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Is it bad to have 1 outfit....?

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Yes pretty much what Ceres and Keli said, it makes me think they need a shower and need to wash their clothes if they only have one outfit.

I vote for you getting at least four to five other suits, so you look clean and fresh.

But who are we really to vote for you?  We can only give you our opinion, but the no changing thing makes me think of get them there stinky clothes off, throw 'em in the wash, and put something clean and crisp on.

Why don't you change into jeans and a white shirt once in awhile if I may ask?  Nothing sexier than a man in jeans and crisp clean white shirt, imo.  Just pretend it's casual Friday.  Why not?  You haven't given us a reason as to why not change, Kolby? 

ETA:  In your OP you asked how many outfits we have.  I have hundreds, that can turn into hundreds more because I mix and match and create my own sort of outfit most of the time.  I rarely wear an outfit that came from one folder; my outfits usually come from at least 4-5 differing folders.  I love making my own sort of creation that way. 

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but if you visit RL beachs that are in popular locations you are bound to eventually. In SL it's not as if they're sweating... and not all beaches are warm and tropical. But even past that, why should a virtual environment mirror RL is my question. The needs are not the same so why should the behavior or social mores be the same?

it's not a condemnation, just curiosity about why some people expect it.

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When you jump off a platform you drop down, unless you fly but even that is understood to be flying. When the sun rises we see the virtual world light up. When you walk you walk on the ground. When you converse with people the both of you talk about the subject at hand. You wear your hair on your head. All of these realities we know of in RL we simply accept. Why not accept the expected norms of dressing? Will it be the only thing that people don't observe?

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I don't think that one familiar analog necessitate the others personally, but that's me. I did note that you compared RL things we have no control over (gravity, sun rising) to things that we do have control over. heck in SL we even have control over the sun! (gravity is a little harder, and requires scripting, but it's possible)

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Void Singer wrote:

but if you visit RL beachs that are in popular locations you are bound to eventually. In SL it's not as if they're sweating... and not all beaches are warm and tropical. But even past that, why should a virtual environment mirror RL is my question. The needs are not the same so why should the behavior or social mores be the same?

it's not a condemnation, just curiosity about why some people expect it.

for immersion i believe, sure you can do anything in a suit, just like you could in RL.

but say you go to a beach, everyone else is wearing shorts etc, you tp there with a suit on and immediately you look out of place.

also people will lose their immersion, so its quite rude really, a lot of beaches try to enforce a dress code exactly for this.


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I don't know if it is bad or not, but don't you get tired of seeing your avatar in the same clothes and with the same hair all the time? I know I would. Thus I have a bunch of clothes to pick from when I feel like it. Sometimes less than once a day, and sometimes more.

- Luc -

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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Void Singer wrote:

but if you visit RL beachs that are in popular locations you are bound to eventually. In SL it's not as if they're sweating... and not all beaches are warm and tropical. But even past that, why should a virtual environment mirror RL is my question. The needs are not the same so why should the behavior or social mores be the same?

it's not a condemnation, just curiosity about why some people expect it.

for immersion i believe, sure you can do anything in a suit, just like you could in RL.

but say you go to a beach, everyone else is wearing shorts etc, you tp there with a suit on and immediately you look out of place.

also people will lose their immersion, so its quite rude really, a lot of beaches try to enforce a dress code exactly for this.

and if the point is to look out of place? or to keep a certain standard of appearance? I'll agree that it's rude if there is a stated rule against it, or the owner requires it, but otherwise, just like in RL I feel no personal pressure to dress like I crawled out of a garbage bin when entering a Wal Mart store, just because most of the people there do (not all thankfully, but it's a scary trend)

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Void Singer wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Void Singer wrote:

but if you visit RL beachs that are in popular locations you are bound to eventually. In SL it's not as if they're sweating... and not all beaches are warm and tropical. But even past that, why should a virtual environment mirror RL is my question. The needs are not the same so why should the behavior or social mores be the same?

