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Murdoch Bekes

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Everything posted by Murdoch Bekes

  1. I'll try to keep this updated, but I'll be honest I'm just throwing these posts of mine at the wall here to see what sticks...I think that was a right metaphor to use, I have no idea. I don't know if this will develop into something but if it does I'd like it to come out with good intentions.
  2. I actually found that quite funny, I own a lot of Apple products by the way
  3. Oh no no no, I'd never take advantage of anyone. I just merely want to find people like me, talkative and yes...slightly crazy I'm just trying to find people on here other then the first comers, people passionate for the arts, science, music, etc. Someone very "down to Earth." I too try to find people who like to create, as said buy the subject, people who don't really give up on what they believe in.People who give up to easily on things and their own beliefs are not really "strong people", thus from my own experience a bit harder to get to know and not really express themselves. And I too want to find builders, I like to see what they make, share projects that I have built and perhaps collaborate on a few. I know it seems very strange that I'm saying this, but I find that making things on Second Life is fun. And being able to talk to another creator and get their insight on specific things is just like one artist talking to another, critiquing each other's work.
  4. I mean, this is an odd topic for one thing. But I too suppose it is a "people gatherer". I want to meet people who like to think differently from others, basically people who get things done. People too who have had experience to know how to create their ideas as one would a pound of clay, trying to make a perfected piece of art. I want to gather these people and try to do some really incredible things in second life, maybe make a few new friends along the way ^^
  5. Bleh, never mind about this forum, I'm going to close it once I find my way around the forum options. I've moved on from this, found out these people were trolls, good at it too to fool a "smart" person like me, haha.
  6. Well, I'll be crossing my fingers then. Although, this was no mod. copy, or transfer I see no harm in doing so. I told the person that I gave it to what it does, and she knows that. Being no trans. there will be no harm done to any other resident other then herself, and she is aware of that that. And second guessing this person is not even involved in this "dispute". But thank you for your concern, i've already taken the advice of others and muted all that were involved and I'm now venturing out and reaching towards new clients etc.
  7. It isn't really against TOS since it's on RLV slave collars etc., such as the spy security menu in the collar and or a sim spy to check for any griefing etc. Which are all used in and is allowed for selling SL 2.0.
  8. It isn't really against TOS since it's on RLV slave collars etc., such as the spy security menu in the collar and or a sim spy to check for any griefing etc. Which are all used in and is allowed for selling SL 2.0.
  9. The only thing I had mentioned to one of these residents was the use of a "spy" object that sends a specified resident in-world conversations. But this was only for the use of the person I had given it to. Not in any act of revenge/drama, or anything of the sort. They possibly cannot use this against me. At least I don't think it will be, the object was no copy, modify or transfer.
  10. Username: Murdoch Bekes Hello, I have been getting banning threats from 4 miscellaneous users (I can't obviously post all of them on the fourm) . Is there anyway to stop this from happening? There is no definitive reason for these people wanting to ban me, but they have told me that they are going to do it under the reason of possible hacking and or "grieving". This is not the case, nor any other reason for them wanting to ban me. I'm far to busy with my "company" on Second Life and my Real Life job as a Private Pilot to even worry about such things as hacking etc. So, again, if there is any possible way in which anyone can help me that would be fantastic.From,MB
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