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Hands of viewer 1.23 / Phoenix!

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@Faye: I wish more people whoul follow your style and kind ways to comment...... 

Lol, the gist of her comment was "you arent a designer/builder because you dont announce it on your profile, so you have no right to speak about SL at all, people that are in clubs should just shut up and let builders and designers dictate the viewers because they speak the loudest". yeah, that would go over well with most people...

just do us all a favor and research some things befor posting your thoughts it gets twisted and missing the point compleetly. 

Same to you and all the v2/v3 bashers. Actually use the viewer for more than 10 minutes before bashing it. You are using many of the same things that have been being tossed about for over a year. If most of those bashing v3 actually used it, instead of signing on for 2 minutes, seeing its not the exact same as viewer 1 and logging out, then i doubt there would be the hatred. Also, going off about marketplace, helpdesk, display names and such, which have nothing to do with v2 at all, are also missing the pint completely.

I had hoped a lot of people whould agree with me 

It would have been easier to agree if you hadnt posted "make a compleet new viewer based on snowglobe 1.5 " and some of the other things, like about display names (which people on phoenix can also see). And this was the only thead i saw about it soooo....


was ment as a wake up call for LL to keep it alive and avalable to download, 

Why would they keep it available to download? It is going to start breaking soon with the changes they are introducing. Why would they keep it alive? they havent done anything with it since summer of 2009. why would they start now instead of trying to make their existing viewer better? They have every right to pull 1.23.5 from downloads, after all, they made it.

But all i see is LL fans that diss me this is unfair just pay some respect to ther people that do like v1 styled viewers j 

I see no one really dissing you. In fact you are the one calling people stupid and such.  Also, the v1 people have had over 3 years to get used to new viewers, and most of that time was spent bashing those that actually did try it. V1 people are ones to talk about respect, when much of the vitriol has been against v2 users and the v2 interface.


they "inc myself" cant deal with v2/v3 interfaces.....yes v2 interfaces aka Firestorm viewer. 

V3 has a diffeerent interface than v2. V3 is more v1 like in form than v2 was. Firestorm as well, will become more v3 like in the future. Not being able to deal with any change at all is your problem, not linden labs. Firestorm can be made out to be quite v1 like as well, just not an exact replica

For example why does LL not implantate Starlight skins in viewer 3?? give people the option to v1 the v3 viewer in several ways then i dont have to post here and a lot of people will be very happy 

because they are a thrid party add on not made by linden lab. Firestorm has starlight skins, as do several other v/3 based TPVs. You will likely never have a viewer that is exactly like v1, but some out there can come quite close

yes i like blue and grey do you like black that much? i dont think you do 

Black is not that bad a color really, but whatever. there ae several skins that are viewer 1 like, nostalgia blue starlight being one of them.

v3 is a bit better yes but come on it is still a bad viewer that doesnt allow people to customize it in a way to again.... make it more v1 able and that is my point!

V3 is more customizable than viewer 1 ever was. Even viewer 2 was more customizable than v1 was. You just seem upset because v3 is not the exact same as v1 was. Wait til the TPVs get on it, they will likely make more v1 like v3 skins

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Hellespont Hoorenbeek wrote:

I am getting so tired of some people here and am not goint to reply everything just do us all a favor and research some things befor posting your thoughts it gets twisted and missing the point compleetly. my original post was "Hands of viewer 1.23 / Phoenix" 

Maybe because your initial premise was ridiculous, 1.23 and Phoenix/CoolViewer/et al. are not comparable in any way. The former is outdated, broken in several ways and missing many key features, the later are modern viewers with retro interfaces. Attempting to put them on equal standing is nothing but bad joke.

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I really don't have a choice. Both Firestorm and LL hang on log in and log out and put my computer  to a white screen, and things take forever to rez., if rez at all. I've adjusted as many things as I can but really don't know where to go from here. Both my computer systems are fairly new (one under 6 months), and the other upgraded it to handle heavy graphics. So... there are other issues for me besides the interface. Trust me, I've tried to embrace them. I often use either of them, as I've said before in these forums, I know they're the future.

Did you seek tech support in the phoenix/firestorm viewer support group? They tend to be able to solve most issues people have with the viewer. in fact: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=login_fail  might have something to say about it.  Log in failures are not normally a result of the viewer, they are server side issues.

Firestorm and LL Viewer is not not simpler. I know Firestorm pretty well. Don't assume someone doesn't know the other viewers just because I'm not elaborating. Your arguement that people are not "learning" these viewer is just ludicrious.  I also know Imprudence and Kirsten's viewer well.

I do too, I have been using firestorm since before it was a preview. i self compile it and  know it in and out. In terms of use, i never said it is easier, but it is not harder either. Most of the people that rant against v2 tend to not even bother learning how to use it or spend much time with it. Imprudence is a v1 viewer, kirstens is v2, but is no longer being made. 

I give up. Use what you want, and I'll use what I works for me at the moment. When it's forced on us, I'll deal with it then. I don't know why I responded to this forum.

