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Sean Heying

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  1. wolfiedog wrote: i have reason to belive he might have been banned As he is still in search - not perma-banned. When the lab execute someone like that, they dissapear from search.
  2. I have L$ 42,000. I am sending you L$69 more Linden so that you can actually have a nice round US$170.
  3. Personally I would not be trusting this. 1. It's a wordpress site, not an actual official company site with address and contact details, bushiness registration and so on. 2. Sony now own the patents that allow people to run a game on a cloud server and send the screen remotely. Has this person purchased a right to said patent. 3. It looks like it will run in your browser as a plugin, this can cause all sorts of technical issues and extra resource use. 4. You will be giving them your name and password. With all the hacks about and people losing control of their account do you really wish to provide your account login details, your chat logs, access to your credit card and/or paypal to an unknown? They may be reputable, but I wouldn't touch it myself with a 40 foot pole.
  4. I concur it seems a little better. Might be in our minds though. Some mesh and rebaked skin after mesh is removed are the issue I still see - but at leasta lot of the world is rezzing. On the skin, on a bad night, I can be fully rezzed, someone removes a mesh TShirt and their skin blacklists due to timeout. I am positive I've seen those come from bake directly and not asset-cdn though. To me those tracerts look good. Especially when you consider timeouts from Australia hit 3000ms+ and we still load. The common thing we seem to be seeing is a timeout reached. I see it in V3, I see it in Firestorm, I see it in Alpha Singu and I see it in a few versions of Developer pre-alpha Singu... Thing is, adjusting any of the timeout values in debug or in code and recompiling makes little difference. A complex mesh with many vertexes (much larger file size) does seem to block the pipelines more. Looking at my advanced consoles show some mesh items are quite large in transfer size. Picking Aleric's mind right now is ... difficult... curl gave him RSI. Although I am glad his changes for pipelining are moving slowly towards being merged into Singu. Those are a real speed boost over the non-pipelined code. Packetloss maybe. I need to run an MTR over 5 minutes next time it happens here and look at how many packets are being lost. Maybe in peak times, when the packetloss is high, the design means that the curl's wait to long. Hit timeout and blacklist or retry (depending on what viewer) Mind you, it could be between the asset server and regional CDN too. That is harder to debug considering we know so little about the back end architecture. My investigations at least show my local CDN is in Japan. Pity as CA is actually faster to get to.
  5. Vulpinus wrote: On average they seem to have ten to twelve scripts and run between 0.015ms and 0.025ms idle time. 5ms recommended time. 15ms about average. 22.2ms maximum time (leaving nothing else) 5000/15 = 333 sex beds per region and you are only running to the recommended time. 15000/15 = 1000 sex beds per sim. Even an adult region won't have this surely?
  6. Urzul wrote: i want to ask every one reading this post to say how many language they know : English is my native language and what I am most comfortable speaking. Je comprends un peu le francais, Je peux me faire comprendre, je espere. I am also learning Japanese, but it's slow progress. One of the best things about SL is how it brings us all together. Aussie, Dutch, German, French, Japanese - all in the one place and trying to be friendly and understand as much as we can. (( Some people are hostile to non-English language though. This forum software returns the error: "The message body contains [[ c cedilla ]], which is not permitted in this community. Please remove this content before sending your post." When I try to write the French Language name francais properly - I can hear the cries of a small subset of racists screaming "Speak English you fool" ))
  7. it's certainly an "interesting" move by Sony. Only a few weeks ago they offloaded Sony Online Entertainment to Daybreak, another company, leaving just the Playstation Division doing games. It's clear they don't want this for their own games any more - they simply don't need it. So, what patent did this company hold that Sony thought was strategic enough to spend the money to buy? Maybe it's to do with how their phones can become a screen for the playstation? Either way, my kudos to the devs at Firestorm who spend so much time and effort to create a tie in, to have the rug pulled from under their feet. Even though it was a short collaboration, it showed that you are a strong team. The loss of those hours of dev work will be made up in other ways.
