies' was it.

    The designer for Blueberry never did her own rigging anyway, that was all outsourced, and as a company reported to be earning millions of dollars, outsourcing would not be a barrier.

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  2. 31 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

    yea, some clubs are snobbish, they only want beautiful people in their clubs. Well, the more people you exclude, the smaller your pool of potential visitors

    I had a black guy kick me out of his club one time... his reasoning, "i don't want anyone in here that wears donkey ears". I said hey, they are bunny ears, and I think you'd be a bit more considerate, considering...

    I hope you aren't making the comparison I think you are making.

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  3. 12 hours ago, Vanity Fair said:

    Question: I am following up on the notice which was posted to the Blueberry group as follows, especially the final part, which was not included in the Facebook message which started off this discussion thread:


    i fam ❤
    I’m very sorry to say that I will be taking a break from SL. Blueberry does not plan to release any new items for the foreseeable future. At some point, I will share an update. Right now I need this time to reflect.
    I do consider all of you berries as my forever family and I am eternally grateful for your support and understanding. Thank you for all of your love.  

    Please send all questions regarding credit to blueberryxx in a notecard and any other questions to https://rb.gy/5g


    The URL in the Blueberry group message I quoted above use a URL shortener service, and it seems to lead to an error page (I assume Mishi's message was too long and got cut off); does anybody know what the correct URL is supposed to be? This might be important for people who want to ask questions. Thanks!

    Maybe the contact section on the House of Blueberry website? BTW I notice they have removed Second Life from that site.


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  4. 2 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    While it might seem insulting, it's true that some places have rules concerning avatar appearance.  Mesh head and body required, no face lights, full bright hair, bling or animal parts although they do often allow the elf ears.  They make no mention of height at all.  

    Very true. Some venues don't want that stuff, and will remove noob looking avatars, and height has nothing to do with it. Some places like to maintain standards, to make them more appealing to the people they do want to go there, ie. attractive avatars.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Vryl Valkyrie said:

    I was able to restore this one short voicemail he left on my birthday a few weeks ago. It's all I have left of his voice. I wanted you to hear. He did call me back of course. At the very end of the brief message, he says "Jet'aime, bisous". That's what he always said even though he was Dutch. It's not because I live in France since I'm actually American. It was just a cute little thing he did.


    The images of SL here are poor graphic quality because they are from way back when except for 1. I wanted to share them because it was when it all started, the love that is. The Warlord and the Vampire Queen. Script Shark and Vryl Valkyrie. That's who were in the beginning until we became Paul and Ginger.

    Thanks for letting me share.

    I am glad you have precious memories like this, Vryl.

    • Like 1
  6. 56 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    The really odd thing is that he said this while he was very clearly flirting with me.

    "You're doing it wrong" I nearly said.

    That's a particular dating strategy some guys use, to neg you like that, and try to undermine your confidence, making you an easier target. The good thing is, that once you can recognise negging, it is easy to give those guys a wide berth.

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  7. On 4/3/2024 at 4:15 PM, winniethepoohh said:

    hello everyone i hope all of you is having a lovely day or night

    i was wonder what do you like more Bento buddy or Avastar?
    i wanna start creating stuff for second life but im gonna start with poses first but i don't know what addons i should pick for Blender

    is there any free trial for both of them to see what you like more or no?

    Bento Buddy sometimes gives free trials, and I think the first month is cheap. I like Bento Buddy, it is well-supported, with an active Discord and lots of tutorials. I have not used Avastar so can't compare them. See if you can get a trial of Bento Buddy.

  8. On 4/4/2024 at 4:29 AM, xLMDx said:

    Does Cascadeur work with avastar? or second life in general?

    I have used it in conjunction with Blender and Bento Buddy, there are some tutorials available on that on YouTube. Some SL users are making great stuff with Cascadeur so it is definitely possible. Don't know anything about Avastar though, sorry, maybe check their Discord.

  9. 16 hours ago, Cyber Metropolitan said:

    My question is, It's been a while since i played Second Life I am researching renting billboards spaces for a future plot of land to earn some extra money and I am just wondering what is the average rate going for that people willing to pay for these days?

    You'll be lucky to find anyone to advertise on a billboard on your land. That form of marketing just does not work in SL, and people will only look at renting advertising in high-traffic venues.

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  10. 7 hours ago, Evil Littlepaws said:

    Is there anything for sale either in the MP or online that can kill people who are not in the group when they enter the land? Where they can take damage and be killed? Like an evil spirit guarding a cave killing and sending them back home?

    There is this, it will kill people if damage is enabled, or push them if not. I don't know if it has group access though.


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  11. 19 minutes ago, Cougar Sangria said:

    @Rick Nightingale There may be a lot of clothing being sold now with terrible rigging.  If you demo'd it and it was that bad, toss the DEMO in the trash and move along.  The creator lost a sale, maybe many sales.  Maybe they will realize their poor rigging/skinning is the issue and work to fix it, or maybe they don't care.  Either way, they lost a customer,  and word of mouth can be detrimental to a brand.

    There are more than a few creators who are well-known and participate in popular events, and yet their items are poorly rigged. One creator I can think of straight away seems unable to rig at all, and relies totally on auto alphas. Poor rigging does not seem to be a barrier to success.

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  12. 18 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Sorry, I know it's your peeve but it's also kind of hilarious.  So many questions.  Did they get themselves locked in?  Did they not read the rlv manual?  Do they do this to other store owner?  Is this how they find people to play with them?

    They locked themselves in for some ridiculously long amount of time. And yes, I imagine they do this to other store owners too, and whoever else will listen. They might well do this to find new people, but if that's the case they need to lose the tentacle mask because that is just not an attractive look.

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