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Multiple abuse reports yet nothing seems to be being done

Kewpi Catnap

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There is a person in SL that I and several other people have filed numerous abuse reports against, yet it seems that this person is never investigated nor are they punished for the actions they have performed.  It's very frustrating since they think they are above the TOS and keep performing the same violations over and over.  I know many people who have thought that they finally escaped this person's ire who have, at a later date, been reminded that no one is above reproach with this person.  I am at my wit's end and seriously frustrated with Linden Labs at this point as this person is extremely hurtful and damaging in their actions and words.  I am not sure what to do next, it's hard to keep filing reports when it seems they are ignored.


I have muted this person, and now they are making defamatory remarks to their "clan" about the place where I work.  The send others to spy on me and fish for information.  They harrass my friends.  It's reaching a point of ridiculous. I just want to live in peace and move on but it seems I'm not allowed. I am also not the first person this person has "stalked" after growing a brain and running for the hills.

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A long time ago, LL used to publish a weekly roster of people who had been banned or suspended during the previous week, but they stopped doing that in about 2008.  Now we can only guess what happens when they get an AR.  It's fairly clear, though, that LL only applies sanctions when(a)  there is clear, documented evidence to justify them and (b) there is a TOS violation involved.  They won't get involved in what they determine are disputes between residents.  When you file an AR, it is important to include any chat logs, copies of your Bump/Push report, photos, or other evidence.  A claim that is "He said;she said" probably won't go anywhere.  If you believe that there is a TOS violation, mention that specifically and point to the part of TOS that you think is in question. Once you have filed the report, you'll never hear anything except for a brief e-mail acknowledgement, so you just have to trust that LL is taking your claim seriously.

Meanwhile, take a look at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Fr43k_Paine/Dealing_With_Griefers , which is a good overview of ways for responding to and dealing with griefers.

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Sadly, there are a lot of people in here who aren't very well socialised.  This is what LL suggests you do https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Stalkers.  The thing to remember is that LL doesn't do much with ARs, they usually will tell you to keep ARing though because it builds a case against the avatar/s in question.  Sadly if muting doesn't give them the hint and they are continuing to harass you then your choices are to keep ignoring everything and hope they'll get tired of it and move onto another victim or create a new account - with all the aggravation that goes with that.

If you find it moves to real life then there are options for you depending on where you live in the world.  Usually it just stays as bullying inworld but if it does move, don't be afraid to go to the authorities.

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The Abuse Report allows little to be typed. What I do is submit the initial AR with as much info as possible, then soon as the automatic response arrives usually within minutes, I reply adding as much additional information, photos etc as I need to. Can't guarantee this helps but it certainly does no harm and all my ARs were acted on.

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Hello, I have that problem, I threatened me with banishment and 1 hour after I have restricted entry to second life. I have been trying to fix my problem over a year and not answer my tikects. 

Over time I learned that LL hire regular people to catch people who do not meet the TOS, but more interesting is that these people use these permits to do evil, and even charge for bans, I'm not making this up I see with own eyes, it's more, friends say that my head 40000l cost and possibly never to recover without aver never done anything. 
This to me is frustrating, because I have all my fashion store veneficios lost for the simple fact, that one perturbations want to **bleep** me. 
What can you say you to me? , To be able to do? I be Spanish, not English, much less Americanized English, the Spanish support leaves much to be desired, NEVER, NEVER know it can happen and you just say "send tikets to support" my tikets in the case were never answered 
With this mean for my q LL just look for their veneficios, bone, thousands of dollars to get into his pocket and thinks of the poor dupes who are so fat. 
To conclude that this person did tiket reporting a copybot I use that account and it had only a skin and hair a shape that I had just bought, in addition to 30000 l spent on templates and textures for my store in addition to all edge gained with my creations since he was a closet to store avatar creations and boundaries.

In short, for my LL is only a thief but aprobecha that good people like us and just stay with the **bleep** having fun just hurting for hurting. 

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I'm not sure exactly what the "question" is, but LL has been ignoring abuse reports lately so you either put up with the abuse or don't log in. In my case, I have been reporting a griefer object that spam particles of a skinned rabbit photo over a distance of over 250 meters, and LL doesn't remove it. I've got other things to AR but what's the point?

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