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Mesh Uploader. Dae Parssing Issue. why does it not read my DAE file?


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I have done a quite simple mesh out of letters(with volume and some extrusion, all normals are correct). I make the export to a collada file. then in the Viewer 3.1 and when I try to upload I get the message "DAE parssing issue" I do not know what this means or how to fix it.

I thought that exporting in blender was faulty and because of that I tryed to use my regular blender 2.59(that I used before) instead of my blender 2.60(stable). the same is valid in both blender export versions.

then I tryed setting rotation and scale, but that too was not the issue. the I tryed parting all letters and then export a letters see how it when with the mesh uploader and then add "join" anoher letter to it, one by one and see if I could find a faulty letters that would be messing the set. truth is that I managed to join all letters again(all increments where successfull) and make the uploader to recognise it. but when I tryed to upload the same thing again (just renaming it) to see it was really working. it some how managed to stop recognizing it again :(

because of all this hardship I gave my file to a friend to see if she was able to upload it. I really though that there was a problem with the file but she simply upload it and now I have a copy of it in my inventory :S and by her words "I just added a Ambient Occlusion Texture to have some colour and the uploaded it" yes. I forgot to send her the texture file.

So by this the BLEND file I have is not faulty nor is my exporter since I have made many successfull DAE files, not to mention in 2.59 which I tested too.

I have spoken to resisdents inworld about it and most complain about the uploader not being able to make the calculation and fee to then upload with the new viewer, unlike me that I don't even get so far. *sighs* I have lost already 3 full days just around this single issue. and the only thing that I can conclude is that the mesh uploader is accting by whim or a random (donno).

I am using blender 2.60 (stable) and using the new Linden Viewer 3.10(all cache manually removed in all viewers installed). any help regarding this issue would be deepley appreciated.

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Since all succeessfull fixes that I did and with faill right behind them. I come to see my solutions as hypothesis. But I believe I have a more secure and consistent hypothesis to solve this issue.

I have been testing quite alot of viewers and all give me the same error on the file dae files. so after I came to speak inworld about my problems about this, I decided that I tested the mesh uploader as much as I could to my ability and then turned my attention to the exporter once again and I believe there is the solution to it. I have some causes that I will list by order of importance:

(1) - location in Hard Drive to which the *.dae file is saved. I created a file with blendes and created a subfolder of each project for the colladas. it seems that the export must be in a folder above the folder with the blends. I believe this to be the solution to this issue, because I have changed my location to export all my files began to work. if I did something else I am not aware of it.

(2) - Conflicting Addons. to many risky Addons are in use and interfering with the export process.

(3) - to much UVTextures and/or Materials not used. conflict with the vertices

I don't believe this has been solved fully. but up until now I believe this made things with a better chance to work. I need to do more complicated models to see if this comes to being with them.

I hope this works for more people.

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I'm in a form of agreement with you Keyth.  Namely number 3 on your list.  Too many UV textures or Textures (Not sure the difference).


:\ So maybe it is a texture \ material issue? How many did you have on the one you had trouble with?



Well...nevermind that.  I orginally thought and agreed with your Number 3 statement.  But I just went into my model, and dropped down the textures to only about 8.  Tried to upload and caught hold on the same error... I wonder what causes it , or even what it means.  I searched around but I'm still not hooking anything of use. 

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well 8 is the limit of textures that you must know, but limits aside. The fact is that I had 2 materials for the same faces which I assumed to be causing conflict. but I do not believe that to be the case for this error. for what I tryed, I do recommend you trying to export the collada directley into your desktop (for example) and then see if the Parssing Issue maintains.

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The parsing error can have a number of reasons, so I can't help you with that directly...

but SL logs the error so you can look it up. I'm using XP, so I can only tell you where to find it in that.... anyway...

C:\Documents and Settings\[uSERNAME]\Application Data\Second Life\logs

Force the error, then open the Secondlife.log file with wordpad or something and look at the very bottom.

EDIT btw, the folder is a system folder so hidden by default.

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I did what you said, and exported the mesh to my desktop.  Same error.  As for what Kwakkelde said.  Here is here is the bottom of the log.


2011-10-27T12:34:27Z WARNING: validate_model: Model has no faces!
2011-10-27T12:34:27Z INFO: LLModelLoader::processElement: Negative scale detected, unsupported transform.  domInstance_geometry: group_0


I don't quite understand what it means by not having faces... To me it looks like it has faces.  (the physic still uploads just fine, and it's just a much simplier version of this) Japahosue.png

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2011-10-27T12:34:27Z WARNING: validate_model: Model has no faces!
2011-10-27T12:34:27Z INFO: LLModelLoader:processElement: Negative scale detected, unsupported transform. 

Is it all one Blender object, or several separate ones? Do you have the same number of objects in each LOD file?

Negative scales - ah. Look at the Blender transform properties of your object(s). If any has a negative scale, change it to positive and then in edit mode revert by scaling by -1 (select all, type "Sx-1" etc where x is the offending axis). The negative scaling is the result of mirroring. There were lots of artefacts uploading things with negative scale during the beta, including effects that reversed normals. Maybe they were never satisfactorily fixed and they banned them instead?

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I can second that mirror issue, ran into it myself once or twice....

The no faces I'm not sure of, but it looks like you are using SketchUp and I've seen a lot of issues with exporting from it on these forums.... If Drongles suggestion doesn't work, try exporting from blender instead. You're likely to get more feedback since so many people use it.

