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Traffic # calculation change?

Jahman Ochs

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Yesterday, my numbers were around 225 unique visitors and around 11000 cumulative visitor minutes; my traffic number for the parcel was reported at 17569. This is consistent with my records going back over a year for this parcel.

Today, my numbers were around 220 unique visitors and around 11000 cumulative visitor minutes. By my calculations, my traffic number should be somewhere between 16500 and 17000; it is, instead, 11997, a discrepancy of about 30%.

A little investigating reveals that it looks like a similar drop in calculated traffic has occured across the grid. Consistent mainstay Franks Place, usually in the 70k range, is listed as ~50k today. All of the listings in the search categories that I usually monitor are similarly down.

By my analysis, this is not a change in actual visitor/time numbers, but in a change in the way traffic is calculated. Can anyone corroborate, and can Linden Labs explain?

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Yep it's Day Two and again today.. Traffic is low accross the Grid.. Examples of real traffic numbers of some clubs:


IYC which generally pulls 50K+ daily traffic is only showing 30K, and clubs like GYC and Yiff Lounge which pull 35-45k are only pulling about 20k, and the club I am with, YIFF which was doing 25-35k is only listing 16-17k.


definately a significant drop accross the board.. especially the High Traffic clubs like IYC and similar which had 45K+ traffic.


And there hasn't been a drop in patronship and as far as i noticed.. the clubs have been as busy as they been any other day.. SO this must be a new LL change or a new bug from Tuesday's server maintenance.

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I too have been watching the traffic count for some time and noticed a significant drop.  I watch 4 other clubs of about the same size and their counts have been reduced also.  It would be nice if the manner in which the calculations are computed has changed, for there to be an announcement.  It if is truly just a 'glitch', an explanation would be appropriate too. If someone can provide how the traffic count is generated and computed, I would appreciate it.  Thanks!

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Outside of the O.P,  who seems to have mechanism in place to actually COUNT visitors and time in sim...Does anyone else have MORE than   "everyones traffic numbers seem lower, but I see the same amount" ???  

I have monitors in place to count vistors and minutes as well...   The correlation to my counts and the posted traffic have been within 5% for almost 4 months.    Now I am seeing 40 and 50% discrepancies in the past 2 days.  

For clubs seeing 20-40K traffic numbers, I guess it can be "ODD",  but for me..the differnece in traffic means i will start losing vendors at my mall, and may be the difference between staying open or  closing down my 3 year old club ;((

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE  if there is a LINDEN out there with half a brain,,  figure out that YOU CANT JUST CHANGE the metrics without even a HINT of an explanation...


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I'm not worried about search position.

I run a NO BOTS sim, competing with clubs that regularly keep 4-10 "staff members" logged in standing in a box at 3K meters...   I've given up asking the Lindens to enforce thier own policies regrading the tarffic gaming nature of these sims,  they are obviously happy to let them play the games as long as they pay for classifieds...


Im worried because my vendors have TOLD me..  they are targeting malls with certain traffic numbers...    when my traffic dipped over the summer,,, these vendors closed up shop.   When my traffic returned,  so did they...   Thats a regular business cycle.   


BUT when the lindens...with no prior discussion,  chop my numbers in 1/2..  the vendors leave.I dont get a chance to point them to a blog, or a forum,  or show them  REAL COUNTS...the vendors close up shop.   Without them..so do I.

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lol. if traffic dropped down everywhere (its fact, just look search) - your vendors must remove their things from everywhere then)

nothing changed - not traffic itself, ppl walk the smae, question is what with count, new system or just glitch

and about bots... myself i reported some bot sims but looks like linden lab doesnt pay attention to that stuff anymore

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Jahman Ochs wrote:

Yesterday, my numbers were around 225 unique visitors and around 11000 cumulative visitor minutes; my traffic number for the parcel was reported at 17569. This is consistent with my records going back over a year for this parcel.

Today, my numbers were around 220 unique visitors and around 11000 cumulative visitor minutes. By my calculations, my traffic number should be somewhere between 16500 and 17000; it is, instead, 11997, a discrepancy of about 30%.

A little investigating reveals that it looks like a similar drop in calculated traffic has occured across the grid. Consistent mainstay Franks Place, usually in the 70k range, is listed as ~50k today. All of the listings in the search categories that I usually monitor are similarly down.

By my analysis, this is not a change in actual visitor/time numbers, but in a change in the way traffic is calculated. Can anyone corroborate, and can Linden Labs explain?

It looks then like a bug may have been found and fixed.  The trafic value is supposed to be avatar minutes, excluding scripted agents. 

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I count visitors.. I count minutes...   I KNOW the PEOPLE in my sim...  

I have been using the same scripts to count visitors for 6 months..and I am accurate to within 5% ( for the past 4 months)


I do NOT have scripted agents  ( if that is what you prefer to call avatars parked in a box)


my reported traffic is 1/2 of my counted  REAL PERSON minutes.


Again....  I DONT CARE ABOUT OTHER SIMS,  or  what thier traffic levels have done.   My vendors dont pay me for THIER traffic,,, they pay me to get bodies in front of the boards in MY sim..   Im doing MY part...Why do the LIndens think its ok  to just Change the rules and NOT post anything about it??


It is affecting my ability to finance operations...    What bug was fixed???  Where can I point my vendors to something from the Lindens to explain this???



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My Sim, THE VILLAGE Slave Hunt™, The Original, is up sucessfully running since more than 2,5 years. We have a constant traffic around 55 K (real traffic, no bots or campers have ever been seen). Traffic numbers actually shows not even the half of the right, normal quote. It is more than sad as we are in a kybernetical system. I wonder if Linden is aware how much they put Sims in danger who continually works hard to do their sl.

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Dz Delicioso wrote:



I count visitors.. I count minutes...   I KNOW the PEOPLE in my sim...  

I have been using the same scripts to count visitors for 6 months..and I am accurate to within 5% ( for the past 4 months)


I do NOT have scripted agents  ( if that is what you prefer to call avatars parked in a box)


my reported traffic is 1/2 of my counted  REAL PERSON minutes.


Again....  I DONT CARE ABOUT OTHER SIMS,  or  what thier traffic levels have done.   My vendors dont pay me for THIER traffic,,, they pay me to get bodies in front of the boards in MY sim..   Im doing MY part...Why do the LIndens think its ok  to just Change the rules and NOT post anything about it??


It is affecting my ability to finance operations...    What bug was fixed???  Where can I point my vendors to something from the Lindens to explain this???





You say that your own counted avatar minutes are around 11000. You say that now your traffic score is about 11000. That is how it is supposed to work, traffic should be about the same as avatar minutes.

If you got a higher traffic score before with the same 11000 avatar minutes, then the traffic calculation was broken before and inflated.

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I am sorry to report that As Of Today.. the traffic calculations have taken another dive.. 50%+ Drop accross the Grid.. those 50,000+ clubs are now just showing a measly 25k, 30-40k clubs are 15k, and so on..


I URGE EVERYONE to please visit the JIRA posting of this and vote on the topic so it will be reviewed and possibly contact support about the issue so it will get noted.


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