No one is trying to covert to a certian viewer, but complaining about LL viewer 1.23.5, a viewer that has not been updated since 2009, being depreacted and removed from downloads is ridiculous. What was even more rediculous was calling for LL to stop all v3 development and go back to using 1.23.5/snowglobe based code. I mean really...

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i am a new person in sl and have tryed all kinds of viewers since i started to loggin and i must comment to all this that in my view v3 is just cluttered unlogical and i really dislike the ME menu that sounds incredible noobish it is a viewer in the backmind created by Linden Lab for new users and it looks like the older users are forgotten. a business like Linden Lab must come up with something better then v3 if not then SL will not make 2014 it is loosing customers daily. oh and Hellespont i tryed also viewer 1.23.5 and also snowglobe 1.4.2 and 1.5 i think all those 3viewers are very simulair but are way mosr stable and easyer to use then v3.6 so i agree i am on your side on this one.

My name is ItonSimResident Resident, Displaynames? yes it is Iton! i just have to use them with stupid signupnames like mine wish the namegenerator cam back then i deleted this account and started in a more realistic SL world but gues the Lindens are to selffish to change it back, worthless way of deling with people forcing them residential lastnames really.

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Faye Feldragonne wrighted: I give up. Use what you want, and I'll use what I works for me at the moment. When it's forced on us, I'll deal with it then. I don't know why I responded to this forum.

Yes this is my point only high active people on the SL forums will spend hours here telling everybody how great the things are LL is doing to SL, There is no room anymore for any disagree its just a fact.

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i know what you mean Iton the namegenerator was a great system but everthing withs is functional is somehow just brokedown because of LL it is like they keep themselfs to work and maintain something that doesnt need to be maintained or changed LL is the most stupid company to do business with. I can tell yes i can........ why? i run 2 stores and own full 1 sim yes 1 sim but we had more up to 25sims i sold and abandoned them because of the undealable ways of changed made by LL in the past 1 1/2 years the only sim i have is just hobby and because it was my first sim it is the same age as my avatar 2007. And i can only hope the times will change again maybe then i will even think about adding more sims again or if it stays this way i will be serieusly thinking to quit SL.

Hey people did you noticed tis forum post is going to hit 500 views soon? doesnt that says it all how manny people are worries about theire SL's?? Waky waky LL do something befor more people quit then your company allready loose. JUST  LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS FOR ONES!!!

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Totaly agree very dumb of ll to removed viewer 1.23 from the tpvd i have downloade viewer 1.23.5 from torrent sites and tested it i can only agree that secondlife becomes way more easy and fun with the older viewer interface also very stable but it does not support mesh well i geus wat you cant see doesnt need to load and makes you less laggy so overall screw mesh...


p.s. running phoenix 1.5.2 (1185) non mesh now and love it!

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  • 4 months later...

I certainly hope you don't have any vision problems then. I can't handle the black/green; black/gray LL seems to love using, it gives me horrible headacles. I prefer the blue of the silver skin as I can actually see the text and everything else real well. Even the top of this website is hard to read. All I actually see is the bright white text at the top and the rest of the page. I can't see any other links but when I hover over a spot I know I've came across a link when the little hand appears. 

There are blind people using SL including those who are color blind. LL needs to respect that and make it easier for those to enjoy SL, not take away things that help them function like everyone else can.  Removing the silver skin in Viewer 2, they've made it very difficult for many to see what they're doing. 

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I certainly hope you don't have any vision problems then

I likely hve more cision problems than most people. Glucoma, had cataracts, uceitis. i am blind in one eye and visually impaired in the other with vision at 20/80 and use a maginfyiing glass to read. So yes, you could say i have visual issues.

I can't handle the black/green; black/gray LL seems to love using, it gives me horrible headacles

The black green is not very weel contrasted, nor is the black grey. The white and grey firestorm uses is pretty goof thoguh. Since many people with eye problems have photophobia, lots of bright colors hurt the eyes. I dont have it now, when inglammation was bad thoguh I did, felt like ants stinging the eyes every time i looked at the bright W1 interface. V3s more subdued colors would actually be better.

Even the top of this website is hard to read. All I actually see is the bright white text at the top and the rest of the page.

The top of this webpage is black and white. Tats as basic contrast as you can get. The ojrt option would be white  backgronund and black text, but wite text on black is about as high contrast and thus eeasy to read as you can get

There are blind people using SL including those who are color blind. 

Yes, i am one of them, i am blind in one eye. Not color blind, but the problem you have with seeing things in Sl is lack of contrast, not the coors likely.  a black on white or white on back interface would liekly be good. and firestorm has them. Contrast is the key.

 Removing the silver skin in Viewer 2, they've made it very difficult for many to see what they're doing. 

third party viewers are adding new skins all the time, i think firestorm and some other viewers have a skin similar. I know firestorm has a high contrast skin that helps me a lot .


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The top of this website is actually 4 colors. Black, white, green and grey. I can't see the green nor the grey. My daughter told me the green text at the top right say "My Settings, Community Guidelines, Sign Out, there's also a green hand on the left with the words "SecondLife" in grey. .  

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