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Noob jobs


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Hello there, im new to second life and i have checked out some of the threads that were hiring and all, but most seem to only hire experienced players (30 days) so i was wondering if there was any employer out there willing to hire noobs.

im willing to do pretty much any job (dancer, bartender, model, shops associate, escort, etc.)

im a quick learner and dedicated worker.

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Hello Trixy and welcome to SL and SL Forums. As i see you joined today! :) Check out the following link about jobs you can do (or no) in SL: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life  In addition watch the threads here under InworldEmployment Category. Many residents are looking for new stuff daily. Don't wait someone to knock your door, you knock doors. The fact is that they prefer avatars at least 1 month old but often i have seen newer avatars to be hired. Good luck.

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One of the reason for the 30 day requirement is to allow new people time to learn the basics so they can function well and  to put together a nice looking avatar, with good skin, hair, eyes etc and a nice wardrobe.  Unless you really have spent a lot of time hunting for just the right thing, this is not something that you can do with things you get at freebie places.  It generally takes at least 30 days for people to accomplish both these things.

The second reason is that new people generally are not that reliable from an employers stand point. My own experience in hiring new people is that lots of people come into SL, then end up leaving it after a few weeks, or find out after exploring more, that what they thought they wanted to do here wasn't at all what they want.  After I spent time training the new employee, newbs tend to quit or just not show up when they are scheduled to work.  Not only are people who have been in SL for a while more capable of handling a job and take less training, a lot of them have or want their own homes and are willing to be more reliable at work to pay their rent or tiers

Lastly, many jobs require that you oversee the venue and are able to handle trouble makers, particularly any job where you work with the public, which is most jobs.  If you are a newb, a more experienced person will be able to circumvent you pretty easily and in general you just aren't accorded the same respect as an experienced avatar which makes handling people more difficult.

There are exceptions to this of course.  Some new people catch on to SL very fast and will spend the money to put together a nice avatar almost from the beginning.  If you are one of these people, than your best bet is to try to talk to a potential employer face to face so they can evaluate this themselves.  Otherwise, take the time to explore and learn as much as you can about SL during your first weeks here.  Work on putting together a nice looking avatar.  In the long run, not only will you be more comfortable in a job, but you will probably get a better job than you could at this point.

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-I'm an avid forum lurker, along with role play, and all that jaz ^_^ if its handling crowds i think i can handle it. My friend and i are infamous for trolling trolls xD, .....though i think im slightly nicer, she made a troll cry once ._.) 

-designing a good looking avatar is easy enough (well for the defult free skins and all) since i play perfect world and am experienced in tweeking with faces, body's, etc.

-but the functions for second life are a lot harder. photoshop is not my friend O_o the in-game fixes are the best i can do, unless you want me to buy items, which i can't really do since i have no L$ (yes i've also tried money trees, but the only one i could find looked like a scam [wanted my credit card])

-as for overseeing venue, i'm fairly confident i can handle it xD since math is my best subject.

-I get pretty dedicated to a game, as in "obsessed" dedicated. If i start, i will rarely quit until at LEAST a year or two (i may need to take a break due to classes, family, or something like that, but i always give a warning a month or so in advance)

-and im also pretty loyal, if someone spent time and effort training me, im not going to just up and leave at the tip of a hat. if i randomly dissapear, that would mean the worst (like hospitalization, my computer broke, or visiting mother in china only to realize she had no internet at her house <- this has actually happened to me once. so i went to someone elses house, downloaded the game (for a whole day xD, logged on, only to get banned because apparently im not suppose to log into the game in china -.- (lol the name of the game was missleading, "international" apparently ment there were different versions, not that the game itself was international, lol)

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Welcome to Second Life :robotvery-happy:

I started at working at a club so I would try starting there. It's a great way to network with people and to learn about the SL community. The club scene is a pretty big aspect of SL so once you learn the basics you could pretty much find a job anywhere. A lot of people do prefer hiring after 30 days, so don't be surprised if some people are apprehensive. 

I currently host at a club and we're always looking to expand out little clan. Send me a notecard in-world and I'll give you the details. 

