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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/08/1970 in Blog Comments

  1. Wow.... I have goosebumps. Seriously Treacle, I respected you before but this gives me a whole new level of gratitude for having you as a friend! Thanks for sharing.
    2 points
  2. Thank you all for reading the short story and your lovely replies. It is actually amazing how many who use Second Life have things in real life which make their days perhaps much less enjoyable than other peoples, and Second Life can be a lovely way to find friends, interests and company. My hope is that we all think a little more about who we could be communicating with in any online form. There are some amazing people in the world, just ordinary like us, but who would value our warmth and patience every day, just as we would value it from others too. Remember all drama seekers, mind gamers, arguers, griefers, trolls....you are not big and you are not clever.
    2 points
  3. /me cries. Very touching story. And a bit "In Your Face" to those who don't see beyond the shallow impression easily gleaned from a quick visit to Second Life or from not bothering to explore outside Welcome Areas and Infohubs. Thank you so much for sharing.
    2 points
  4. We all meet people like this everyday in SL, although most of us never realize it.
    2 points
  5. i could not imagine meeting a person like that it is so amazing. all i can say is wow!!!!
    2 points
  6. I love sailing !!!!!! Amazing picks !!!!!!! :smileylol:
    2 points
  7. What a heartwarming and heartbreaking story. Thanks for sharing it with us!
    2 points
  8. Thank you Treacle for sharing such a profound, moving story. Sometimes people forget that behind SL avatars there are real people with real feelings, emotions and unique real life stories. We are all here for different reasons but this story helps us remember to treat each other a little kinder, a little more patient and a little more respectful. SL helps all of us reach out to others and sometimes even live lives we normally can't in RL. Many Blessings, Vianca
    2 points
  9. The Story of Djduerer Zou (who was my friend as well) would have been January/February 2007. If you want to read more about Djduerer Zou and how he impacted SO many people -- see In Memory of Djduerer Zou https://sites.google.com/site/tradewindsyc/project-updates/inmemoryofdjduererzou
    2 points
  10. Thank you Treacle for a truly moving story...makes you think! Being blessed in my own life despite finding it difficult to come out of a bereavement of quite a few years, I must admit I tend to think others are similarly blessed. I`m wrong! Having said that, without SL I doubt I would have coped as well as I have done or am doing
    2 points
  11. Treacle, Thank you for sharing your inspiring story with all of us Second Lifers:)) Djduerer was a gift to us all this holiday season...making us appreciate a little more of what we so take for granted...health and life. Shows us what precious really is by the moving experience he had with you. You can be sure you touched his life in a very profound way....as you also have touched us all. Many Blessings Eden Nootan
    2 points
  12. Second Life is so much more than a game, or a business, or a program. For so many people - it is a living connection to the whole world. A way to travel and meet people from all over the world, to places no airline could ever take you. A way to connect with others and enjoy so much more than can be found in the physical world. Thank you Treacle Darlandes for sharing your special times spent with Djduerer Zou, and thank you to his family for helping him enjoy his time in second life. May Christmas Blessings follow from our world to the Spirit of Djduerer.
    2 points
  13. My name is An Uggla. I am in secondlife from 2007 and every day i am learning from my dear SL friends.
    1 point
  14. I remember this! I'm glad to be on the MainGrid Terrence. I've enjoyed SecondLife since 2008! And It is a Truly an amazing world. I will be doing an hour and 30 min,ong documentary on SL. I have quite a History here. So Keep a look out for that on YouTube!
    1 point
  15. Oh dear, this is very bad news. Budgets for educators are often set well in advance and in some cases very fixed even looking across a grant period of some years. In our case I have just negotiated funds to renew some of our regions from 12 months from now, so changes on a short time scale that double prices are quite a shock. In one case I have funding fixed for 2years out too. We would like to retain our regions but this can only mean that we pack things up tighter on less regions to keep the costs the same as budgeted.That itself causes work and remodelling which is most unfortunate. But I guess this is a done deal... Our nice archipelago and fancy coastlines will have to go leaving things much more utilitarian.
    1 point
  16. Torley Great info here. Thanks. I was wondering is there a way to edit or straighten my inventory without having my avi logged on? If not, do you have any tips for sorting and filing? I love to shop and my inventory is always a mess, making me crazy. 8( Shalimar
    1 point
  17. "Like Prokovfy said, we have to remember that in fact builders and the like are only a very small community compared to the rest of the users. When you look at it this way, LL is already giving us a lot of attention, and we're getting more and more of it." -- Snippy "Professional content creators" are relatively few in number... yes. They are not the only people that use build tools. We all use them, to some degree or another. And if the tools suck, we all suffer. What makes SL unique is the fact that everyone can create. Every other strength that SL has there's another type of MMO out there that has something similar, from land ownership, to content sales, to music sharing and socializing, ... It is this "Everyone can create" thing that sets the SL type of MMO apart. And the tools we have for content creation are STALE. We need mesh, we need windlight finished, and we need a viewer UI that is less baffling spacially and semantically. If SL continues to lag behind other Networked Recreational Immersive platforms... people like Prok will have only a small fraction of their customer base to worry about within 2 years. And the only people hanging around to kvetch about group chat problems and broken search... will be die-hard oldbies like me paying for our land out of pocket.
    1 point
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