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rig cinema 4d

Mitchi Slafford

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Erstmal Hi an alle,

ich hab ein Problem mit dem rigging von meshes, hab mir die ganzen tuts für Blender angeschaut klappt auch soweit gut bis auf eine Sache. Jedesmal wenn ich einen Mesh der als Kopf dienen soll einen Fehler beim Upload Versuch (Fehler beim Parsen), keine Ahnung worher dieser rührt... aber egal ich benutze eh viel lieber cinema 4d, mit dem auch alles wunderbar klappt ausser dem Skingewicht, kann mir jemand vllt. erklären wie ich das mit cinema 4d richtig mache?

Ich benutze übrigens das R12

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Hallo, Mitchi -

Ich weiß nicht, die Antwort auf Ihre Frage, und es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass jemand in diesem Bereich des Forums wird auch nicht. Ich werde versuchen, die Moderatoren bitten, Ihre Frage an die Mesh Forum statt zu verschieben, und werde meine eigenen attach (wahrscheinlich schlecht) Englisch-Übersetzung hier unten.

Translation of the Original question:

Hi First of all,

I have a problem with the rigging of meshes. I got the whole works for Blender tuts. It looked very good except for one thing. Every time I make a mesh, I get a header error on upload test (parse error). I have no idea what this is coming from ... But no matter.  I prefer to use cinema 4d anyway.  Everything is fine except the Skin Weight. Can someone explain how to do this right with cinema 4d?

Incidentally, I use the R12.

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hm i wrote in german cause i thought it would make things easier for me^^ ok so i try to explain it again in english :P

I've watched all the rigging tutorials for blender, but every time i want to amarture a meshpart as head i get an parse error ingame. So i thought hm ok lets try to do this with cinema 4d (what i prefer) , theres everything fine exept one thing the skinweight... cinema 4d r12 what i am using even have the collada 1.4.1. What i am looking for now, is someone who can show/learn me to make a rig mesh working with cinema 4d :)


Would be awesome if some proffesional could teach me :)

here's a screen from what my projekt looks like


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I am not sure about this, but...

I think you need to have only 1 mesh.

I only have C4D v 11.5 - and I have uploaded a mesh  - but only as 1 piece, it can have 8 textures, (selection tags, each with a material).

I see in your manager you have a head mesh/skin and a body mesh/skin  - I think it should be one mesh one skin one set of vertex weights but up to 8 texture selections.



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AAAAAHHHH well right this could be the problem...even blender is handling that as singlemesh...thank you very much


EDIT: Doesn't work too, what i've done is importing a .dae from blender to cinema and changed the mesh. Maybe there is the Problem if i forgot something to link or something?

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You imported a .dae and 'changed the mesh' -

Did you connect (weld) all the separate meshes into one?

Did you re-assign the skin to the new mesh?

Did you make a new set of vertex weights making sure all vertices are used?

If the new mesh is rigged is it deforming correctly?

If you export your new single mesh to .dae and import it into blender again is it correct?

If the answer to all the above is yes then I am at the limit of my knowledge.



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Thanks to all for your great help, but it didn't worked :( Ok when i have done all the listed things i can deform via the joints and it deforms correctly but it seems that the skinweight isn't save in the file. And one thing is still confusing me... the null-objects which should present the ik chain.. must there be done with them? otherwise maybe the exporter is broken?

if someone would have a tutorial for rigging with cinema 4d for SL would be great^^

Thats what it looking now


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  • 1 year later...

ok, is passed away 2 years, but I see a few tutorials available. I would like to add some information:

  A file downloaded from wikiSL rigged with DAE extension works correctly on second life. But if you open this file in Cinema4D and export only, without making any changes, the file crashes.

  It seems that the problem occurs after export with Cinema4D tool. No idea what that is, but when you export the file without Cinema4D makes the functions to second life.

 *Remembering that is the plumb file, and without changes, the error is not human. Perhaps the biggest challenge is figuring out how to export the file extension Dae 1.4, without him losing functions for second life.

  Doing this over the original file discards possibilities of human error.

I can not figure it out, because I'm newbie on modeling.

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  • 1 year later...

again some times have passed, anyways i want to share some informations


Importing Collada meshes with rigging from Blender, DAZ, whatever into C4D works perfect.

The problem ist the C4D Collada exporter.

Even with the checked "export animations" checkbox all rigging information will lost (you can see by comparing file size)

So here is my little solution for this problem:

1) Export from C4D to Autodesk FBX -> all rigging information stays intact

2) Convert the fbx file with the free Autodesk FBX-Converter tool to Collada 

3) Import into SL, checking the "include skin weight" and "Include joint positions" checkboxes (that are not greyed out now)

good thing aside, the converter fixes the different axes directions (standing Avatar in C4D -> standing avatar in SL)

keep an eye at the avatar scaling, it cannot corrected with Export/Import scaling (its in the rigging)

best suggestion, use real life sizes for your mesh in C4D (~180cm)



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  • 1 year later...

Hello Dianna... guys... I have a few questions... I'm using Avastar 2 on Blender for rigging purposes but all the greatest job is always done on Cinema 4D {R15} which remains the best tool for me in mesh sculpting ~ with the only limit of mirroring, which I've never found in Edit mode but only Sculpt mode, and UV mapping. I love Avastar 2, which helped me improving my rigs a lot but I really just can't stand Blender, at all. I'm losing my head on that!

We all know C4D limits in exporting  for SL and i heard you found the way to fix that. I didn't try Dianna's method yet but I was just wondering if, since the latest update of this thread, things got better in any way, specially for the conversion C4D>Blender/Avastar>C4D through the Autodesk FBX conversion tool.

Do you have any news about that? Did anybody managed to work things around? is it possible to see an example of what you achieved?



I would thank you a lot!




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