it's not a condemnation, just curiosity about why some people expect it.

for immersion i believe, sure you can do anything in a suit, just like you could in RL.

but say you go to a beach, everyone else is wearing shorts etc, you tp there with a suit on and immediately you look out of place.

also people will lose their immersion, so its quite rude really, a lot of beaches try to enforce a dress code exactly for this.

and if the point is to look out of place? or to keep a certain standard of appearance? I'll agree that it's rude if there is a stated rule against it, or the owner requires it, but otherwise, just like in RL I feel no personal pressure to dress like I crawled out of a garbage bin when entering a Wal Mart store, just because most of the people there do (not all thankfully, but it's a scary trend)

well maybe its because you are better than the rest?

i have never been inside a walmart but personally i wear my best suit  when shopping for dogfood at tesco's.

shame on the poor and tasteless lower classes.

how dare they go shopping in normal clothes.


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I'm not talking about normal clothes, I'm talking about things you'd expect urchins to be wearing on people with 30k new cars, and accessories worth as much or more than most peoples monthly shopping allowance. You don't live here so I don't expect you to realize. it's as they purposely pick the dirtiest, raggediest things they were just getting ready to throw away to wear there... but when you see these same people out an about other places, they have on average clothes or work attire that is much cleaner and well presented.

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

well maybe its because you are better than the rest?

that's really sweet of you to say, but if you knew my income, or my normal attire, I'm sure you'd never suggest that. I certainly don't.


but none of that is the point I was trying to get at.... which is do we have to live up to other peoples RL social expectations in a virtual environment? obviously there is some price for violating expectations, but all I'm arguing is there is also a price for ignoring our own wants or needs too. It's highlighted by the lack of certain practical considerations that don't exist in SL.

Simply put, those social expectations should be reevaluated to consider the current circumstances. and I find it odd that so few people do, and was trying to suss out why not.

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Void Singer wrote:

I'm not talking about normal clothes, I'm talking about things you'd expect urchins to be wearing on people with 30k new cars, and accessories worth as much or more than most peoples monthly shopping allowance. You don't live here so I don't expect you to realize. it's as they purposely pick the dirtiest, raggediest things they were just getting ready to throw away to wear there... but when you see these same people out an about other places, they have on average clothes or work attire that is much cleaner and well presented.

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

well maybe its because you are better than the rest?

that's really sweet of you to say, but if you knew my income, or my normal attire, I'm sure you'd
suggest that. I certainly don't.


but none of that is the point I was trying to get at.... which is do we have to live up to other peoples RL social expectations in a virtual environment? obviously there is some price for violating expectations, but all I'm arguing is there is also a price for ignoring our own wants or needs too. It's highlighted by the lack of certain practical considerations that don't exist in SL.

Simply put, those social expectations should be reevaluated to consider the current circumstances. and I find it odd that so few people do, and was trying to suss out why not.

isnt it about fitting in to a certain extent?

some extremes, but going to a club with a sword or a darth vadar avatar,

going to a tiny sim or gor as a normal avatar.

going to a SL church as an animal.

nude on g rated land.

the list could go on.

kinda wrecks the immersion as i said before.

just like RL you dont want to look so far out of place you would be commented on, unless you are a shameless exhibitionist and a fool.


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still doesn't answer my question... why not challenge preconceived notions, some of which are largely based on practical RL criteria?

is humanity so inured to herd/pack behavior that it not only won't challenge things that no longer have a logical basis, but won't even notice? is social inertia really so strong that it's reduced imagination to reflections of RL circumstance? I personally like to think not. after all, most users accept the ability to fly in SL without much thought at all.

as I said, I'm just curious about what limits people are placing on themselves (and others), and why. Is conformity really that strong? if so, why is that strong? There isn't any wrong answer to those questions, but asking them leads to figuring out the positive and negative aspects, letting us discard the negative and embrace the positive.

