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Looking for Thinkers, Inspirers, People Who Are "Looking To Move Forward".

Murdoch Bekes

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I mean, this is an odd topic for one thing. But I too suppose it is a "people gatherer". I want to meet people who like to think differently from others, basically people who get things done. People too who have had experience to know how to create their ideas as one would a pound of clay, trying to make a perfected piece of art. I want to gather these people and try to do some really incredible things in second life, maybe make a few new friends along the way ^^

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Murdoch Bekes wrote:

I want to meet
people who like to think differently
from others, basically people who get things done.

Me too. Sounds like an old Apple advertisement:

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. - Apple Inc.



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Thinking Different.pngIshy, I know I think differently from others... or was I just hoping I did... maybe I don't... but wait everybody does, right?  What was the question again?

Sorry Mr Bekes, not trying to mock the question it's just that I always get a snicker out of Ishy's comments.  Maybe Willow will even show up to make me smile.

Amazing, skilled, and inspiring characters are all over SL.  If you don't have any luck in the forums just hike around some sandboxes for a while.  Enjoy your endeavors!

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Oh no no no, I'd never take advantage of anyone. I just merely want to find people like me, talkative and yes...slightly crazy :)

I'm just trying to find people on here other then the first comers, people passionate for the arts, science, music, etc. Someone very "down to Earth."

I too try to find people who like to create, as said buy the subject, people who don't really give up on what they believe in.People who give up to easily on things and their own beliefs are not really "strong people", thus from my own experience a bit harder to get to know and not really express themselves. 

And I too want to find builders, I like to see what they make, share projects that I have built and perhaps collaborate on a few. I know it seems very strange that I'm saying this, but I find that making things on Second Life is fun. And being able to talk to another creator and get their insight on specific things is just like one artist talking to another, critiquing each other's work.

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I'll try to keep this updated, but I'll be honest I'm just throwing these posts of mine at the wall here to see what sticks...I think that was a right metaphor to use, I have no idea. I don't know if this will develop into something but if it does I'd like it to come out with good intentions. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lanas Criss wrote:

Amazing, skilled, and inspiring characters are all over SL.  If you don't have any luck in the forums just hike around some sandboxes for a while.  Enjoy your endeavors!

So true.I still believe more then 60% of all users are the creative ones. I found out when talking with some peoples that others who dont build often get very bored unless they are any member of a cool location or have friends and love to hang around in SL. But I belive in most cases the users who stay, stay because there is so much posibility, And those who find that out are the creative ones.

Btw, you said Sandbox.. I completely agree here.

From time to time I hang around on sandboxes as well. At least if my project is to huge to build it on my parcel. I met so much friendly and creative peoples on these locations and I also must say I was able to gather tons of know how just because I met someone on sandboxes. I guess I learned a lot there because peoples like to share know how. Most of them.

So apart from meeting griefers there, the chance is very high to meet inspired and creative "thinkers" there. I just can agree here. :)



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