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The resident who provided the previous content, if any, has replaced it with this generic statement.

Qwalyphi Korpov

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1. http://secondlife.com/corporate/cs.php #5 ,   http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php#tos4
2. http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php#tos2
3. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Maturity-ratings/ta-p/700119
4. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Adult_Content_FAQ#What_does_.22behind_closed_doors.22_mean.3F
5. http://secondlife.com/corporate/privacy.php?lang=en-US#privacy3
6. http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php#tos8  - http://secondlife.com/corporate/cs.php
7. http://secondlife.com/corporate/privacy.php#privacy3
8. http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php#tos8   section 8.3 article (i) , http://secondlife.com/corporate/cs.php  #4


extra credit: Anytime there is a significant change to any SL Policy, all Residents will have to click on accept terms of service. Usually LL introduces any major Policy changes with a new Viewer release.

The Rules or Policies are layered like a cake. Each Policy overlaps the other Policies.


Edit: Thanks to Void, for help on Q's 4 and 8 and Q #1 but she has CS #6 and it is #5 ( she just changed it. ty Void) that answers Qwalyphi's #1 question word for word as he asked it.

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If I'm taking this quiz without it being open-book, I'll say # 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 & 8 are all stated within the SL TOS, but I'm not sure where # 4 & 6 come from.  I know I agreed to the TOS, but I don't know if I agreed to that other document.

How did I do, since I obviously got at least 2 questions wrong. Did I still get a passing grade?

(Edit to add)

Oh, oh. It looks like I got less than 50%, so then I failed. :smileysad:

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  1. What document says “Second Life is an adult community”?

    (Community Standards #5)

  2. What document breaks down the SL age requirements into three groups (13-16, 16-17, 18 & UP)?

    (Corporate TOS, #2-2)

  3. What document says “Adult” content, activity and communication are not permitted on the Second Life “mainland”?

    (also Community Standards #5)

  4. What document says adult activity is allowed in mature areas behind closed doors? *

    (Adult Content Faq, for the bonus: no you did not agree to it, but since it's an allowed excption you may take advantage of it)

  5. What document discusses the various contents of profiles?

    (Specifically, I don't remember which one, but it is covered under content policy int the ToS and Community standards Global Standards in general)

  6. What document says content in profiles must be “General”? *

    (in general that's covered under the Community Standards, Global Standards, which means that yes you agreed for the bonus)

  7. What document warns that information you reveal in chats or otherwise in SL is public information & you should not expect privacy or confidentiality of this information.

    (Corporate ToS, 10-1 and the Privacy Policy, 2 and Privacy Policy 6 in specific)

  8. What document states that you may not share personal information about other residents without their consent beyond the contents of their profile.

    (Community Standards 4)

[bold words above are hyperlinks to the document]

I know there used to be a FAQ somewhere with specifics on Profiles and their content, but I'm too lazy to look it up since it's covered in general by ToS content policy and Comunnity Standards Global Standards policy


if I were less lazy, I'd do a quiz on all the intellectual property aspects.... I think it'd be twice as long as this one, at least

ETA for readability and at least one missing word

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I just like to add one more because I feel it full of BS in sl ,,,just because it full right don't mean you can do has you like with it* textures , building tools, anything building wise you know the lil use less notecard * claiming they still have copy right and they can tell me how to use it ,, like not giving it away has is ,,, it either full right or not .

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You agreed to abide by the license when you agreed to the TOS.  See Section 7 of the TOS

"You (creators) retain any and all Intellectual Property Rights you already hold under applicable law in Content you upload, publish, and submit to or through the Servers"

"You acknowledge that when you receive a User Content License you receive only licensing and use rights: You therefore do not acquire ownership of any copies of the Content, or transfer of any copyright or other Intellectual Property Rights in the Content. You acknowledge that with respect to the use of the words "Buy" and "Sell" as used in this Agreement and throughout the Service in the context of User Content: (a) the term "Sell" means "to grant a User Content License in exchange for Linden dollars or other consideration in accordance with the Terms of Service," (b) the term "Buy" or "Purchase" means "to receive a User Content License in exchange for Linden dollars or other consideration in accordance with the Terms of Service," and © the terms "Buyer," "Seller," "Sale" and "Purchaser" and similar terms have corresponding meanings to their root terms. This includes User Content that may be Bought or Sold on the Second Life Marketplace web site."