  8. Resepctfully Monty, and please understand I worked for 5 to 8 hours every single day testing curl with Aleric for at least 6 weeks before, during and after the CDN rollout.... I might not be at your or his levels, as I saw your clear skill in the Curl mailing lists... you both leave me for dead; but I'm not exactly a slouch. There is a clear, worldwide issue where peak times for your ISP will see the CDN time out. It has been happening with me since you went live, with generic repository libcurl or even with a special system including Aleric's maillist patches to libcurl and my developer build. It happens to me no matter which alpha or production client I use too. Windows or Linux. SL, FS or Singu. I even have a backup LTE modem to test with at these peak times. Two ISPs - Telstra and iiNet - both fail at the same time, albeit Telstra less noticably. The problem is a time out. The time out causes various symptoms in all viewers. For Singu the timeout causes the "texture" to be blacklisted. The "texture" being blacklisted is usually a mesh geometry. When that "fault" happens the pipeline locks until the 60-120 seconds or so timeout is exceeded and the "texture" is skipped It might be possible there is tuning needed of the CDN to take account for packet loss and delayed packets during peak ISP time - especially for rare textures. That it's a global issue with people from Australia, Europe and the USA all reporting it at peak ISP times suggests to layperson me that your timeout periods are a little too tight. Not the client's timeouts. The servers. I know one thing Aleric and I did see in Bare Rose. ( a great texture only test bed ) the first loads took ages as the texture was sent to the CDN. The second loads were blinding fast as the CDN supplied it. I see similar things with mesh "textures". The first load of something times out. Relog and it pops immediately. I feel sad seing you say "The problem is with your ISP (6 vs 16 pipelines)" that is you passing the potato to them. Your design should be investigated a little more deeply too (and I know this is simplistic) because before the CDN it worked and after the CDN it failed. Yes, we go to fewer CDN clusters that can sustain more connections rather than using simulator capabilities with limiting on connections and bandwidth --- but the CDN should be robust enough and BIG enough to deal with that. Especially in my tiny little region. The number of Australians playing during our peak ISP times is miniscule compared to the number of Americans or Europeans playing during theirs. I don't have access to your metrics, but surely there are not even 5,000 of us. One ISP, sure. Two ISPs maybe. But tens, hundreds of ISPs over many countries? No, that sounds more like it's a config issue for the CDN itself - especially when you consider that AICurl is very different to LLCurl and FSCurl in many areas, not just in number of channels but the various timeouts. And in the case of my one of my test systems even with the mailing list bugfixes. I wish you luck in this. The last few months have been unbearable for me to the point that I rarely play any more. SL has clearly deteriorated during peak ISP times. Where the old "get the texture from the sim" system never failed the CDN is failing even when I limit the concurrent connections to 6 or less. It blocks with a timeout.
  9. It's been pretty bad. Especially from Australia. It lasts 24 hours a day, not just in the USA peak time. Yet talking to friends in Europe they dont see it. Lots of timeouts. Lots of mesh that is blacklisted and won't appear until a relog. I also see in my logs many many many missing textures. Dropping my bandwidth and draw distance has helped a little, it might be positive bias but using the Ctrl-Shift-3 to open up the texture console will "snap" the textures and mesh properly.
  10. Ayesha Askham wrote: I just wonder, in the uninformed way I sometime do, if this reliance now on http traffic vs udp, could be at the heart of our recent grey episodes? If you know better I am glad to stand corrrected, but please be clear...I am not using this thread to bash LL for anything. I just want to try to understand what has been happeneing since there appears to have been no "official" word about these problems. Not so much http faulty over UDP, but pipelining. In particular a few bugs in libcurl made worse by recent CDN issues - BUT bugs never-the-less. I have been pre-alpha testing a bug fix to libcurl that addresses the issue. This bug fix makes a substantial difference to the loading in Malls, to the point that I can go into BlackRose and see the textures steaming in without pause at 8,000+ network speed. Very technical discussion for our more au fait forum goers http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.curl.library/44070
  11. The bottleneck in SL is the internet, not the disks. Hopefully the CDN changes being tested now will make a big improvement to people - especially people who are not in the USA. Recent testing I was doing showed my assets were only 22ms away instead of 300ms. Additionally my entire ADSL link was used instead of only part of it - as happens when you share the connection with others in the sim.
  12. Sailing Spend Lindens Learning Go (Japanese Chess) Spend Lindens Scripting Spend Lindens Learning Blender Spend Lindens Exploring and taking photos Spend Lindens Roleplay Spend Lindens Spending Lindens Spend Lindens
  13. Ah ok, I will go do other things Garden weeding or dishes, hmmmm.
  14. Tried multiple computers. Tried multiple viewrs. Tried two network connections (ADSL2 and tethered LTE on my mobile phone) Tried multiple accounts. Message is "Unable to login check the status blog" Anyone have any ideas?
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