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Dear Trixy,

All I'm going to say is keep your eyes peeled. Be patient first of all!  Don't start with a job right away just yet. You still have a lot to learn.  Since you’re new, here's an idea that I learned as a newbie as well. Go to a club and (If u want to be an escort / hosts / dancer) observe how they work. Take notes in your mind on how the job goes down. I recommend this, so you can understand how the position is and the environment. And for first time jobbers, I recommend taking it slowly and steady. What I mean is, try working for a club that doesn’t get as much members but a decent amount. To see if you can work with the community. Then when you got the experience, aim for those top clubs that are hiring, so you can be aware. Because believe me, there's a bunch of trouble makers, perverted dudes that want sex, grinders, etc. But for now, visit some places, get to know a little bit of Second Life, visit a club, meet new people, have fun at the freebie lands (My favorite word: FREEBIE!~ <3 xD ) and once you got it all down and its sticking onto your mind, then aim on getting a job. <3 Trust me some jobs are worth it, me, I’m a hostess for a club that right now is under construction for a little bit. I don't go for the money, I love meeting new people and talking to them, that's why I’m a hostess. :) Like the saying, if you like what you do, you never work for a day of your life. (I think xD)


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thank you very much for the input. :matte-motes-smitten:

I tried what you stated before too. do hostesses and hosts chat through IM? because from what i saw, there wasn't much of a difference between a dancer/hostess and the people dancing.

if you don't mind, could you help clear that up? ^_^; like some specifics (if you have time). plus i am so lost in the world ._. the only way i find any place is through forums...and forums tend to lead me to what you stated as proabbly the upper class clubs. xD

xD they way you described it makes hostessing sound awesome, though im more of a state and go kind of learner....what are you suppose to do for your occupation? ._.

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I was giving you reasons from an employer's perspective (based on experience actual experience) as to why so many jobs require you to be at least 30 days old.  What I said is of course a generalization.  I also stated there were exceptions and for all I know you may be one of them.  I myself have hired people less than 30 days old with great results, but they were the exception. I offered the information so that if you are an exception, with this insight you may be able to overcome the 30 day restriction. 

Best of luck to you

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It has a lot of views because there are also some other newbie’s with the same questions. Here's another hint for when getting a job, get a job with a club that plays the kind of music you like. That way it'll be more fun :) and you, as well, we’ll get entertained. What I suggest doing for a start is going to Search (Left side, the magnifying glass) Type in Clubs, then next to it (Where it says Everything and an arrow pointing down) Click on it and go down to where it says Places. Then click on search, which will give you a list of clubs you can visit. Sometimes, there are even some clubs that ask certain players at the club, for a job. You can search for anything that comes to mind literally. Like Ice Cream, there might be some ice cream parlors, etc. etc. Just get started with one club, doesn't have to be the upper class clubs, it can be any club, and see how the dancers/hostess/escorts/ etc. work. Plus to answer your question, most hostess use shout (shout is like a type of chat where everyone in the area hears it) and sometimes they use emotes (emotes are like a fancy way to say things in shout or /me chatting) here's a link to learn more: Click Here

Example: /shouts ☆¸.•*¨*`•.☆Welcome (input player's name)☆¸.•*¨*`•.¸☆¸.•*¨*`•.ђคשε ค ηï¢ε đคу คт (club's name) ¸.•*¨*`•.¸☆

^ Just an example for what I used to do to liven the club up. You can create your own way of communications by using like certain text arts ex: ☆  It grabs people's attention very much, trust me on that. 

That's pretty much it o.O. Lol, hope it helps.

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Well, still don't get the difference then lol. Since I know what emoting is, :-] <----emote to me (That’s what my definition of emotes is don’t understand here) And for the sounds gestures, you can get them at any freebie shop (Freebie Island/kingdom) don’t remember all the newbie shops x.x lol just search for free gestures and it'll give you shops that sells them for free (I hope) But for the good kinds, you need to buy them. That's all I know/remember when I was a newbie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Emoting is when you use "/me". For instance, "/me waves hello to everyone."

Gestures are the ones that you had in your text, and they can be with or without sound.

Good hosts don't need to really use gestures to liven a place up - interacting with the crowd by talking with them makes for a meaningful experience.

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  • 1 month later...


Good luck with finding something you'll enjoy and I'm sure it'll be find for chu,

Just watch out for slave markets and perverted people who demand sex for money, just avoid them! o.e Don't let anyone force you to do anything, either, that's what the block button's for ^.^. Oh and avoid SOME of the roleplay places, you'll have people capturing you and poking and prodding you v.v

Don't do anything too advanced yet, and don't refer to yourself as a noob :P You're a newbie, okay? xD

Again, good luck!

Hannah ~ x

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  • 5 months later...

Hi Trixy

I seen your add saying you are looking for work..I would like you to contact me keza069 if you are still interested. Go to SL and in search and type in my name and leave me an IM and i will get back to you as sson as possible  thankyou and look forward to hearing from you ♥

Cheers keza069 (Sweetkitty)

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