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Void Singer wrote:

still doesn't answer my question... why not challenge preconceived notions, some of which are largely based on practical RL criteria?

is humanity so inured to herd/pack behavior that it not only won't challenge things that no longer have a logical basis, but won't even notice? is social inertia really so strong that it's reduced imagination to reflections of RL circumstance? I personally like to think not. after all, most users accept the ability to fly in SL without much thought at all.

as I said, I'm just curious about what limits people are placing on themselves (and others), and why. Is conformity really that strong? if so, why is that strong? There isn't any wrong answer to those questions, but asking them leads to figuring out the positive and negative aspects, letting us discard the negative and embrace the positive.

why challenge RL contraints?

dress up as a clown and go shopping at walmart.

go swimming in the park duckpond.

eat cats.

drive a car that looks like a giraffe.

its about finding those like you, personally i cant be bothered with robots or animals, children or other wierdo's, in SL.

life is too short.

who wants friends who you have absolutely nothing in common with.

are we not attracted to commonality in the end?



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Dogboat Taurog wrote:

[...] its about finding those like you [...]

 and how do you know who is like you if you spend all your time being like everyone else?


don't get me wrong, it's possible that being like everyone else is who you are, or even more basic everyone else is like who you are. But just because a person doesn't share one thing in common, doesn't mean they have no things in common... it's the differences that make it interesting. after all how many people could honestly say they'd want to date themselves? pretty sure most heterosexuals would object to that, and we'd probably question the ones that didn't =)

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Void Singer wrote:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

[...] its about finding those like you [...]

 and how do you know who is like you if you spend all your time being like everyone else?


don't get me wrong, it's possible that being like everyone else is who you are, or even more basic everyone else is like who you are. But just because a person doesn't share one thing in common, doesn't mean they have no things in common... it's the differences that make it interesting. after all how many people could honestly say they'd want to date themselves? pretty sure most heterosexuals would object to that, and we'd probably question the ones that didn't =)

there are more subtle forces at work here, i'm not the same as everyone else, i have my own criteria.

i guess i'm quite fussy but i can afford to be, i dont need or want to compromise and i dont need 1000 phoney friends on facebook to bolster my self esteem. i'm not here to collect friends.

someone dressed as an animal or robot suit is just pathetic,  anyone can buy a chipmunk suit,

being real takes more effort. children avs are at least wierd and quite possibly perverts so they are definately out at first glance.



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seems like a rather cold and staid world you live in to me. where's the fun? the wonder? the imagination? the exploration?

I'm actually a bit shocked that you find any draw to SL at all given those perceptions. Myself personally I find many more "real" people in the groups you seem to despise, than among those who choose to be exclusively human (modern or otherwise) which is sadly drenched in near identical barbie dolls and g.i. joes...not that those are bad in and of themselves, but it's definitely monotonous.

Me, I fit into every category you descibedfrom anthropomoric leapord librarian, to child genius in the steam era, and mor than a few beyond, such as my robotic dance queen, a poor bohemien artist that also happens to be a patchwork frankenstien-esque person, a bored modern goth (that I've mostly retired because of bloodlines ruining the scene), a monochrome classical roman faun (late era), and even a flicker ball of black lights... sometimes they are characters to play, but in general they are all the "real" me (which I have another avatar for, which most people would consider very plain, dowdy even).

are they all "real" in the sense they exist in the physical world.... of course not, that's silly. but they are "real" in the sense that they personify aspects of my RL personality, as a form following function representation; something that the real world can't lay claim to much as we'd like to believe bright and shiny means good and dark and worn means bad.

I am quite happy with who I am, despite an perceived imperfections (by others or even myself), and I would hope others are happy with themselves too. If you can say that to yourself with honesty, then you've done something right IMO. I do think though that the limits you've placed on others has cut you off from a lot of people that'd you'd otherwise get along famously with.

