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Traffic # calculation change?

Jahman Ochs

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Up till yesterday the traffic miscalculation was relative. my traffic was low but relative to all my competition.

my traffic is always mid 30k to mid 40k. Today it was 3150???? Traffic was good yesterday and should have been in the 30k range. I would love to find out what is happening.

Kendra xenga

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I work for one of the larger clubs in SL and yesterday from noon SLT till around Midnight SLT we averaged 70+ people on the SIM yet our traffic calculation is about 1/4 of what it normally is and the changes have occurred it seems since maintenance was done on Tuesday.  Would be nice to have an answer on it or a post from LL.

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yesterday evening i have had a djane and full house here.....and today i see a traffic from 2700 (!!) and other clubs where i know that they was total empty all over the day have more then double of my traffic......if this is not a bug but a new kind of counting traffic from linden lab.....it will be the death for many good old clubs and sims

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i hardly doubt that this traffic numbers in land info and search in phoenix is truth. cos well-known bukk..ke bliss having full sim with 100 ppl ability and filled in a half most of time and my place is filled about 25-30 ppl all the time and in search results my place is having 14000 traffic (though usually its 35-40k) and Buk Bliss is just 10 000!!!! it truly affects our business if even search results are fake.

marketplace is also bugging. results by Best selling are also broken.

Idk wtf LL is doing there? If they are having troubles why they dont let us know anything on their official forum?


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Please dont confuse me with the O.P.

I did not quote numbers for my traffic,  but it you wish...

Yesterdays traffic numbers are in..   My Stable counters  called for 6400-6800  ( I adjust this down for my residents who spend some time in the residential parcels.)  Hence my 5% "historical difference" .   The traffic reported by lindens for yesterday  1970.    Thats a 60% difference  between  COUNTED  avatar minutes  and  the  reported traffic.

In that time I held 2 events..  DJ, Hostess and 15 vistors on my dance floor and registered on my contest boards.

4 hours of events x 15 people is a minimum of 3600 traffic..   I WAS IN THE SIM TALKING to these people..

The only POSSIBLE explanation is that the lindens have decided that avatars who click on a dance ball and dance for an hour or 2  DONT COUNT as traffic...  Or Maybe they dont count people who refuse to play thier facebook games.

WAKE UP!!!   Until someone with a LINDEN tag explains this...its gonna kill all the traffic dependant businesses left in SL.

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Dz Delicioso wrote:

Im worried because my vendors have TOLD me..  they are targeting malls with certain traffic numbers...    when my traffic dipped over the summer,,, these vendors closed up shop.   When my traffic returned,  so did they...   Thats a regular business cycle.  


Vendors don't leave because traffic stats drop, they leave because sales or advertising stats drop.

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Jahman Ochs wrote:

Yesterday, my numbers were around 225 unique visitors and around 11000 cumulative visitor minutes; my traffic number for the parcel was reported at 17569. This is consistent with my records going back over a year for this parcel.

Today, my numbers were around 220 unique visitors and around 11000 cumulative visitor minutes. By my calculations, my traffic number should be somewhere between 16500 and 17000; it is, instead, 11997, a discrepancy of about 30%.

11,000 cumulative minutes should have been getting you a traffic score of around 11,000, unless LL drastically changed something with their traffic calculation.


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actually its funny for me some ppl make conclusion its new way from linden lab to fight with bots. still all places that use bots and campers on the top of search page and real clubs with real visiters on the bottom.

i would say if LL wants to remove bots - its easy just to read ARs. Myself i wrote TON of reports to places with bots and its easy to check! just fly to the bot skybox and you will see that! or fake sploders! do you really think 50 noobs will hang around sploder with 2 ld for whole day?!

but time goes by and these places are still running (though they are empty really!!! no alive traffic there!!!)

i wonder:

1. about stupidity of owners of that sims who thinks empty place will attract real people.  person arrives in empty place, looks around and dont stay there.

2. vendors who places their stuff on that fake sims

3. Linden Lab who doesnt wish to check this obvious fraud even getting 20 reports about that.

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Actually the average new resident in SL doesn't know the first thing about traffic ... in fact traffic is not reported in the V2/V3 viewer like it is in the V1. And long-term residents don't care about traffic, they have their favorite haunts. More likely new residents chase after clustered green dots on the map or check out events posted to the SL web site or that show up on the login screen.


