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Dancing, Multiple Avatars, HUD, Beachwood, How can I? lol


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Sorry if this topic has been broached before, the search I did was crazy insane for weird results. The Subject is more a bunch of keywords for the next person that ends up searching for what I am.

While I'm only a week and a bit old (in SL) I stumbled across some very amazing sims. One, Beachwood is a huge favourite of mine. Good dance music and live DJs etc. Since I'm not selling the place to anyone, I'll leave it at that. However, one of things Beachwood has are 2 dance screens. Male and Female, depending on your gender (or preference I guess) you touch a screen and it offers to animate your character in quite a few different dances. Really awesome. My partner and I like to go dance there, but the male and female dances don't really "go" together if you know what I mean.

Then we noticed that there were groups of 2 or more people dancing the same dance in sync with each other! It was really awesome. After much Googling I found we needed something called a Dance HUD. I looked a few up and even found some in SL that I could demo. The demos that had the ability to invite people had built-in dances, that were not.. umm.. good. I played w/ one that had 70 dances, of which I'd probably only keep 5 of. Someone gave me a free Dance HUD that was empty but required me to wear a ball on my hip.. it doesn't look good w/ my outfit. My point being... At a dance session in Beachwood the Hostess shared something that allowed my Avatar to sync dancing w/ her and others. Sadly I'm uncomfortable IMing strangers so I never asked her what it was. Stupidly I didn't even take note of her name to IM her offline, it's killin me.

So the moral of my story? I'm looking for a dance HUD that is mainly empty, doesn't attach to my body in some weird way, will allow me to import dance moves that I purchase, and will allow me at the very least to invite my partner to dance so she and I can dance in sync with each other. Oh, cheap would be awesome too! lol.


Thanks for reading, and for any help.



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If you've got 950L to spare, go to henmations.

Best dance HUD in my opinion. And heck out the dances there too. All motion capture so you move very naturally - and in many different styles. Another good place to get motion capture dances is Sine Wave. Both have very large sections of female, male, either, and couple dances. Sine Wave has the best for couple dances though, in my opinion. Not all of them are romantic. Some are partners in a routine, one even a dance fight 'competition'.

As for the screen you folks were using. Many clubs also have balls floating in the air - the popular Intan system So if you hit a place without the screen, look for pink and blue spinning balls somewhere in the area - large ones, not the small ones people sit on.

I like the Intans more than the screens because they cancycle through the dances, and don't just stick to one.


A dance HUD like the Henmations one has all of the syncing options, but is not worn on the body - its a HUD and works by the owner inviting people and then setting their dance and whether or not to sync them. Just a matter of preference whether you like that, or the worn Chimera approach.



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Or use a Chimera... All you need to do is wear it somewhere on your body, set it to invisible and just tap that part of your body whenever you want to dance. Other people can do the same thing and you all will dance in sync. Probably not as cool as a HUD but this one is free and installation is easy. You can add any dance you want.

If you want a free Chimera, go to some of the clubs in SL sometimes they have it on display for free. The one that I can remember was Junkyard Blues. But i'm not sure if you have to pay or not but it was really cheap, like 1L or 10L max. ... Maybe free too.

Look me up inworld I may have something for you.

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I have been around sl for a long time and have run into people dancing in sync with each other typically they are using a Chimera (you can find on on Xstreet) and generally using quality dance animations (Sine Wave makes some very good dances). My best advice take a day ( a bunch of lindens) search around for mocap dances and go to Sine Wave to look for dance you and your partner enjoy dancing to. Sl is infantly customizeable for everyone. 

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Dance animations have come on leaps and bounds over the last couple of years. There are some great ones out there now. I have a personal preference for Akeyo but there are plenty of other places worth checking out too. It's easy to drop them into either a HUD or chim. If you own land you might like to consider getting an intan dance ball to load with dances too. If you think that you may want to do this, check the permissions on the dances you're buying. Transferable dances may be cheaper than copyable dances but can't be used in a both a HUD/chim and an intan dance ball. Happy hunting!

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I use a hud from Animazoo, when i got it (it was a while ago) it was around 100L and empty, soif you have any spare money then shop around and find some good dances to put into it. Once worn you can click on it on screen and it pops open a menu with a lot of options including allowing you to invite anyone that is in a certain distance around you. You can also stop individual people to so pretty good if i do say so myself, I use this in any club including Beachwood and Gol.

Oh and it also syncs itself !!


If you need any more info then gimme a shout in world and i will be happy to help :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Thank you all very much for your replies. It is quite a ... well, zoo out there when it comes to dance HUDs and the like. lol. It's been a bit overwhelming as you have all made great suggestions. In my travels I've also come across AOs too... I'm finding my enjoyment of SL increasing, so many ways to make your toon your own. :)

The point of this message was just to say thanks though, I didn't want anyone to think their advice was unappreciated, or not checked out.



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  • 1 year later...

Dear friend,



After read your post,I am sure you are looking for this hud "dance with me galaxy"


this is best hud,made by one prims only, you can do sysc dancer too

and the great things about it,it comes with 259 dance inside it

and you can even add your own dance


I have been using this hud from long time,

Follow Link Best dance hud in sl Dance with me Galaxy


Thank you:matte-motes-bashful-cute:


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