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How Many Prims did you save with 64 meter prims?

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IM kind of interested to hear,  how many prims  people are saveing with these bigger prims.

 For example last  night i rolled up my sleves, and started redoing my 2 sims, i have 2 sims side by side. Its a business center 36 offices 4 meeting rooms and a large conference hall. There large buildings, the one build the main hallway  goes from one end of sim to other,and with roads side walks and so on, No fast way to do it ,resizeing the ajusting textures, but still fun.with my first run at changeing things over still alot more to do . the one sim saved over  600 prims and there is alot left to redo re design and so forth. I can see real saveings here, then to the real saveings later   when i redo the furnishings to mesh, since furnishings are the major prim useage.

For me more prims means i can offer more personal prims to each renter, and or more offices to rent , more money  in pocket.

So ,

1 how many prims have you saved ?

2 how are these larger prims effecting your  land or sim,(res time,lag , ect.)

3 Are  ya haven fun yet :P

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None yet... but I know there is a ton of savings to be had... just haven't got around to it yet.

Replacing all the little 10 meter wooden slats that support my mountaintop shop with 64 meter long solid support beams... easily a couple hundred prims to be saved there.

There's significant prim savings by rebuilding things with mesh too.

Replacing the geodesic LOLO dome & old propeller engines with better-looking mesh versions will save like 300-400 prims there.

Replacing my display kiosks with more interesting mesh displays that use less prims... maybe another 100 or so...

All on my to do list for sure... yay for prim savings! :smileyvery-happy:

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I went through and replaced just the walkways on a region I managed quite some time ago with megas... saved a couple hundred prims... no noticeable effects on anything (except the land owers mailbox who couldn't understand why he was getting flooded with return messages bu couldn't tell why since all the pieces seemed fine.)

going back and replacing them with 64m resizables would about quadruple their current count,but still be a net savings of over a hundred on the originals

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WADE1 Jya wrote:

None yet... but I know there is
a ton of savings
to be had... just haven't got around to it yet.

Replacing all the little 10 meter wooden slats that support my mountaintop shop with 64 meter long solid support beams... easily a couple hundred prims to be saved there.

Why didn't you use mega prims a long time ago?

For many purposes, large mesh prims have no advantages over megaprims.

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I am at that stage where I have plenty of prims (I won't for long) so I haven't been doing much to save them, but I can see where pretty much my whole store building can be redone, although I have used a lot of megas already.

But this is the important thing for me: prim size limitations, for both regular and megas, has dictated a lot of how I have designed my houses. Now, those are gone! I have spent time today beginning the first of many renovations on my houses -- it will probably save me a few prims but mostly will allow me to build them the way I would have to begin with if I hadn't had the size constraints.

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I've always been pretty good at keeping primcounts down, so I had a list of things ready for replacing the moment 64m prims arrived. I've probably saved around 200 or more prims on the quarter sim floating island I've been working on, just by making larger prims where I previously could not use the more limited "megaprims" we've been stuck with all these years.


 And I'm one of the very few people who build to scale in SL, which had already saved me tonnes of prims in my work. Those who build larger will be able to save a lot more thanks to the new extended prim sizes.

 I haven't noticed much of an affect on rez time or lag. I doubt we'll see much as people will immediately make use of all those prims they're saving, so the reduced prim and polygon counts won't last.

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Jevon's Paradox....  the more efficient you make the use of a resource, the more demand will be placed on that resource...

there's a corollary in computing laws about programs always growing in size/complexity the more resources are available to the point of requiring more than is reasonably available at the time

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Void Singer wrote:

Jevon's Paradox....  the more efficient you make the use of a resource, the more demand will be placed on that resource...

there's a corollary in computing laws about programs always growing in size/complexity the more resources are available to the point of requiring more than is reasonably available at the time


Disclaimer, I've been up all night and I really should be either dead or passed out now.


 I'm not certain this applies, at least not in the way it's written.


 If I replace 16 prims with a single sculpt and then add 15 more sculpts in the freed up space...then yes. Becauyse sculpted prims use far more polygons per prim.


 On the other hand, if I tak a 20x20m floor made of four 10x10m prims and replace it with a single 20x20m prim and build a shelf out of the 3 boxes I made then that's still more efficient use but there's no increase of rendering power required.

 If I repalkce a house with a single mesh that is 1/4th the prim equivailence, and also 1/8th the polygons there's a...you know...I'm gonna go lay down.

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But land has a set number of prims. If you have a 900 prim parcel and you're able to cut 200 prims because of the new 64m limit, then you put those prims back to work as additional detail, you're still only using 900 prims.

To your hardware and the SL servers alike, a cube is a cube, regardless of whether you use it as part of the floor, or part of a nightstand.

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my point isn't that it would exceed the lands limits, but ultimately drive a desire for more land. similar to how computer programs push up to the limit of what a machine can handle, you get a new machine that can handle it easier, or multiple such programs, then they come out with newer programs that push the new limits.... etc ad astra

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Oh! That I agree with. That's actually one of the reasons I just have to shake my head when people suggest LL intentionally encourages larger avatars and intentionally hiked up mesh primcosts to try and sell more land. 

No one has ever found success in intentionally sabotaging their product to be less useful.

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