Since it seems everyone's traffic is down we're all in the same boat so there's nothing to do but laugh in the face of adversity and enjoy the ride until LL explains what's going on. Would someone get the bartender to make me another Cosmo, please? Thank God it's Friday!

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Seems it really is changed somehow. Without any bots traffic about half or maybe thrid. But as it seems, its same for all so who acares. just a new calculation logic. Maybe better or not. who knows. Ayway difficult say what kind of algorhytm would be best. If there would be some kind of unique new avatar traffic counter(for example not counted if same avtar seen in same week), that would tell bit more..or anyway different info. I dont much care at all about whole counter but just my 3 cents;)

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quote: "Vendors don't leave because traffic stats drop, they leave because sales or advertising stats drop."


However Merchants are attracted to Clubs/Malls/Shops with High Traffic Numbers.. Would you rather post your vendors in a club/shop with 5,000 traffic or 30,000+ traffic?


It may not chase away the current vendors.. however New Vendors who are looking for places to post their goods, may be confused or just simply overlook/ignore your parcel due to the lower numbers. Also the fact that shops which had "huge" gaps in traffic are now "closer" to lower traffic areas.. so these merchants may instead not know they are truely posting their vendors in a 15k traffic parcel, instead of a 30k parcel.


Example of what I mean is:


With this bug.. 20k traffic shops are showing up as 7k...  while 15k shops are showing up as 5k, So rather than there being a 10,000 gap which is clear to the merchant where they "want" to post their goods.. the merchant instead sees a 2,000 gap and just may see not a big difference in posting between the two..

So this may be beneficial to those lower traffic areas.. however for those businesses who worked hard to earn their traffic are now going to potentially lose new business to the lower traffic areas.

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Traffic is only one aspect of why a person should rent anywhere and anyone who doesn't research what traffic means or what directs traffic to a parcel will learn the hard way what traffic means.

I have rented on parcels where traffic is high, but the traffic isn't coming to the market, it's going to the club, the market is not getting foot traffic, it's not getting eyes on the prize, it's not getting anything, traffic needs to be taken with a pinch of salt and its source researched,

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Well i ma not talking about those parcels who the club has the parcels connected and share traffic.. i am obviously referring to those shops that have their own individual traffic scores.. (my club for example, i cut the market parcek seperate from the actual club itself, so it's traffic is independent). Then you can take places such as Northstar mall who has TWO WHOLE SIMS dedicated to their mall, their traffic is pathetic atm (just 1400), they see possible a couple hundred+ visitors a day, while on the other hand, a shop which was only getting no more than 100 visitors show up at 1000..


Do you really think that is fair for Northstar who have two whole sims devoted to their mall and built their reputation and earned their business after years of work, to have their traffic lowered and crammed near those lower visitor count shops?

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me and my partner not only spend out real life money for a whole sim but add rl money for contests adverticing   / sponser  charity events such as fearless event  ( many of the djs that played at event were zapp djs inculding myself a real life dj of some noteablity )  and fetured on sl places to vist

and for what  lindin labs to not answer simple questions of whats going on with traffic

my own sim zapp had over 600 vistors yesterday  in range of our  vistor counter  which does not cover full club

we held 4 major contests of 1000 lindin plus had 50 vistors plus at each contest

zapp has always had high traffic in the 30/40k mark i log into day to see a traffic score that 1 person stode on a sim for 24 hours could beat

yet the so called top clubs in sl seem to still be at top when we all know they are bot farms and nothing more

i have taken my club out of search  and i earge each person to do same as a protest aginst this problem that lindin are ignoring

dj leah jane

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hello LL is working on it as what i see is there working on one avt  login  yes u can log in more then one but only one will count  no more bots for traffic use there looking for 100% real im sure :)  there alot of bugs in this yes but it will take time just give by the week end is up to see for now i best think we all play sl far and have fun thats what sl is about. this will mybe help fix lag its part of it  :) 


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ughh I should have scrolled down farther before posting my thread elsewhere, but I am very relieved to see I am not alone... this morning I saw 3,000 something and was like what!?  I know my team has been working their tushes off the sim was packed with over 30 people for our club event alone not to mention active shoppers.

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