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I never came to export with sketchup but, in blender you can see if what you have done is really correct. by doing a recalculation of normals(making the negative scale go away) and see then where they are directing(you can do a invert calc too), because I kinda assume that when the upload sees the file it recalculates the whole thing. but I am waving really, because the result would be a invisiable file(since you can only see one face of the mesh) I believe and not a parssing error. in world there are alot of blender groups to help you out giving commands and other issues if you would like it too.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I've just started getting the same issue, I wondered if anyone had found a solution, or what was causing the problem?

I use 3ds Max 2011 x64 to model, and Second Life 3.2.1 (244236) Oct 31 2011 14:19:56 (Project Viewer - Mesh) to upload. 

The problem I get is: (from the log file)

2011-11-05T15:01:55Z INFO: LLModelLoader::doLoadModel: Collada Importer Version: 1.4.1
2011-11-05T15:01:55Z INFO: LLModelLoader::doLoadModel: Dae version 1.4.0
2011-11-05T15:01:55Z INFO: LLModelLoader::processElement: Negative scale detected, unsupported transform. domInstance_geometry: Shops_n_Dock_02 

This particular model I've uploaded before without issue, but now, it's causing a problem, and the only thing I've done to is is delete 4 vertecies :) to simplify the number of triangles.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I don't want to have to re-model that section of the building again. 

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Steph Sidek wrote:


2011-11-05T15:01:55Z INFO: LLModelLoader::doLoadModel: Collada Importer Version: 1.4.1

2011-11-05T15:01:55Z INFO: LLModelLoader::doLoadModel: Dae version 1.4.0

2011-11-05T15:01:55Z INFO: LLModelLoader::processElement: Negative scale detected, unsupported transform. domInstance_geometry: Shops_n_Dock_02 





Mirror your object before exporting your DAE and you are probably fine.

If your object isn't symmetrical, mirror it anyway, then mirror your vertices back. (if you see a negative volume in "measure" you will get the error you got). It occurs when you mirror one half of your object , then select the new object and attach the old one, do it with the original object selected instead.

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Maybe part of the problem is that it is a mirror, of another part of the build. But why would it upload before, and not now? Have there been any changes in the upload mechanic?

And it maybe that I have to build that section again, if uploading a mirrored piece isn't going to work... *sigh* so much for trying to simplify my build. As there is no way, that I can work out, within SL to mirror an object I can't use the uploaded piece and mirror that within SL to create the other half. 

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You have to mirror it before you make the DAE, not in SL:) If you don't want the object to "look" mirrored, do as I said and mirror it, then mirror the vertices back. You will get the exact same object, but without the negative scale, if your pivot point is dead center, you can also scale -100%...if your pivot isn't dead center I'd use the mirror trick, but you could also scale -100% and move the object.

Oh and yes i think there have been some changes, I have models with the same issues, change was in version 3.1.0 I think.

Grrr, sorry, if you mirror the vertices back, you will get the negative scale again...but....

what does work is this: make a new mesh (something simple), edit it, selct "attach" then attach your buggy object. You can see the scale is good again, but now it's attached to some shape you don't want.... so remove those faces again from the combined mesh and it works. You will have to rename your object..and the pivot will be moved, but it does give you an uploadable object.

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Thank you for the reply, I think I must be being a little thick here :) I am not sure I am neccessarily understanding what you mean ofc, but .... If I mirror the object, I get the original object that I copied in the first place, and i know that uploads fine.

Breaking it down, I have 2 objects, A and B. Object B is a mirror copy of Object A. Object A uploads no problem. I need Object B to be the mirror of Object A as I have a symetrical build. When I upload Object B I get the DAE Negative Scale issue. If I mirror Object B i get Object A back, if I then apply a mirror to just the verticies, I am back to Object B, and have the same problem uploading again.

From the sound of the problem, I can't use a mirrored copy of a part of my build to upload it from Max, as it will produce a Negative Scale Error, so I am going to have to actually build the mirrored part, thus extending the develop time. Making some of the time saving short cuts for big symetrical builds, not worth using. 

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I bet you replied before my edit....sorry about that, use the "object C" method I described... :)


Oh yes more editing in my post.... since B is an exact mirror of A, you could simply attach the two together aswell, mind you, do this from object A, the one that works. this will affect Prim cost and LOD distances ofcourse, since the object is now a lot bigger... You can then also detach the one half of it again, whihch is really the same as the "Object C" method, but without object C

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Yes I did, and Horay! Foold the uploader :) as you Suggested, added a tiny box, buried it in the roof of the build then attached the Main build to it, and presto, no more upload issues :) All is happy with the world again, for now :)

Many thanks again for the tip.  

EDIT: Unfortunatly attaching to Object A is not an option, as it would make the whole object bigger than the 64m upload limit :( Had originally modeled it as a single object, then found out about the limit so had to break it down into smaller chunks :) 

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This error happened to me too, in my cae, I finally found this error occurring from something that had no relation to my model and materials...

Because I was sure there's no open or overlappng faces/edges/vertex on my model....I fiannly decided to rename the folder of the model, and the problem just solved.

I guess that's because my previous folder named with "#".

Before this experience, I've never known that name of  the folder would effect SL reading and uploading a model. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been uploading mesh models fine for months.  I just updated the latest release of the official SL viewer, and now I cannot upload new models or even ones I was uploading before.  It tells me "Error: Dae parsing issue - see log for details."  I am not sure how to check the log though.  

I am using maya 2012.  I would be surprised if the issue was related to how I was modeling since I have uploaded the same designs before.   So, I am wondering if anyone else is having an issue with the recent release. 

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I am working on a mesh dress..I rigged and exported and everything seemed to be going great until the uploader rejected me with this same error.

I am getting this parsing error with Firestorm 3.2.2 (24336) and with Viewer 2. The model uploaded fine before I rigged it.

I'm new to blender, so please keep it simple :<

Any ideas on how I could fix this?

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