Therefore you are not buying the item, you are buying the right to use it under the terms of the license granted by the creator.

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"It's like the mesh IP quiz tho - everyone passes."

Yay!. I was afraid if I failed I might have to repeat reading all of that stuff.

I have a B.S. & I'll spend hours reading articles & forums online, but I'm lazy when it comes to technical directions & terms of agreement. I figure if common sense doesn't cover it, being a circumspect & little lucky will.

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I see I misinterpreted Q#5 from your response to Knowl....

I didn't find an exact document for Q#6 on a quick search, although it is covered as part of content policies. if the specific document still exists (I do remember reading it at some point) I believe it's a FAQ, and while that would technically make the document itself outside the agreement, the terms are covered in general in the documents you do agree to

and I seem to have misnumbered the CS topis.... they should have been 5 not 6... whoops corrected above

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...there is a statement about profiles in the Adult Content Faq, I overlooked it because I remember it as part of a different document with more details (which may no longer exist).

so my summation was right... the specific statement isn't in the ToS but the general terms are covered

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CS: 6

Second Life is an adult community, but "Adult" content, activity and communication are not permitted on the Second Life "mainland."[...]
[...] Other regions may be designated as either "Moderate" or "General." [...]


CS: Global Standards / Local Ratings:

All areas of Second Life, including the www.secondlife.com website and the Second Life Forums, adhere to the same Community Standards. Regions within Second Life are noted as Safe or Unsafe and should be designated by the SL account holder as either "Adult," "Moderate" or "General." Resident behavior within each region must conform to the respective local rating.


ToS 4.1

[...] "Second Life" or the "Service" is the multi-user online service offered by Linden Lab and includes the Websites, Servers, Linden Software, Linden In-World Content, and User Content.[...]

[...] "Websites" are the websites and services available from the domain and subdomains of http://secondlife.com and http://marketplace.secondlife.com and any related or successor domains from which Linden Lab may offer services. [...]


the first sets up that all regions have maturity rating (without ever naming a specific regions rating)

the second sets up that the "website" also may be considered a region, or at the very least that maturity policies apply (again without ever stating a specific rating)

the next two define "secondlife", and "website"


given that all profiles are on the website (though some users may not be aware that even old school profiles had a website), whatever the locally defined maturity level, that's what applies (regardless of where the rating appears)

you could take it a step farther and say whatever can be displayed on a region (as content accessed from that region) must meet that regions maturity requirements. and since profiles can be access from all regions, lowest common denominator. none of that is particularly clear to a casual read of the ToS documents, so a faq was added (probably in the wrong place, IMO)


if you want to get REALLY weaselly you could just point to
ToS 8-1:
You agree to abide by certain rules of conduct, including the Community Standards and other rules prohibiting illegal and other practices that Linden Lab deems harmful.


but that's just mean.

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:: nods :: I hadn't actually considered the case of the SLUMS, but yeah, that would seem to be the case...


which raises an interesting but minor inconsistency.... Region descriptions are on the web too =X


I do believe they are trying to move towards moderate for profiles, or at least avoid dealing with ratings complaints on them since they haven't turned off the search filters for profiles even after they were noted, and instead adding the information on search rating them to the search faq.... along with optionally hiding portions of the profile even inworld.

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lol someone asked me what I thought the point of you post was, I should've put money on it.


1 and 2 are not in conflict because LL define their meaning of "adult" in maturity ratings.

3 and 4 are not in conflict because the ToS says that sub documents override it in specific cases.

7 and 8 are not in conflict because one applies to rules on the service and the other applies to the realities of the world.


I tossed the thread a bone with the inconsistency I noted, which is probably minor in the grand scheme since it IS a region parameter, so falls under those rules... I'm sure it's not the only one though.

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