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Void Singer wrote:

seems like a rather cold and staid world you live in to me. where's the fun? the wonder? the imagination? the exploration?

I'm actually a bit shocked that you find any draw to SL at all given those perceptions. Myself personally I find many more "real" people in the groups you seem to despise, than among those who choose to be exclusively human (modern or otherwise) which is sadly drenched in near identical barbie dolls and g.i. joes...not that those are bad in and of themselves, but it's definitely monotonous.

Me, I fit into every category you descibedfrom anthropomoric leapord librarian, to child genius in the steam era, and mor than a few beyond, such as my robotic dance queen, a poor bohemien artist that also happens to be a patchwork frankenstien-esque person, a bored modern goth (that I've mostly retired because of bloodlines ruining the scene), a monochrome classical roman faun (late era), and even a flicker ball of black lights... sometimes they are characters to play, but in general they are all the "real" me (which I have another avatar for, which most people would consider very plain, dowdy even).

are they all "real" in the sense they exist in the physical world.... of course not, that's silly. but they are "real" in the sense that they personify aspects of my RL personality, as a form following function representation; something that the real world can't lay claim to much as we'd like to believe bright and shiny means good and dark and worn means bad.

I am quite happy with who I am, despite an perceived imperfections (by others or even myself), and I would hope others are happy with themselves too. If you can say that to yourself with honesty, then you've done something right IMO. I do think though that the limits you've placed on others has cut you off from a lot of people that'd you'd otherwise get along famously with.

i'm a bohemian, but that takes effort, its not just turning on a personality at the flick of a switch.

for most who are extreme in their looks or actions its just cheap vanity and childishness.

great you got a rabbit suit, that makes you a rabbit and ooh so cute.

omg you got a carrot too, ooh how we laughed at your inventiveness and ingenuity.


i came to SL to find people, i found a lot of retards.


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well what can I say, I have a lot of personality... too much apparently to be held in one one avatar.... some might call that a bad thing.


below is quoted for posterity:

Dogboat Taurog wrote:

Void Singer wrote:

seems like a rather cold and staid world you live in to me. where's the fun? the wonder? the imagination? the exploration?

I'm actually a bit shocked that you find any draw to SL at all given those perceptions. Myself personally I find many more "real" people in the groups you seem to despise, than among those who choose to be exclusively human (modern or otherwise) which is sadly drenched in near identical barbie dolls and g.i. joes...not that those are bad in and of themselves, but it's definitely monotonous.

Me, I fit into every category you descibedfrom anthropomoric leapord librarian, to child genius in the steam era, and mor than a few beyond, such as my robotic dance queen, a poor bohemien artist that also happens to be a patchwork frankenstien-esque person, a bored modern goth (that I've mostly retired because of bloodlines ruining the scene), a monochrome classical roman faun (late era), and even a flicker ball of black lights... sometimes they are characters to play, but in general they are all the "real" me (which I have another avatar for, which most people would consider very plain, dowdy even).

are they all "real" in the sense they exist in the physical world.... of course not, that's silly. but they are "real" in the sense that they personify aspects of my RL personality, as a form following function representation; something that the real world can't lay claim to much as we'd like to believe bright and shiny means good and dark and worn means bad.

I am quite happy with who I am, despite an perceived imperfections (by others or even myself), and I would hope others are happy with themselves too. If you can say that to yourself with honesty, then you've done something right IMO. I do think though that the limits you've placed on others has cut you off from a lot of people that'd you'd otherwise get along famously with.

i'm a bohemian, but that takes effort, its not just turning on a personality at the flick of a switch.

for most who are extreme in their looks or actions its just cheap vanity and childishness.

great you got a rabbit suit, that makes you a rabbit and ooh so cute.

omg you got a carrot too, ooh how we laughed at your inventiveness and ingenuity.


i came to SL to find people, i found a lot of retards.


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