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More Categories or an "Other" Category are Needed for Flagging Bad Listings on the Marketplace

Amethyst Jetaime

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Today I bought something from the marketplace based on the description the merchant had written.  It was not a standard form description that a merchant would use for a number of similar items, but referred to the unique features of the actual item.  One of the key features described was what I needed and I would not have bought the item if it were not for that.  When I got the item it was not as described and the key feature I needed was missing.  This was not a complicated item that was scripted or needed any instruction nor was there any room for the words used to be interpreted any other way,  so there was no way it could be a misunderstanding.   The key feature I'm referring to as missing is one that many people may base a buying decision on.   The item needs to be flagged as having a misleading or falsely advertised description but there is not category for that or an 'other' category where you can wrtie in the problem.

I did write a one star review to warn others , but not everyone reads reviews and will end up getting ripped off more than likely.  The item really needs to pulled from the marketplace listings until the description is corrected.

This is one reason I am adamantly opposed to eliminating the reviews from the marketplace as several merchants have proposed on this forum.

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It was a set of textures.  The merchant specifically referred to the pattern style and colors, and also specifically stated they were "seamless:.  When I received them, they were anything but seamless and totally unusable for the purpose I bought them for,. 

The detailed description given in the text could not have referred to any other set of textures that were being sold by this creator, so it wasn't a case of the merchant  using a a 'form' description for their textures as some do.


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I have not heard from the creator yet.  That is not the point.  Until the description is corrected, others may be mislead.  The money itself is not as important to me personally as the time I've had to spend not only dealing with it but also the additional time in having to stop work and look again for textures that I can use which must meet certain criteria that are not common.  I work full time in SSL doing custom work, so time is money for me.  For others who have very limited funds, the loss of the money either permanently or for a time period while they wait for a refund and don't have use of the money, it may be much more important.

It is the merchants responsibility to be sure that the descriptions they give are accurate as to objective facts..  Since it was not, then it should be pulled from the listings until it is corrected.  Had I been able to flag it for an inaccurate description, I would not have given it a review at all. The review I did give referred only to the fact that they were not seamless as described. I did not accuse the creator of fraud or make any negative comments other than to state the one objective fact.  I'd like to believe that it was not intentional, as we are all human.  Actually, if they had been seamless I would have probably given an excellent review to the product as they are very pretty textures, just not usable as wallpaper.


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At risk of sounding like a cranky fusspot, this is why words need to have specific meanings, and not deviate from those meanings..like you say....some terms are objective, and should not have their meaning diluted. A texture is either seamless, or not. An item is modifiable, or not. A  thing will include mesh, or not.

Let's hope it gets fixed, asap, but in the meantime, it's good to have the info out there to help other buyers.

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OH fusspots are charming!

Bare in mind we don't know if the creator has not responded to the review or a personal note yet.

I don't know ... I have made mistakes in my listings before c/p the description from a similar item and JUST forgot to take out or replace that dang line! A few days later you go oh maaan, shoooot, not again!


I do understand your 'info for other buyers' point, but ..

well I don't agree .. IMO a negative review may be left after a week and after trying to reach the merchant at least in 2 different ways (IM, nc).

At least that is how I would handle it as a customer, but as you know from the other thread ;p .. hardly have problems as a buyer lol

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I've never had to leave a bad review either. It's nice to leave good ones though, where they are due. :)

I agree with you about holding off on bad reviews until after the merchant has had time to respond, but just in this one case I assumed it wasn't a blanket libellious poor review, but a specific piece of information put there to help people, temporarily. I'm sure Amethyst will remove it when it's no longer relevant, and the merchant has fixed the oversight.

If I ever stuff up (again, but thats another story.... grin) I hope the customer has the decency to contact me first.




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When the listing is corrected I will certainly remove the review as it will no longer apply.  I use reviews fairly.  I don't write a review unless its positive or something like this occurs that is an objective problem and under the control of the creator.   If the reason I don't like something is subjective I just won't post anything because what I don't like someone else may love. 

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